

Litter?re brevformer

Bailey, J.L., Vander Broek, L.D.: Literary Forms in the New Testament: A Handbook, Louisville, KY 1992. Westminster/John Knox Press. s. 11-86, (75 s).

Romerbrevet og 1. Korinterbrev

Gresk tekst: Rom. 1-3, 5-7 (13 s.) og 1 Kor. 1, 11-13, 15 (9s., tils. 22 s)


Ziesler, J.: Paul's Letter to the Romans, London/Philadelphia 1989. SCM Press/Trinity Press International.

Victor P. Furnish: The Theology of the First Letters to the Corinthians, Cambridge1999. Cambridge Upress. 147 s.

Fordypningsdel h?st 2005, 10 s. gresk tekst og pensumlitteratur, tilsammen ca. 450 s.

D?p og nattverd

D?pstekster: Mark 1,9-11//Matt 3,13-17//Luk 3,21-22; Gal 3,26-28; 1 Kor 1,12-17; 6,11; 12,13; Rom 6,1-14; Kol 2,11-14; Ef 4,4-6; 5,25-27; 1 Petr 3,20-22; Apg 2,37-42; 8,14-17; 10,344-48; 19,1-7 Matt 28,17-20; Did. 7,1-4; Hippolytos, Apost. trad. 20,1-21,44 (i overs.).

Nattverdtekster: Mark 14,12-25//Matt 26,17-29//Luk 22,7-13; 1 Kor 11,17-34; Did. 9,1-10,7; Hippolytos, Apost. trad. 21,44-22,4 (i overs.)


Hartman, L.: "Into the Name of the Lord Jesus". Baptism in the Early Church (StNTW), Edinburgh 1997. Clark. (186 s.).

Hellholm, D.: “The Impact of the Situational Contexts for Paul’s Use of Baptismal Traditions in His Letters”, Aune, D. E. / Seland, T. / Ulrichsen, J. H. (utg.), Neotestamentica et Philonica, 2003. Leiden . ss 147-175.

Dennis E.Smith: From Symposium to Eucharist. The Banquet in the Early Christian World, 2003. Minneapolis: Fortress Press .

F?lgende fordypningsdeler undervises ikke h?sten 2005, og kan heller ikke legges opp som pensum dette semesteret.

Hver del har 10 s. gresk tekst og pensumlitteratur, tilsammen ca. 450 s.

Menighet og samfunn i tidlig kristen tid

Gresk tekst: Markus 10:35-45; 12:13-17; Luk 22:24-27; Acta 17:1-8, 18:1-17; Rom 13; 1 Tess 1-4.


Meeks, W. A,: The First Urban Christians, New Haven2003. Yale. s.1-140.

Pilgrim, W. E.: Uneasy Neighbours. Church and State in the New Testament, Minneapolis1999. Fortress. 212 s.

Horsley, R. (utg.): Paul and Empire. Religion and Power in Roman Imperial Society, Harrisburg. PA1997. Trinity Press International. s. 140-152.

Hushold og kvinner i tidlig kristendom

Gresk tekst: Luk 8,1-3;Mark 5:25-43; Rom 16,1-16; 1 Kor 7; Ef 5,21-6:9; 1 Tim 2,1-3:13; 5,3-16


Carolyn Osiek og David L. Balch: Families in the New Testament World, Louisville 1997. Westminster/JohnKnox. s.36-222.

Kraemer, R. S. og D'Angelo, M. R.: Women & Christian Origins, New York/Oxford 1999. Oxford University Press. utdrag tils.200s.

Kristologi og urkristne bekjennelser

Gresk tekst: Rom 1,3-4; 4:24-25; 10:4-13: 16:25-27; 1 Kor 8,6; 15,3-5; Gal 2,15-21; 1 Thess 4,13-18; Ef 3,4-5; 4,4-6; Kol 2,12; 1 Tim 3,16; 2 Tim 1,9-11; Hebr 4,14; Apg 8,37; 1 Petr 1,21; 1 Joh 2,22; 4,14; 5,1.5; Ign. Magn. 8,2; ApkPetr (koptisk) 71,3b-15a (i overs.)


Brown, R.E.: Introduction to New Testament Christology, New York1994. Paulist Press. s. 1-152.

Hellholm, D.: "De tidigaste kristna trosbek?nnelserna", Publiceras av TF med I. Montgomery som redakt?r 2003 (15-20 sid.) og "The 'RevelationSchema' and Its Adaptation in the Coptic Gnostic Apocalypse of Peter", i: SE? 63 (1998) 233-248 (16 sid.)

Koester, H.: "The Structure and Criteria of Early Christian Beliefs", i: J. M. Robinson/H. Koester, Trajectories through Early Christianity, (Philadelphia: Fortress 1971, 205-231) 27 s.

Conzelmann, H.: An Outline of the Theology of the New Testament, London1969. SCM. s. 78-112, 34 s.

V. H. Neufeld, The Earliest Christian Confessions (NTTS 5), Leiden: Brill 1963, utdrag, eller V. Kramer, Christ, Lord, Son of God (SBT 1.50), London: SCM 1966, utdrag.

Publisert 21. apr. 2005 01:49 - Sist endret 7. sep. 2005 15:45