Introduserende lesestoff og referansemateriale (bl a norske fagplaner)
NB: Det kan bli endringer av artikler i kopisamlingen
Alderson, J. CH: Assessing reading, 2001. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ch. 1,2,3,4,7,8,9 (280 pp.).
Simensen, A.M. 1998.Teaching a Foreign Language. Principles and Procedures. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. (Hele boka forutsatt studert i PPU i den integrerte fem?rige lektorutdanningen; 15-127 og 265-277 av spesiell relevans for dette emnet.)
Buck, K. (ed.) 1989. The ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview. Tester Training Manual. Ch. 3 and 5. Yonkers. NY: The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and/or more updated information about the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines on the Internet.
Council of Europe. 2001. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University. (Utdrag; 177-196, evt. hentet fra Internett ) (19pp).
English. Commom general subject for all areas of study. Curriculum for Upper Secondary Education. 1993. (R94). Oslo: The Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs.
English. The Curriculum for the 10-year Compulsory School in Norway. 1999. (L97). Oslo: The Royal Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs. (237-246; evt. hentet fra Internett )
Luoma, S: Assessing Speaking, 2004. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Read, J: Assessing Vocabulary, 2000. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Test instuments such as: TOEFL, DIALANG, Norwegian tests for 10th grade and for The foundation course in Upper Secondary School, "nasjonale pr?ver i engelsk"
Weigle, S.C: Assessing Writing, 2002. Cambridge: Cambrigde University Press. (268 pp).
Brown, J.D. 1996. Testing in Language Programs. Ch. 1 og 2. London: Prentice-Hall International. (1-48). (Out of print; 45 pp.)
Oscarson, M. 1997. Self-assessment of foreign and second language proficiency. In C. Clapman and D. Corson (eds.) Encyclopedia of Language and Educaton. Volume 7 Language Testing and Assessment. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. (175-187) (11 pp.)
Buck, G. 1997. The testing of listening in a second language. In C. Clapman and D. Corson (eds.) Encyklopedia of Language and Educatioon. Volume 7 Language Testing and Assessment. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. (65-74) (8 pp)
Byram, M. 1997. Ch. 5. Assessment. Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd. (87-111) (28 pp)
Fulcher, G. 1997. The testing of speaking in a second language. In C. Clapman and D. Corson (eds.) Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Volume 7 Language Testing and Assessment. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. (78-85) (9 pp)
Read, J. 1997. Ch. 10. Assessing vocabulary in a second language. . In C. Clapman and D. Corson (eds.) Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Volume 7 Language Testing and Assessment. Dordrecht. Kluwer Academic Publishers. (99-107) (9 pp)
Read, J. 2000. Ch. 5. Vocabulary tests: four case studies. Assessing Vocubulary: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (117-149) (32 pp.)
Andreas Lund: Mind, Culture, and Activity