Gresk tekst (30 sider):
Romerbrevet: kap. 1:1-17, 3-4, 11, 15,
F?rste Korinterbrev: kap. 1-2, kap. 6, 7:17-24; kap. 11 ,
Filemon-brevet ,
Forberedelse av tekster med aktuell innlednings- og kommentarlitteratur, ca. 150 s. Repetisjon av pensum fra bachelor-niv?:
Bart D. Ehrman: The New Testament. A Historical Introduction, Flere utgaver. § 19: Paul the Apostle: The Man and his Mission. .
Watson, Francis: Paul, Judaism and the Gentiles. Beyond the New Perspective, 2007. Grand Rapids, Michigan/Cambridge U.K.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. 1-100, 163-350. .
Meeks, Wayne: The First Urban Christians. The Social world of the Apostle Paul, mange utgaver, 1. 1983. 51-162.
Watson, Francis : Paul, Judaism and the Gentiles, 2007. 100-135.
Kahl, Brigitte: "Gender trouble in Galatia? Paul and the rethinking of difference" i D.F. Sawyer og D.M. Collier: Is there a future for feminist theology? , 1999. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press. s 57-73.
Kahl, Brigitte: "Galatians and the ‘Orientalism’ of justification by faith" i Ch.D. Stanley : The Colonized Apostle. Paul through postcolonial eyes , 2011. Minneapolis: Fortress. 206-22..
Kahl, Brigitte : "No longer male: Masculinity Struggles behind Gal 3:28?" i Journal for the Study of the New Testament (JSNT), 79/2000. 37-49. Elektronisk tidsskrift.
De Vos, C. S: Once a slave, always a slave? Slavery, manumission and relational patterns in Paul’s letter to Philemon, 2001. Journal for the Study of the New Testament (82:2001) . 89-105. Elektronisk tidsskrift.
Fordypningsdel: Paulus, post-kolonialisme, imperium og kj?nn
Ch.D. Stanley : The Colonized Apostle. Paul through postcolonial eyes , 2011. Minneapolis Fortress. kap. 1, 2, Post-kolonialisme, teori. Kap.4, 5: Paulus og post-kolonialisme; kap. 9-12: kj?nn og postkolonialisme; kap. 13: resepsjonshistorie. Tils, 140 s.