
Dette emne har pensum fordelt p? b?ker, kompendier og online resurser.

Gresk: Louis William Countryman: Read it in Greek (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans)

Markusevangeliet: 1,1-13; 2,1-12; 3,1-6; 3,20-30; 5,21-43; 8,27-9,1; 11,15-18; 14,3-11; 15,33-39; 16,1-8. (ca. 10 sider)

NT :

  • Janice Capel Anderson & Stephen D. Moore (eds.) (2008) Mark and Method. New Approaches in Biblical Studies. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
  • De studerende anbefales at anskaffe sig en kommentar til Markusevangeliet – fx: Lars Hartmann (2004/5) Markusevangeliet I & II (Verbum)
  • John R. Donahue and Daniel J. Harrington (2005) The Gospel of Mark (Sacra Pagina) Liturgical Press
  • Francis J. Moloney (2002). The Gospel of Mark: A Commentary. Hendrickson Publishers

kommentareren indg?r ikke i pensum


Lektion 1: Begyndelsen I

Tekst: Norsk: L?s hele evangeliet igennem Gr?sk: Markus 1,1 & 1,2 (overskriften)

Perspektiver og tolkninger: Hooker, M. D. (1997) ”A Dramatic Key. Mark 1.1-13” in Beginnings. Keys that Open the Gospel (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Trinity Press International) pp. 1-22 (22) (i kompendium)

Samuel, S. (2002) “The Beginning of Mark: A Colonial/Postcolonial Conundrum” i Biblical Interpretation: A Journal of Contemporary Approaches (Volume 10, Number 4), pp. 405-419 (15) Online resurs

Moore/Anderson (1992/2008) “Introduction: The Lives of Mark.” Chapter 1 i Eds. Janice Capel Anderson & Stephen D. Moore Mark and Method. New Approaches in Biblical Studies (Minneapolis: Fortress) Press. pp. 1-28 (28)

Lektion 2: Begyndelsen II

Tekst: Norsk: Markus 1,1-20 (Begyndelsen) Gr?sk: Markus 1,10 & 11

Perspektiver og tolkninger: Hallb?ck, G. (2002) “Den jordiske Jesus – evangeliegenre og autoritetstype” i Om Markus – analyser og fortolkninger (Frederiksberg: Anis) (i kompendium)

Malbon, E. S. (1992/2008) “Narrative Criticism: How Does the Story Mean?” Chapter 2 in Eds. Janice Capel Anderson & Stephen D. Moore Mark and Method. New Approaches in Biblical Studies (Minneapolis: Fortress Press) pp. 29-58 (20).

Lektion 3: Helbredelser I

Tekst: Norsk: Markus 1,21-3,35 (Helbredelsesberetningerne) Gr?sk: 2,1-3; 2,10

Perspektiver og tolkninger: Dale, B. M. (1995) “The Body in Greco-Roman Culture” in The Corinthian Body (New Heaven. Yale University Press) pp. 3-37 (34) (i kompendium)

Dale, B. M. (1995) “The Body, Disease, and Pollution” in The Corinthian Body (New Heaven. Yale University Press) pp. 139-162 (33) (i kompendium)

Lektion 4: Lignelserne: Jesus og Gudsriget

Tekst: Norsk: Markus 4,1-41 (lignelserne) Gr?sk: 4,30-32

Perspektiver og tolkninger: Hallb?ck, G. (2006) “Om lignelsesteorier” i Bibliana 7. ?rg. nr. 2. pp. 57-59 (3) (i kompendium)

Horsley, R. A. (2001) “Submerged people’s History” Chapter 2 in Hearing the Whole Story. The Politics of Plot in Mark’s Gospel (Louisville, Kentucky: John Know Press) pp. 27-52 (26). (i kompendium)

Liew, T. B. (1999) “Tyranny, Boundary and Might: Colonial Mimicry in Mark's Gospel” in Journal for the Study of the New Testament (Vol. 21, No. 73) pp. 7-31 (25). Online resurs

Lektion 5: J?der og hedninger

Tekst:Norsk: Markus 5,1-8,26 (S?rligt fokus: 5,1-20: Den besatte i gerasenernes land; 7,1-23: Sp?rgsm?let om rent og urent) Gr?sk: Markus 7,18-20

Perspektiver og tolkninger: Rhoads, D. (1992/2008) ”Social Criticism: Crossing Boundaries.” Chapter 6 in Eds. Janice Capel Anderson & Stephen D. Moore Mark and Method. New Approaches in Biblical Studies (Minneapolis: Fortress Press) pp. 145-180 (35)

Lektion 6: Helbredelser II

tekst: Norsk: Markus 5,21-43 (Helbredelsen af Jairus’ datter og af kvinden med bl?dninger) Gr?sk: 5,25-29

Perspektiver og tolkninger: Smith, A. (2008) “Cultural Studies: Making Mark.” Chapter 7 in Eds. Janice Capel Anderson & Stephen D. Moore Mark and Method. New Approaches in Biblical Studies (Minneapolis: Fortress Press) pp. 181-210 (30).

