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Ritual Theory:

DeLattre, Roland A. (1978): ?Ritual Resourcefulness and Cultural Pluralism? In: Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 61, No. 3, Dilemmas of Pluralism: The Case of Religion in Modernity (Fall 1978), pp. 281-301 (20 pp) Online article

Driver, Tom F. (1992): The Magic of Ritual: Our Need for Liberating Rites That Transform Our Lives and Our Communities. HarperSanFransisco. Appendix B. (20pp)

Grimes, Ronald (1982): ?Sitting and eating? In: Ronald Grimes: Beginnings in Ritual Studies. University Press of America. (13pp)

Schieffelin, Edward L. (1985): ?Performance and the Cultural Construction of Reality? In: American Ethnologist, Vol.12, No.4. (Nov.1985) pp. 707-724. (17pp) Online article

Turner, Victor (1974): ?Liminal to Liminoid, in Play, Flow, and Ritual: An Essay in Comparative Symbology? In: Rice University Studies, 60:3. Pp. 53-92. (39 p.) Online article


Pilgrimage Studies:


Bartholomew, Craig and Fred Hughes (2004): Explorations in a Christian Theology of Pilgrimage. Ashgate. Chapters 6, 7, and 8. (51 pp)

Coleman, Simon and John Eade (2005): Reframing Pilgrimage: Cultures in Motion. Routledge. Chapters 3 and 8 (34 pp.)

Dubisch, Jill (2005): ?Healing ‘the Wounds That Are Not Visible’ A Vietnam Veterans’ Motorcycle Pilgrimage?  In: Pilgrimage and Healing.  Ed. Jill Dubisch and Michael Winkelman. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press. (20pp)

Fedele, Anna (2013): Looking for Mary Magdalene: Alternative Pilgrimage and Ritual Creativity at Catholic Shrines in France. Oxford. 29-82 (53pp)

Ivakhiv, Adrian (2003): ?Nature and Self in New Age Pilgrimage? In: Culture and Religion, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2003, 93-113. (20pp) Online Article.

Jansen, Willy and Catrien Notermans (eds) (2012): Gender, Nation and Religion in European Pilgrimage. Farnham, UK: Ashgate. Chapters 1, 3, 10, 12. (83 pp)

Mclean, Kama (2009): ?Seeing, Being Seen, and Not Being Seen: Pilgrimage, Tourism and Layers of Looking at the Kumbh Mela? in Cross Currents, Sept. 1, 2009, 319-337. (18pp) Online Article.

Reader, Ian (2006): Making Pilgrimages: Meaning and Practice in Shikoku. University of Hawaii Press. Ch: 1&2. (66pp)

Turner, Victor & Edith L. B. Turner (1978): ?Introduction: Pilgrimage as a Liminoid Phenomenon? In: Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture. Columbia University Press. (40 pp)

Valtchinova, Galia. (2012) “The Mount of the Cross: Sharing and Contesting Boundaries on a Balkan Pilgrimage Site. In Sharing Sacred Spaces in the Mediterranean: Christians, Muslims, and Jews at Shrines and Sanctuaries. Ed. Albera, Dionigi and Maria Couroucli [New Anthropologies of Europe]. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 69-93 (24pp)

Whalen, Brett Edward (ed.) (2011): Pilgrimage in the Middle Ages: A Reader. University of Toronto Press. Ch: 1-12, 15-16, 18, 20, 22-23, 24-26, 28, 35-36, 45-48, 53-54. (100pp)




Barad, Karen (2003): ?Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter? Signs, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2003. 801-831. (30pp) Online Article.

Crutzen, Paul J. & Eugene Stoermer (2000): The ?Anthropocene? In: IGBP Global Change Newsletter 41:17–18. (2pp) Online Article

Ingold, Tim (2000): The Perception of the Environment: Essays on livelihood, dwelling and skill. London: Routledge.Chapters 11, 12, 13. 189- 242 (53pp)

Ingold, T. & Vergunst, J. (eds) (2008): Ways of Walking: Ethnography and Practice on Foot. Ashgate, Aldershot. Ch: 1, 3, 4, 6 & 9 (84 pp)

Keller, Catherine?A democracy of Fellow Creatures: Feminist Theology and Planetary Entanglement? (Aasta Hansteen Lecture 2014) (14pp)

Latour, Bruno (2004): Politics of Nature. How to Bring the Sciences into Democracy. Harvard University Press. Introduction, ch. 1 & Conclusion (59 pp)

N?ss, Arne (1973) ?The Shallow and the Deep, Long-Range Ecology Movement? Inquiry, 16: 95-100. (15pp). Online Article

Pálsson, Gísli (1996): ?Human-environmental relations: orientalism, paternalism and communalism? In: Descola, Philippe & Gísli Pálsson (1996): Nature & Society: Anthropological perspectives. London: Routledge. (19pp)

Pike, Sarah (2013): ?Radical Animal Rights and Environmental Activism as Rites of Passage? In Journal of Ritual Studies, Vol. 27, No. 1 (12 pp)

Taylor, Bron (2008): ?From The Ground Up: Dark Green Religion and the Environmental Future? In:  Ecology and the Environment: Perspectives from the Humanities. Ed. Donald Swearer (Cambridge: Center for the Study of World Religions/Harvard University Press) 89-107. (18pp)

Taylor, Bron (2001): ?Earth and Nature-Based Spirituality: From Deep Ecology to Radical Environmentalism? In: Religion 31(2):175-193, April 2001. (18pp) Online Article.

Ween, Gro & Simone Abram (2012) ?The Norwegian Trekking Association: Trekking as Constituting the Nation? In: Landscape Research, 37:2, 155-171. (16 pp) Online article

White, Lynn (1967): ?The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis? Science, March 1967: Vol. 155 no. 3767, pp. 1203-1207. (5pp) Available Online.












Published Nov. 25, 2014 10:58 AM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 4:22 PM