Assessment criteria

Presentation content (70%)

  1. Structure: flow, logic, connection (10%)
  2. Argumentation: discussion of problem statement; pros and cons for the different positions in a comprehensive and balanced way (20%)
  3. Quality of conclusion, originality, discussion of consequences (10%)
  4. Providing evidence: including and using literature in a correct and appropriate way (20%)
  5. Language: correct and appropriate use of scientific concepts and terms (10%)

Questions after the presentation (20%)

  1. Reaction to questions: pointed, clear (20%)

Holistic evaluation (10%)

  1. Overall accomplishment of learning outcomes (10%)


Assessment scale: 1-5 for each criterion from “fully accomplished” to “not accomplished”

Final grade: weighted average of the criteria listed above. 

The presentation quality in terms of readability, design, delivery, and timing will not be graded but students should be aware that this criterion will implicitly influence the other criteria.



Publisert 29. okt. 2019 12:52 - Sist endret 23. mai 2023 14:18