Elaine Wainwright, 2006. “Telling Stories of Women Healing/Healing Women: The Gospel of Mark.” Chapter 4 in Women Healing/Healing Women: The Genderisation of Healing in Early Christianity (London: Equinox Publishing) pp. (??).(i kompendium)

Lektion 7: K?n

Tekst: Norsk: 6,14-29 (Johannes D?berens d?d) Gr?sk: 6,17-20

Perspektiver og tolkninger: Anderson,J. C. (1992/2008) ”Feminist Criticism. The Dancing Daughter.” Chapter 5 i Eds. Janice Capel Anderson & Stephen D. Moore Mark and Method. New Approaches in Biblical Studies (Minneapolis: Fortress Press) pp. 103-134 (32)

Glancy, J. A. (1994) “Unveiling Masculinity. The Construction of Gender in Mark 6:17-29” i Biblical Interpretation 2, 1. pp. 34-50 (17). (i kompendium)

Lektion 8: Gr?nseoverskridelser

Tekst: Norsk: Markus 7,24-30 (Den hedenske kvinde af syrisk-f?nikisk herkomst) Gr?sk: Markus 7,26-30

Perspektiver og tolkninger: Liew, T. B. (2008) “Postcolonial Criticism: Echoes of a Subaltern’s Contribution and Exclusion.” Chapter 8 in Eds. Janice Capel Anderson & Stephen D. Moore Mark and Method. New Approaches in Biblical Studies (Minneapolis: Fortress Press) pp. 211-232 (22).

Gnanadason, A. (2001) “Jesus and the Asian Woman: A Post-colonial look at the Syro-Phoenician woman/Canaanite woman from an Indian perspective”. Studies in World Christianity Volume 7, DOI 10.3366/swc.2001.7.2.162, ISSN 1354-9901. Page 162-177 (16). (i kompendium)

Lektion 9: Messiashemmeligheden, Menneskes?nnen & maskuliniteten

Tekst: Norsk: Markus: 8,27-10,52 Gr?sk: 8,27-9,1

Perspektiver og tolkninger: Liew, T. B. (2003) “Re-Mark-able Masculinities: Jesus, the Son of Man, and the (Sad) Sum of Manhood?” i New Testament Masculinities ed. Stephen D. Moore. Society of Biblical Literature. Semeia Studies No 45. Atlanta, Georgia. 93-137 (44) (i kompendium)

Lektion 10: Jesus og templet

Tekst: Norsk: Markus 11-13 Gr?sk: 11,15-18

Perspektiver og tolkninger: Hallb?ck, G. (1994) ”Jesus og templet i Markusevangeliet. En symbolsk l?sning” i Fra Dybet. Festskrift til John Strange Redigeret af M. Müller & N. P. Lemche. (K?benhavn: Museum Tusculanums Forlag) pp. 84-95 (12). (i kompendium)

Hallb?ck, G. (2002) ”Frav?rets figurer. Om nadveren i gudstjeneste og evangelium” i Om Markus. Analyser og fortolkninger (K?benhavn: Anis) pp. 97-111 (14) (i kompendium)

Chance, J. B. (2007) “The Cursing of the Temple and the Tearing of the Veil in the Gospel of Mark”. Biblical Interpretation 15. pp. 268-291 (23). Online resurs

Collins, A. (2006) “Christian Messianism and the first Jewish War with Rome” in Biblical Traditions in Transmission. Edited by Charlotte Hempel & Judith M. Lieu. Leiden, Boston: Brill. pp. 333-343 (11). (i kompendium)

Lektion 11: Readers I

Tekst: Norsk: Markus 12 Gr?sk: Markus 12,41-44 (Den fattige enkes gave)

Perspektiver og tolkninger: Fowler, R. M. (1992/2008) “Reader-Response Criticism: Figuring Mark’s Reader.” Chapter 3 in Eds. Janice Capel Anderson & Stephen D. Moore Mark and Method. New Approaches in Biblical Studies (Minneapolis: Fortress Press) pp. 59-94 (35).

Malbon, E. S. (2001) “The Poor Widow in Mark and Her Poor Rich Readers” in A Feminist Companion to Mark edited by Amy-Jill Levine & Marianne Blinckenstaff (Sheffield: Sheffield University Press) pp. 111-127 (16). (i kompendium)

Lektion 12: Readers II

Tekst: Norsk: Markus 14 Gr?sk: Markus 14,3-11. Salvningen i Betania

Perspektiver og tolkninger: Ipsen, A. (2009) “Methodological and Political Analysis: A Preferential Option for Prostitutes?” Chapter 2 in Sex Working and the Bible (London: Equinox) pp. 13-54 (41) (i kompendium)

Ipsen, A. (2009) “Anointing woman: “In Memory of Her”: The Prequel.” Chapter 5 in Sex Working and the Bible (London: Equinox) pp. 120-165 (45). (i kompendium)

Lektion 13: Jesus’ d?d

Tekst: Norsk: Markus 15-16 Gr?sk: 15,33-39; 16,1-8

Perspektiver og tolkninger: Hooker, M. (2005) “Beginnings and Endings” & “Mark’s Ending: Lost or Suspended?” in Endings. Invitations to Discipleship (London: SCM Press) pp. 1-30 (30) (i kompendium)

Dowd, S. and Elizabeth Struthers Malbon, 2006. “The Significance of Jesus' Death in Mark: Narrative Context and Authorial Audience.” Journal of Biblical Literature Vol. 125, No. 2 (Summer, 2006), pp. 271-297 (27) Online resurs

Publisert 18. mai 2010 16:01 - Sist endret 18. mai 2010 17:16