
Koranen i original og/eller oversettelse. N?rmere beskjed f?lger om hvilke tekststeder vi skal arbeide mer inng?ende med.



Rippin, Andrew (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to the Qur'ān. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 2006.

2. utg. 2017 kan ogs? brukes, men alle pensumartiklene er inkludert i 2006-utgaven.


Kap. 1 Tamara Sonn: “Introducing” 3-17; 3 Abdullah Saeed: “Contextualizing” 36-49; 4 Salwa El‐Awa: “Linguistic Structure” 53-72; 5 Rosalind Ward Gwynne: “Patterns of Address” 73-87; 6 Mustansir Mir: “Language” 88-106; 9 Angelika Neuwirth: “Structure and the Emergence of Community” 140-158; 10 Aliza Shnizer: “Sacrality and Collection” 159-171; 11 Fran?ois Déroche: “Written Transmission” 172-186; 12 Herbert Berg: “Context: Muh?ammad” 187-20; 14 Andrew Rippin: “God” 223-233; 15 Uri Rubin: “Prophets and Prophethood” 234-247; 16 Brannon Wheeler: “Moses” 248-265; 17 Kate Zebiri: “Argumentation” 266-281; 18 A. H. Mathias Zahniser: “Knowing and Thinking” 281-297; 19 Khaleel Mohammed: “Sex, Sexuality, and the Family” 298-307; 20 Reuven Firestone: “Jiha?d” 308-319; 21 Walid Saleh: “Hermeneutics: al‐Tha?labī” 323-337; 23 Alan Godlas: “S?u?fism” 350-361; 25 Diana Steigerwald: “Twelver Shī?ī Ta?wīl” 373-385; 26 Diana Steigerwald: “Isma??īlī Ta?wīl” 386-399; 27 Jane Dammen McAuliffe: “Exegetical Sciences” 403-419; 28 Binyamin Abrahamov: “Theology” 420-433; 29 A. Kevin Reinhart: “Jurisprudence” 434-449; 30 Leah Kinberg: “Contemporary Ethical Issue”s 450-466; 32 Anna M. Gade: “Recitation” 481-493.

            360 s.



Abdel Haleem, Muhammad, Exploring the Qur?an: Context and Impact. London: I.B. Tauris, 2017. Kap. 10 “Rhetorical style” 213-234; 12 “English Translations of the Qur?an” 249-281. Bok tilgjengelig p? UB

Aboul-Enein, Basil, “’The earth is your mosque’: narrative perspectives of environmental health and education in the Holy Quran,”  Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 8 (2018) 1, 22-31. Artikkel tilgjengelig her 

Afsaruddin, Asma, “The Hermeneutics of Inter-Faith Relations: Retrieving Moderation and Pluralism as Universal Principles in Qur?anic Exegeses,” Journal of Religious Ethics 37 (2009), 331–354. Artikkel tilgjengelig her

Afsaruddin, Asma, “Obedience to Political Authority: An Evolutionary Concept,”  Islamic Democratic Discourse: Theory, Debates and Philosophical Perspectives, ed. M.A. Muqtedar Khan, 37–60. Lanham: Lexington, 2006. Artikkel tilgjengelig her

Al-Azmeh, Aziz, “Linguistic observations on the theonym Allāh,” In the Shadow of Arabic: The Centrality of Language to Arabic Culture: Studies Presented to Ramzi Baalbaki on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, ed. Bilal Orfali, 267-281. Brill: Leiden, 2011. Bok tilgjengelig p? UB

Blair, Sheila and Jonathan Bloom, “Inscriptions in art and architecture,” The Cambridge companion to the Qur?ān, ed. Jane Dammen McAuliffe, 163-178. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Artikkel tilgjengelig her

Burge, Stephen R., “The Search for Meaning: Tafsīr, Hermeneutics, and Theories of Reading,” Arabica 62 (2015) 53-73. Artikkel tilgjengelig her

Calder, Norman, Jawid Mojaddedi and Andrew Rippin (eds. and transl.), Classical Islam: A source book of religious literature. London: Routledge, 2003. S. 105-133.

