
UiO "programkiosk" er en web-basert tjeneste som gir alle ansatte og studenter tilgang til publikasjoner som bare er tilgjengelige gjennom UiO-nettverket. Du kan logge inn p? “programkiosk” her. 

  1. B?ker (400 pp)

Tiln?rmingsm?ter til studiet av samtidsreligion: sosiologi, antropologi, interreligi?se studier:

Furseth, Inger (red.) (2015) Religionens tilbakekomst i offentligheten? Religion, politikk, medier, stat og sivilsamfunn i Norge siden 1980-tallet, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, pp. 9-37, 69-182 (140 pp)

Bielo, James S. (2015), Anthropology of Religion. The Basics, New York and London: Routledge (160 pp)

Leirvik, Oddbj?rn (2014) Interreligious studies. A relational approach to religious activism and the study of religion, London: Bloomsbury, pp. 1-65, 105-138, 147-153 (100 pp)

  1. Artikler (420 pp)

Sekularisering, offentlig teologi, levd praksis og religionsbegrepet (145 pp):

Gorski, Phillip S. & Ates Altinordu (2008) After Secularization? Annual Review of Sociology, Vol 34, pp 55-77, Online article.

Zuckermann, Phil (2009) Why are Danes and Swedes so Irreligious? Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, Vol 1, pp. 55-69, (Fronter).

Asad, Talal (1986) The Idea of an Anthropology of Islam. Washington, D.C: Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University (20 pp), Online.

Habermas, Jürgen (2005) Religion in the Public Sphere, The Holberg Prize Seminar. pp 10-19, (online)

Davie, Grace (2007) Vicarious Religion. A methodological Challenge, Everyday Religion: Observing Modern Religious Lives, ed. Nancy T. Ammerman, Oxford: Oxford 2007, pp. 21-36,

Orsi, Robert A. (2003) Is the Study of Lived Religion Irrelevant to the World We Live in? Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2003, Volume 42(2), pp.169-174, Online

Ammerman, Nancy T. (2007) Introduction, Everyday Religion: Observing Modern Religious Lives, Oxford: Oxford 2007, pp. 3-18,

Gilmore, Lee (2005) Fires of the Heart: Ritual, Pilgrimage, and Transformation at the Burning Man Festival, AfterBurn: Reflections on Burning Man, eds. Lee Gilmore and Mark Van Proyen, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, pp. 43-62, (Fronter)

Smith, Jonathan Z. (2004) Religion, Religions, Religious, Relating Religion. Essays in the Study of Religion, Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, pp. 179-196,

Salomonsen, Jone (2008) Kongens datter, kirken og religionsbegrepet, Menneskeverd. Festskrift til Inge L?nning, red. Svein Aage Christoffersen m.fl., Oslo: Forlaget Press, 245-257, (Fronter)


Aktuelle utviklingstrekk, islam (50 pp):

Esack, F. (2003) In search of progressive Islam beyond 9/11, Progressive Muslims. On Justice, Gender, and Pluralism, ed. O. Safi, Oxford: Oneworld, pp. 78-97, Online.

Lamptey, Jerusha Tanner (2014), Thinking differently about Difference: Muslima Theology and Religious Pluralism, The Journal of Interreligious Studies, Issue 30, Winter, pp. 34-42,

Mahmood, Saba (2013), Sexuality and Secularism, Religion, the Secular, and the Politics of Sexual Difference, eds. Linell E. Cady and Tracy Fessenden, New York: Comumbia University Press, pp. 47-58 (Fronter)

Spahic-Siljak, Zilka (2013) Women, Religion and Politics in Bosnia and Herzegovia, Religion, the Secular, and the Politics of Sexual Difference, eds. Linell E. Cady and Tracy Fessenden, New York: Columbia University Press, pp.121-136 (Fronter)


Aktuelle utviklingstrekk, kristendom (50 pp):

Althaus-Reid, Marcella (2005) From the Goddess to Queer Theology: The State We are in Now, Feminist Theology: The Journal of the Britain and Ireland School of Feminist Theology, Volume13 (2), pp. 265-272,

Bergmann, Sigurd (2009) Climate Change Changes Religion: Space, Spirit, Ritual, Technology – through a Theological Lens, Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology, Volume 63, 2009 – Issue 2, pp. 98-118,

