Framstillinger av den historiske Jesus:
Horsley, R. A. : Jesus and Empire. The Kingdom of God and the New World Disorder, 2003. Minneapolis, Fortress .
Moxnes, H. : Putting Jesus in His Place. A Radical Vision of Household and Kingdom, 2003 . Louisville, KY: WestminsterJohnKnox .
1. 澳门葡京手机版app下载shistorie og aktuelle problemstillinger: “Fra eskatologisk profet til visdomsl?rer?”
Borg, M. J.: i Theology Today 45 : A Renaissance in Jesus Studies, 1988 . ss. 280-92 (i kompendium).
Borg, M. J.: in M. Borg, Jesus in Contemporary Scholarship : Portraits of Jesus in Contemporary North American Scholarship, 1994 . Valley Forge, PA.: Trinity Press . ss. 18-43 (i kompendium).
Moxnes, H.: in Biblical Theology Bulletin 28 : The Historical Jesus: From Master Narrative to Cultural Context, 1999 . ss. 135-49 (i kompendium).
2. Politisk og sosial kontekst: Hvordan har forskningen skapt bildet av Galilea?
Moxnes, H.: in Biblical Theology Bulletin 31 : The Construction of Galilee as Place for the Historical Jesus, Part 1 and 2, 2001 . ss. 26-37; 64-77 (i kompendium).
Freyne, S.: i D. Hellholm og T. Fornberg (utg.) Texts and Contexts. Texts in their Textual and Situational Contexts. FS for Lars Hartman : Jesus and the Urban Culture of Galilee, 1996 . Oslo: Universitetsforlaget . ss. 597-622 (i kompendium).
3. Feministisk kritikk av “male-stream” Jesus-forskning
Fiorenza, E. S. : Jesus and the Politics of Interpretation , 2000 . New York: Continuum . ss. 30-55 (i kompendium).
Fiorenza, E. S.: i M.Farley og S. Jones (utg.), Liberating Eschatology, Essays in Honor of Letty Russell : To follow the Vision: the Jesus movement as Basileia movement, 1999 . Louisville, KY: WestminsterJohnKnox. ss. 123-43 (i kompendium).
4. Problemet Jesus som j?de
Moxnes, H.: i Moxnes, H. (utg.) Jesus. 2000 ?r etter Kristus : J?den Jesus, 2000 . Oslo Universitetsforlaget . ss. 57-83 (i kompendium).
Schiffmann, L. H.: i Arthur E. Zannoni (utg.) Jews and Christians speak of Jesus : The Jewishness of Jesus: Commandments concerning interpersonal relations, 1994 . Minneapolis: Fortress . ss. 37-53 (i kompendium).
Segal, A. F.: i Charlesworth, J. H. (utg.) Jesus’ Jewishness. Exploring the Place of Jesus within Early Judaism : Jesus, the Jewish Revolutionary, 1991 . New York, Crossroad . ss. 199-225 (i kompendium) .