(1) An example of a contemporary ‘classical’ OT Theology:
Anderson, Bernhard W. : Contours of Old Testament Theology, 1999. Minneapolis, Minn.: Fortress. (358 pp).
(2) An example of a ‘post classical’ OT Theology:
Gerstenberger, Erhard : Theologies of the Old Testament , 2002. London: T&T Clark . (358 pp).
(3) Short essays relevant to the practice of OT Theology:
Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth in: Journal of Biblical Literature 107, : The Ethics of Biblical Interpretation: Decentering Biblical Scholarship , 1988. pp. 3-17.
Trible, Phyllis in :Theological Studies 50 : Five Loaves and Two Fishes: Feminist Hermeneutics and Biblical Theology, 1989 . pp 279-295.
Brett, Mark G. in: Lemaire, A. & S?b?, M. (eds.), Congress Volume : The Future of Old Testament Theology, 1998. Oslo. (Supplements to Vetus testamentum vol. 80, Leiden: Brill 200, (pp. 465-88)).