Oppgavetekst og vurderingskriterier

Eksamensordningen i EDID4002 – Basic skills in English

The exam is a term paper (1400–1800 words) on the student’s chosen basic skill(s) for specialisation. The obligatory oral presentation needs to be passed to be able to hand in the written assignment for the exam.

Detailed information

In the obligatory written term paper you will present and discuss an English language skill (listening, speaking, reading, writing, or digital skills) in relation to teaching English in lower and/or upper secondary school in Norway. This exam paper will show your knowledge of educational policy documents and English didactic theory and research, and will allow you to specialise in one or more basic skill(s) of interest. The term paper should be 1400–1800 words (excl. reference list), and will include theoretical framing, discussions of previous research and/or analyses of the English subject curriculum. The genre of the text will be discussed in the beginning of the course with the seminar leaders.

Criteria of assessment


UiOs definisjon

Fagspesifikke kriterier


Fremragende prestasjon som klart utmerker seg. Kandidaten viser sv?rt god vurderingsevne og stor grad av selvstendighet.

The term paper is excellent. The candidate exhibits very good overview and understanding of themes related to basic skills in English. Syllabus texts are used independently and critically in the discussion. The term paper is clear, precise and well structured, with relevant subject-specific understanding and use of key terms and concepts.


Meget god prestasjon. Kandidaten viser meget god vurderingsevne og selvstendighet.

The term paper is very good. The candidate exhibits very good overview and understanding of themes related to basic skills in English. Syllabus texts are used independently and to some degree critically in the discussion. The term paper is clear and well structured, with relevant understanding and use of key terms and concepts.


Jevnt god prestasjon som er tilfredsstillende p? de fleste omr?der. Kandidaten viser god vurderingsevne og selvstendighet p? de viktigste omr?dene.

The term paper is generally good. The candidate exhibits good overview and understanding of themes related to basic skills in English. Syllabus texts are used independently in the discussion. The term paper is clear and well structured, and key terms are relevant most of the time.


En akseptabel prestasjon med noen vesentlige mangler. Kandidaten viser en viss grad av vurderingsevne og selvstendighet.

In the term paper the candidate exhibits basic understanding of central themes related to basic skills in English, but shows signs of lacking overview. Main points from syllabus texts are presented with a certain degree of independence. The term paper is understandable, but imprecise and not very well structured.


Prestasjonen tilfredsstiller minimums-kravene, men heller ikke mer. Kandidaten viser liten vurderingsevne og selvstendighet.

The term paper meets the minimum requirements. The candidate exhibits some knowledge and understanding of the most central themes related to basic skills in English, but lacks overview. Main points from syllabus texts are presented in a descriptive manner. The term paper is mainly understandable, but shows some mistakes or aspects of misunderstanding.


Prestasjon som ikke tilfredsstiller de faglige minimums-kravene. Kandidaten viser b?de manglende vurderingsevne og selvstendighet.

The term paper does not meet the minimum requirements. The candidate exhibits no or very limited knowledge and understanding of themes related to basic skills in English. If syllabus texts are referred to,  the content is mainly copied or paraphrased. The term paper is unclear and characterised by mistakes and misunderstanding.

Publisert 28. mai 2018 15:39 - Sist endret 11. juni 2018 18:42