
Fellespensum (780s)

B?ker (tilsammen 450s)

Beyer, Peter: Religions in Global Society, 2006. Routledge, New York. 300s.

Leirvik, Oddbj?rn: Interreligious studies. Exploring and unfolding a new academic dicipline. , Upublisert bokmanus, i Fronter/pensumarkiv (150 s).

Artikler. (tilsammen ca 330s)

Alle tekstene er tilgjengelige i elektronisk tekstarkiv i Fronter

Religionsantropologisk tiln?rming til islam og buddhisme (55s)

Bowen, John i: Religions and Practice. An Approach to the Athropology of Religion. : Studying Religion through Practice, 2011. Prentice Hall. Boston . s. 1-7 (i Fronter/pensumarkiv)..

Bangstad, Sindre i: Norsk Antropologisk tidsskrift. : Fotnoter til antropologien om islam. , 4/2008. 243-255 (i Fronter/pensumarkiv). .

Asad, Talal: The Idea of an Atnthropology of Islam. Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, 1986. Pccasional Paper Series. Georgetown University. Online artikkel.

Gellner, David N.: Introduction: What is the Anthropology og Buddhism About?, 1990. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford . s 95-112. Online artikkel .

Religionssosiologisk tiln?rming til religion i Europa (65 s)

Davie, Grace i: The Hedgehog Review: Is Europe an Exceptional Case, 2006. s 23-34. Online artikkel.

Bruce, Steve and David Voas: Vicarious Religion: An Examination and Critique, 2/2010. Journal of Contemporary Religion. s. 243-259 (i Fronter/pensumarkiv)..

Davie, Grace: Vicarious Religion: A Response, 2/2010. Journal of Contemporary Religion. s. 243-259 (i Fronter/pensumarkiv)..

Casanova, Jose: "Religion, european Secular identies, and European integration" i K. Michalski (red): Religion in the new Europe, 2006. Budapest:Central European University Press. s. 23-40 . Online artikkel .

Roy, O.: "Islam in Europe. Clash of religions or convergence of religiosities" i K. Michalski (red): Religion in the new Europe , 2006. Budapest:Central European University Press. s. 131-144. Online artikkel .

Sekularisering og offentlig religion (60s)

Gorski, Phillip S. og Ates Altinordu. i: Annual Review of Sociology: After Secularization?, 2008. s 55-77. Online artikkel.

Zuckermann, Phil. i: Nordic Journal of Religion and Society: Why are Danes and Swedes so irreligious, 1/2009. s 55-69 (i tekstarkiv).

Habermas, Jürgen: Religion in the Public Sphere, 2005. The Holberg Prize Seminar 2005. Holberg Prize Laureate Professor Jürgen Habermas. S 10-19. Online artikkel.

Beckford, James A. i: Nordic Journal of Religion and Society: The Return of Public Religion? A Critical Assessment of a Popular Claim. , 2/2010. s. 121-136.

Religion og kultur (30s)

Roy, Oliver. i: Holy ignorance. When Religion and Culture Part Ways: Introduction, 2010. Hust&Company. London. s 1-19 (i tekstarkiv). Online. Google Books.

Leirvik, Oddbj?rn. i: Nytt Nosk Tidsskrift: Kulturelle muslimar. Definisjonsmakt, hegemonikamp og religionspolitikk, 1/2009. s 73-81.

Interreligi?se relasjonar (40s)

Leirvik, Oddbj?rn i: Sturla St?lset (red) Spirits of Globalization. The Growth of Pentecostalism and Experiential Spiritualities in a Global Age: Charismatic Mission, Miracles and Faith-Based Diplomacy: The Case of Aril Edvardsen, 2006. SCM Press. London. s 131-144 (i tekstarkiv).

Horsfjord, Vebj?rn i: Studies in Interreligious Dialogue. : Reaching for the reset button for Muslim-Christian Relations. Recent Developments in the Common Word Process. , 1/2011. s 64 - 78.

Grung, Anne Hege. I: Approaching Religion: Interreligious dialogue. Moving between compartmentalization and complexity. , 1/2011. 10 s (i tekstarkiv).

Kj?nnsperspektiver p? samtidsreligion

Salomonsen, Jone. I: Hallgeir Elstad og Tarald Rasmussen (red) "Teologi og modernitet. Universitetsteologien i det 20. ?rhundret. : Element?r feministisk teologi. , 2011. Unipub. Oslo. s 289-317.

Woodhead, Linda i: James Beckford og N.J. Demerath (eds) "The Sage Handbook of the Sociology of Religion": Gender Differences in Religious Practice and Significance, 2007. Sage. London. Online artikkel.

Grung, Anne Hege. I: "Studies in Interreligious Dialogue" : Gender Justice in Muslim-Christian Readings: A Hermeneutical Case Study on Readings of Sura 4:34 and I TImothy 2:8-15 in a Group of Muslim and Christian Women in Norway. , 2/2011. s 133-150.

Bangstad, Sindre. i: "Tidsskrift for kj?nnsforskning": Grunnlagsproblemer i islamsk feministisk teori og praksis. , 1/2007. s 54-67 (i tekstarkiv).

Valgfri monografi (ca 250 tekstsider)

Velg en bok innenfor et av de seks omr?dene

a) Religionssosiologi

Davie, Grace : The Sociology of Religion. , 2007. Sage. London.

Eller tilsvarende. Dersom en ikke har lest innf?ringsb?ker i religionssosiologi kan ogs? f?lgende bok v?re aktuell:

Furseth, Inger og P?l Repstad. : Innf?ring i religionssosiologi. , 2003. Universitetsforlaget. Oslo.

b) Religionsantropologi

Bowie, Fiona: Anthropology of Religion. An Introduction., 2006. Blackwell. Oxford.

Eller tilsvarende

c) Kristendom

Jenkins, Peter. : The Next Christendom. The Coming of Global Christianity, 2007. Oxford University Press.

Eller Peter Jenkins "Gods Continent. Christianity, Islam and Europe's Religious Crisis" (se punkt f))

d) Islam

Amina Wadud: Inside the Gender Jihad. Women’s Reform in Islam, 2006. Oneworld. Oxford.

Roy, Olivier: Globalized Islam. The Search for a New Ummah , 2006. Hurst. London.

Mahmood, S. : Politics of Piety. The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject , 2004. Princeton University Press. Princeton.

El Fadl, K. A. : Speaking in God’s Name. Islamic Law, Authority, and Women , 2001. Oneworld. Oxford.

Utvik, Bj?rn Olav: Islamismen, 2011. Unipub. Oslo.

e) Nyreligi?sitet

Salomonsen, Jone: Enchanted Feminism. The Reclaiming Witches of San Fransisco , 2001. Routledge. London.

Heelas, Paul : Spiritualities of Life: New Age Romanticism and Consumptive Capitalism , 2008. Wiley Blackwell. London.

f) Interreligi?se relasjoner

Esack, F. : Qur’an, Liberation and Pluralism. An Islamic Perspective of Interreligious Solidarity against Oppression, 1997. Oneworld. Oxford.

Jenkins, Peter: God’s Continent. Christianity, Islam and Europe’s Religious Crisis , 2007. Oxford University Press. Oxford.

Waleed El-Ansary and David K. Linnan : Muslim and Christian Understanding. Theory and Application of “A Common Word”, 2010. Palgrave Macmillian. New York.

Heck, Paul: Common Ground. Islam, Christianity, and Religious Pluralism. , 2009. Georgetown University Press. Washington DC.

Publisert 29. mars 2012 07:42 - Sist endret 20. sep. 2012 12:22