Donner, Fred M., ”The historian, the believer, and the Qur?ān,” New Perspectives on the Qur?ān: The Qur?ān in its historical context 2, ed. Gabriel Said Reynolds, 25-37. Abingdon: Routledge, 2011.

            Eggen, Nora S. “Koranoversettelser i Norge,” Norsk oversetterleksikon [2017]

Eggen, Nora S. “Universalized versus particularized conceptualizations of Islam in translations of the Qur?an in Scandinavia,” Journal of Qur?anic Studies 18 (2016) 1, 49-91. Artikkel tilgjengelig her

Hoffmann, Thomas, "The Moving Qur'an. A Cognitive Poetics Approach to Qur?ānic Language", Modern Controversies in Qur?ānic Studies, eds. Muhammed Nekroumi and Jan Meise,  Hamburg: EB-Verlag, 2009. Artikkel tilgjengelig her

Kadi (al-Qadi), Wadad.”The Primordial Covenant and Human History in the Qur?ān,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 147 (2003) 4, 332-338. Artikkel tilgjengelig her

Lawrence, Bruce B., The Koran in English: A Bibliography. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2017. Kap. 4-6, s. 81-134. Artikkel tilgjengelig her

Motzki, Harald, “Alternative accounts of the Qur’ān’s formation,” The Cambridge companion to the Qur?ān, Jane Dammen McAuliffe (ed.), 59-76. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Artikkel tilgjengelig her

Neuwirth, Angelika, “The House of Abraham and the House of Amram: Genealogy , Patriarchal Authority, and Exegetical Professionalism,” The Qur?ān in Context: Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qur?ānic Milieu, Neuwirth, A., Sinai, N. & Marx, M. (eds.), 499-531. Leiden: Brill, 2010. Bok tilgjengelig p? UB

Ohlander, Erik S., “Fear of God (Taqwā) in the Qur?ān: Some Notes on Semantic Shift and Thematic Context,” Journal of Semitic Studies 50 (2005) 137–152. Artikkel tilgjengelig her

Pink, Johanna, “Tradition, Authority and Innovation in Contemporary Sunnī tafsīr: Towards a Typology of Qur?an Commentaries from the Arab World, Indonesia and Turkey,” Journal of Qur?anic Studies 12 (2010) 56-82. Artikkel tilgjengelig her

Reynolds, Gabriel Said, “Introduction: the golden age of Qur?ānic studies?” New Perspectives on the Qur?ān: The Qur?ān in its historical context 2, ed. Gabriel Said Reynolds, 1-21. Abingdon: Routledge, 2011.

Saleh, Walid, “Death and Dying in the Qur?an,” The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences 25 (2008) 3, 97-110. Artikkel tilgjengelig her  

Sands, Kristin Zahra, ?ūfī Commentaries on the Qur?ān in Classical Islam. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. Kap. 7, 79-96. Bok tilgjengelig her

Toorawa, Shawkat M., “Seeking Refuge from Evil: The Power and Portent of the Closing Chapters of the Qur'an,” Journal of Qur?anic Studies 4 (2002) 54-60. Artikkel tilgjengelig her

Toorawa, Shawkat M., “The Modern Literary (After)Lives of al-Khi?r,” Journal of Qur’anic Studies 16 (2014) 3 174–195. Artikkel tilgjengelig her

Zadeh, Travis, “The Fāti?a of Salmān al-Fārisī and the Modern Controversy over Translating the Qur?ān,” The Meaning of the Word: Lexicology and Qur?anic Exegesis, ed. Stephen Burge, 375–420. Oxford: Institute of Ismaili Studies/Oxford University Press, 2015.

           540 s.


             Selvvalgt pensum:

Tekstutdrag fra Koranen og 50-75 sider hjelpelitteratur etter avtale.

Publisert 24. apr. 2018 11:07 - Sist endret 24. apr. 2018 11:07