Leirvik, Oddbj?rn (2006) Charismatic Mission, Miracles and Faith-Based Diplomacy: The Case of Aril Edvardsen, Spirits of Globalization. The Growth of Pentecostalism and Experiential Spiritualities in a Global Age, ed. Sturla St?lsett, London: SMC Press, pp 131-144 (Fronter)

Salomonsen, Jone (2015) Graced Life After All? Terrorism and Theology on July 22, 2011, Dialog: A Journal of Theology, Volume 54, Number 3, Fall 2015, September, 249-259,


Aktuelle utviklilngstrekk, ny spiritualitet (new age) (50 pp):

Gilhus, Ingvild S?lid (2012) Post-secular religion and the therapeutic turn: three Norwegian examples, Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis [Internet], Volume 24, pp. 62-75, Online article

L?vheim, Mia (2007) Virtually Boundless? Youth Negotiating Tradition in Cyberspace, Everyday Religion: Observing Modern Religious Lives, ed. Nancy T. Ammerman, Oxford: Oxford 2007, pp. 83-100,

McGuire, Meredith (2007) Embodied Practices: Negotiation and Resistance, Everyday Religion: Observing Modern Religious Lives, ed. Nancy T. Ammerman, Oxford: Oxford 2007, pp. 187-200

Mercadente, Linda A. (2016), How Does it Fit? Multiple Religious Belonging, Spiritual but not Religious, and The Dances of Universal Peace, Open Theology, DeGruyter,  pp. 10-18,


Aktuelle utviklingstrekk, interreligi?se studier (65 pp):

Etikpah, Samuel (2014) Interreligious Collaboration for the Common Good: Christian-Muslim relations in Ghana, Unpublished article (22 pp), (Fronter)

Grung, Anne Hege (2011) Gender Justice in Muslim-Christian Readings: A Hermeneutical Case Study on Readings of Sura 4:34 and 1 Timothy 2:8-15 in a Group of Muslim and Christian Women in Norway, Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, Volume 2, pp.133-150, (Fronter)

Thatamanil, John J. (2016) Transreligious Theology as the Quest for Interreligious Wisdom. Defining, Defending, and Teaching Transreligious Theology, Open Theology, 2016; 2, pp. 354-362,

Kreinath, Jens (2014) Inter-rituality as a Framework of Analysis: A New Approach to the Study of Interreligious Encounters and the Economies of Ritual, PluRel – En Blogg om Religion og Samfunn, 19 pp,


Kj?nnskritiske perspektiv og casestudier (60 pp):

McClintock Fulkerson, Mary (1998) “Is there a (non-sexist) Bible in this church?” A feminist Case for the Priority of Interpretive Communities, Modern Theology 14:2 April 1998, pp. 225-242,

Hoel, Nina and Sa’diyya Shaikh (2013) Sex as Ibadah: Religion, Gender, and Subjectivity among South African Muslim Women, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion Volume 29, No. 1 (Spring 2013), pp. 69-91,

Salomonsen, Jone  (2014) The Affective Work of (Non)-ritual for HIV positive women, South Africa, Journal of Ritual Studies, Volume 28, No 2, pp. 9-22,

Woodhead, Linda (2008) Gendering Secularization Theory, Social Compass, 55(2), pp. 189-195,

  1. Valgfri monograf (ca. 250 pp)

Velg en bok fra et av de f?lgende temafeltene:

  1. Aktuelle utviklingstrekk - kristendom

Cornwall, Susannah (2015), Intersex, Theology and the Bible: Troubling Bodies in Church, Text and Society, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Cox, Harvey (2009) The Future of Faith, New York: Harper Collins.

Craigo-Snell, Shannon (2014), The Empty Church. Theater, Theology, and Bodily Hope, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gottlieb, Roger S. (2006), A Greener Faith. Religious Environmentalism and Our Planet’s Future, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Grau, Marion (2004), Of Divine Economy. Refinancing Redemption, New York, London: T&T Clark International. 

Jenkins, Philip (2011) The Next Christendom.The Coming of Global Christianity. New York: Oxford University Press.

Keller, Catherine (2008) On the Mystery. Discerning God in Process, Minneapolis: Fortress Press.

McClintock Fulkerson, Mary (2007) Places of Redemption. Theology for a Worldly Church, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

McGuire, Meredith B. (2008) Lived Religion: Faith and Practice in Everyday Life, New York: Oxford University Press.

