
Pensum best?r av tre deler. Utover disse delene skal hver student velge 1000s. ekstrapensum som skal godkjennes av fagl?rer.

Del 1: Gudsbilde og antropologi – historiske tekster og kommentarlitteratur


1. Mosebok 1- 3

Schüngel-Straumann, Helen (2003), “On the creation of man and woman in Genesis 1-3: The history and reception of the texts reconsidered” i Brenner, Athalya (red) A Feminist Companion to Genesis (Sheffield Academic Press) S. 33-58. (Kompendium)

Joh 1, 1-18, Gal 3, 26-28, 1 Tim 2, 8-15, 1 Kor 11, 3-16, Matt 19,1-12

Buch-Hansen, Gitte. (2009) ”Et stoisk blik p? Johannesevangeliets ?benbaring. Himmelfarten i antikkens naturvidenskab.” in Buch-Hansen, G og Petterson, C (red) Hvad er sandhed : nye l?sninger af Johannesevangeliet (Fredriksberg: Alfa), 103-125. (Kompendium)

Moxnes, Halvor (2004) "Jesus in Gender Trouble" i Cross Currents vol. 54, no 3 pp. 31-46 Online

Antikk og middelalder:

Augustinus, Aurelius (1955) “The Trinity” in The Library of Christian Classics (edn., VIII; London: SCM Press LTD), ss. 93-94. (Kompendium)

Augustinus, Aurelius (2002) “On Genesis: The Literal Meaning of Genesis. Book III.” in The Works of Saint Augustine (edn., 13; New York: New City Press), ss. 233-40. (Kompendium)

Augustinus, Aurelius (2002) De civitate Dei (Oslo: Pax Forlag), 312-13. (Kompendium)

Aquinas, Thomas (1964) Summa Theologi? XIII. 1a. 90-102 (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode) 35-39, 59-61. (Kompendium)

Norwich, Julian of (1978) “Showings” in The Classics of Western Spirituality (London: SPCK), 293-305. (Kompendium)

B?rresen, Kari Elisabeth (1999), 'Kj?nnsmodeller i senantikk og middelalder', in Dagny Kaul, et al. (eds.) Feministteologi p? norsk (Oslo: Cappelen akademisk forl.), 133-41. (Kompendium)

Pagels, Elaine. (1976) “What Became of God the Mother? Conflicting Images of God in Early Christianity” in Signs Chigaco, Vol 2, No 2, pp 293-303 Online

Jantzen, Grace. (1984) God’s world, God’s body (London: Darton, Longman and Todd) 1-35, 101-131 (Kompendium)


Luther, Martin (1982), ”Den store Genesiskommentaren” i Inge L?nning og Tarald Rasmussen Sigurd Hjelde (ed.), Martin Luther. Verker i utvalg (VI; Oslo: Gyldendal), 237-314

Luther, Martin (1982) ”Om mennesket” i , i Inge L?nning og Tarald Rasmussen Sigurd Hjelde (ed.), Martin Luther. Verker i utvalg (VI; Oslo: Gyldendal), 234-238

Wiberg Pedersen, Else Marie (2010). ”A Man Caught Between Bad Anthropology and Good Theology? Martin Luther’s View of Women Generally and of Mary Specifically,” i Dialog: A Journal of Theology Vol 49, no 3, s 190-200 Online

Moderne tid:

Grundtvig, N.F.S. (1870) ”Preken fra Anden Faste-S?ndag 1870”, in J.C. Brandt (ed.), N.F.S. Grundtvigs Sidste pr?dikener i Vartov kirke1861-72 (2), 261-63. (Kompendium)

Grundtvig, N.F.S. (1986) ”Skabt i Guds Billede” i En lidet kendt udredning af Grundtvig fra 1814 (Grundtvig 澳门葡京手机版app下载), 7-10. (Kompendium)

Hansteen, Aasta (1903) Kvinden, skabt i Guds Billede (Kristiania: Steen). (Kompendium)

Lein, Bente Nilsen (1981), ”Den kvinnelige Natur – En ortodoks underdanighets l?re – Protestene/Aasta Hansteen”, Kirken i felttog mot kvinnefrigj?ring kirkens holdning til den borgerlige kvinnebevegelsen i 1880-?rene (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget) ss. 54-77. (Kompendium)

Del 2: Imago dei: Om imago-begrepet, samt nyere feministteologiske tiln?rminger

Gonzalez, M. A.(2007) Created in God’s Image: An Introduction to Feminist Theological Anthropology (New York: Orbis Books), 200 s

Miles, Margaret R. (1998) “Image” in Taylor, M Critical Terms for Religious Studies (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press) 160-173 (Kompendium)

Irigaray, Luce. (2002) “Divine women” in Morny Joy et al (eds) French Feminists on Religion: A Reader (London: Routledge, 2002), 40-48 (Kompendium)

Salomonsen, J. (2003), “’Love of same, love of other’ reading feminist anthropologies with Luce Irigaray and Karl Barth” i Studia Theologica 2003 ss. 1-24. (Kompendium)

Mollenkott, V. R. (2010) “Trans-forming Feminist Christianity” in Hunt, M E og Neu, D L (red) New Feminist Christianity: Many Voices, Many Views (Woodstock, Vermont: Skylight Paths Publishing) 127-138 (Kompendium)

Althaus-Reid, M (13) From the Goddess to Queer Theology: The State we are in now in Feminist Theology Online

Jones, Serene. (2009) Trauma and Grace: Theology in a Ruptured World (Westminster John Knox Press) 175 s

Kearny, Richard (2007) “Re-imagining God” i Caputo, John and Scanlon, Michael J. red (2007) Transcendence and Beyond: A Postmodern Inquiry (Bloomington: Indiana University Press) 51-65

Fiorenza, Elizabeth Schüssler (2007) “G*d – the Many-Named: Without Place and Proper Name” i Caputo, John and Scanlon, Michael J. red Transcendence and Beyond: A Postmodern Inquiry (Bloomington: Indiana University Press) 109-128

Keller, Catherine (2007) “Rumors of Transcendence: The Movement, State and Sex of “Beyond”” i Caputo, John and Scanlon, Michael J. red Transcendence and Beyond: A Postmodern Inquiry (Bloomington: Indiana University Press) 129-151

Del 3: Hermeneutikk og kj?nnsteori

Butler, J (2003) “Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory”, in Seung-kyung Kim and Carole R. McCann (eds.) Feminist theory reader local and global perspectives (New York: Routledge), ss. 401-417. (Kompendium)

Eriksson, A. L (1999) ”Bibelens autoritet og kvinners erfaringer”, in Dagny Kaul, et al. (eds.) Feministteologi p? norsk (Oslo: Cappelen akademisk forl.), 85-97. (Kompendium)

Moi, Toril (1998) Hva er en kvinne? kj?nn og kropp i feministisk teori (Fakkel; [Oslo]: Gyldendal), s 1-123 og 161-186 (148 s)

Publisert 21. sep. 2012 11:19