Primary sources
Pre-Constantinian and General
Didache, ch. 6-16. (5 p.) online source
Justin Martyr, Extracts from First Apology (Deiss, Lucien. Springtime of the Liturgy, Collegeville, 1979, p. 89-94). (6 p.) In compendium
Apostolic Tradition (by some attributed to Hippolytus of Rome) (16 p.) online source
Two early hymns (1 p.):Ph?s hilaron (Gladsome Light) online source?Gloria (Glory to God in the highest)online source
Ambrose of Milan, On the Mysteries (11 p.)online source
Maximus the Confessor, Mystagogy, ch. 8-24 (Maximus the Confessor, Selected Writings, tr. George Berthold, New York, 1985, p. 198-214). (16 p.) In Compendium
Egeria’s travels, ch. 24-49. (20 p.)online source
The Liturgy of St. James (tr. Ephrem Lash): from “Let all mortal flesh keep silent” to “Our Father”, p. 10-25 in pdf to make from site. (16 p.)online source
Armenian Lectionary (earliest extant Jerusalem Lectionary, Armenian version, 5th c. ). (11 p.)online source
John of Damascus, Paschal canon (8th c.). (6 p.)online source
“The Gelasian Sacramentary”, p. 212-243, in: E.C. Whitaker, Documents of the Baptismal Liturgy, 3rd ed. by Maxwell E. Johnson, London, 2003. (32 p.) In compendium
”The Mass of the Roman Rite”, p. 159-167, in: R.C.D. Jasper & G.J. Cuming. Prayers of the Eucharist: Early and Reformed. New York, 1987 (3. utg.). (6 s.). In compendium
First Roman Ordo (earliest complete description of the papal stational rite, early 8th c.). (10 p.)online source
Exultet (Easter hymn, 5th-7th c.) (3 p.) online source
Secondary litterature
The Oxford History of Christian Worship, pp. 1-130 (to ca. 622 CE). (131 p.) In compendium
Bradshaw, Paul. The search for the origins of Christian worship : sources and methods for the study of early liturgy. New York, 2002 (2nd ed.). (230 p.) Book
Stringer, Martin. A Sociological History of Christian Worship. Cambridge, 2005, pp. 1-119. (120 p.) Book
Witvliet, John D. “For our own purpose: the appropriation of the social sciences in liturgical studies”, p. 17-40, in: Paul Bradshaw and John Melloh, Foundations in Ritual Studies: A Reader for Students of Christian Worship. London, 2007. (24 p.) In compendium
Taft, Robert. “The Structural Analysis of Liturgical Units: An Essay in Methodology”, p. 187-202, in: Robert Taft, Beyond east and west: problems in liturgical understanding, 2nd rev. and enlarged ed., Rome, 1997. (16 p.) In compendium
Baldovin, John F. The Urban Character of Christian Worship. The Origins, Development, and Meaning of Stational Liturgy. Rome, 1987, p. 45-104. (60 p.) Book
Verhelst, Stéphane, ”The Liturgy of Jerusalem in the Byzantine Period”, p. 421-462, in O. Limor & G.G. Stroumsa (eds.), Christians and Christianity in the Holy Land. From the Origins to the Latin Kingdom, Turnhout: Brepols, 2006. (42 p.) In compendium
Witvliet, John D., “The Anaphora of St. James”, p. 153-172, in: Bradshaw, Paul (ed.). Essays on Early Eastern Eucharistic Prayers, Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1997. (20 p.) Will be available later on in the semester
Woolfenden, Gregory, ”From Jerusalem and the Palestinian Monastic Traditions to Modern Orthodoxy”, p. 49-74, in: Daily Liturgical Prayer. Origins and Theology. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004. (26 p.) In compendium
Fr?yshov, Stig. “Den hagiopolitiske rite – Jerusalems oldkirkelige liturgi”, L?re og liv, 34:1, 2008, p. 50-59. Will be available through Class Fronter
Baldovin, John F. The Urban Character of Christian Worship. The Origins, Development, and Meaning of Stational Liturgy. Rome: OCA 228. 1987. p. 105-166 (62 p.) Book
Senn, Frank. Christian Liturgy – Catholic and Evangelical, “The Franco-Roman Liturgy”, p. 173-210 (38 p.). In compendium
Metzger, “The History of the Eucharistic Liturgy in Rome”, p. 103-131, in: Chupungco, Anscar, ed. Handbook for Liturgical Studies, vol. III, “The Eucharist”, Collegeville, 1999. (29 p.) In compendium
Johnson, Maxwell. The Rites of Christian Initiation. Their Evolution and Interpretation. Revised and expanded edition. Collegeville, 2007, p. 219-232 (On baptism in the Gelasian Sacramentary) (14 p.) In compendium
Willis, G. G. A History of Early Roman Liturgy to the Death of Pope Gregory the Great, p. 94-115 (“The Kalendar and the Lectionary”) (22 p.) In compendium
The compendia are available at the book store Akademika at the UiO campus. If you want it sent you have to contact the faculty and get permission to order them from the book store.
Books you have to buy are:
Bradshaw, Paul. The search for the origins of Christian worship : sources and methods for the study of early liturgy. New York, 2002 (2nd ed.)
Stringer, Martin. A Sociological History of Christian Worship. Cambridge, 2005.
Baldovin, John F. The Urban Character of Christian Worship. The Origins, Development, and Meaning of Stational Liturgy. Rome: OCA 228. 1987.