Orsi, Robert A. (2007) Between Heaven and Earth: The Religious Worlds People Make and the Scholars Who Study Them, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.


b) Aktuelle utviklingstrekk - islam

El Fadl, K. A. (2001) Speaking in God’s Name. Islamic Law, Authority, and Women. Oxford: Oneworld Publications.

G?le, Nilüfer (2015) Islam and Secularity. The Future of Europe’s Public Sphere, Durham and London: Duke University Press.

Hidyatullah, Aysha A. (2014) Feminist Edges of the Qur’an. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kugle, Scott Siraj al-Haqq (2010) Homosexuality in Islam. Critical Reflections on Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Muslims. Oxford: Oneworld Publications.

Mahmood, Saba. (2012) Politics of Piety. The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.

Roy, Olivier (2006) Globalized Islam. The Search for a New Ummah. New York: Columbia University Press.

Wadud, Amina (2006) Inside the Gender Jihad. Women’s Reform in Islam. Oxford: Oneworld Publications.

Lamptey, Jerusha Tanner (2014) Never Wholly Other: A Muslima Theology of Religious Pluralism, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Rahemtulla, Shadaab (2017) Qur’an of the Oppressed. Liberation Theology and Gender Justice in Islam, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Mesbahi, Seyyed Shahabeddin (2012) Method and Mysticism. Cosmos, nature and Environment in Islamic Mysticism, Fons Vitae Publisher.


d) Aktuelle utviklingstrekk – ny spiritualitet og post-tradisjonell trospraksis (antropologiske perspektiv)

Ammerman, Nancy T. (2013) Sacred Stories, Spiritual Tribes: Finding Religion in Everyday Life. New York: Oxford University Press.

Chidester, David (2012), Wild Religion. Tracking the Sacred in South Africa, Berkeley / Los Angeles / London: University of California Press.

Engelke, Matthew (2007), A Problem of Presence. Beyond Scripture in an African Church, Berkeley / Los Angeles / London: University of California Press.

Fedele, Anna (2013), Looking for Mary Magdalene. Alternative Pilgrimage and Ritual Creativity at Catholic Shrines in France, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gimore, Lee (2010) Theater in a Crowded Fire. Ritual and Spirituality at Burning Man, Berkeley: University of California Press.

Heelas, Paul (2008) Spiritualities of Life: New Age Romanticism and Consumptive Capitalism, Malden, MA: Blackwell Publications.

Mercadante, Linda A. (2014) Belief without Borders: Inside the Minds of the Spiritual but not Religious, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Salomonsen, Jone (2001) Enchanted Feminism: Ritual, Gender and Divinity among The Reclaiming Witches of San Fransisco. New York / London: Routledge

Sj?rslev, Inger (1995), Gudernes Rom. En beretnng om ritualer og tro i Brasilien, Copenhagen: Gyldendal.

Taylor, Bron (2010) Dark Green Religion. Nature Spirituality and the Planetary Future, Berkeley / Los Angeles / London: University of California Press.


e) Aktuelle utviklingstrekk – interreligi?se studier, relasjoner og praksiser:

Carvalhaes, Claudio (2013), Eucharist and Globalization: Redrawing the Borders of Eucharistic Hospitality, Wipf & Stock Publishers.

Cheetham, David et al. (eds, 2013) Understanding Interreligious Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press (part II).

Christ, Carol P. and Judith Plaskow (2016), Goddess and God in the World. Conversations in Embodied Theology, Minneapolis: Fortress Press.

Cornell, Catherine (ed., 2013) The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Interreligious Dialogue, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell (part I + a selection of 50 pp from part II).

Esack, F. (1997) Qur’an, Liberation and Pluralism. An Islamic Perspective of Interreligious Solidarity against Oppression, Oxford: Oneworld.

Grung, Anne Hege (2015) Gender Justice in Muslim- Christian Readings. Christian and Muslim Women in Norway Making Meaning of Texts from the Bible, the Koran and the Hadith, Brill – Rodopi Publishing.

Hedges, Paul (2010) Controversies in Interreligious Dialogue and the Theology of Religions, London: SCM Press.

Leirvik, Oddbj?rn B. (2010) Images of Jesus Christ in Islam, London: Continuum.

Moyaert, Marianne and Joris Geldhof (2016) Ritual Participation and Interreligious Dialogue. Boundaries, Transgressions and Innovations, London: Bloomsbury Publishing.


Publisert 11. mai 2017 12:13 - Sist endret 7. feb. 2020 16:22