Bauckham, R. Gospel of Glory: Major Themes in Johannine Theology (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2015).
Nanons, M. The Mystery of Romans: The Jewish Context of Paul’s Letter (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1996).
Smith, D.M. The Theology of the Gospel of John (Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1995).
Sumney, Jerry. Reading Paul's Letter to the Romans (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2012).
R?is?nen, H. Beyond New Testament Theology (London: SCM Press, 2000).
Selected essays from:
Porter, Stanley. A Handbook to the Exegesis of the New Testament (NTTS 25; Leiden: Brill, 1997).
Choose ONE of the following NT Theology books:
Bultmann, R. Theology of the New Testament (trans. K. Grobel; New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1951).
Matera, F.J. New Testament Theology: Exploring Diversity and Unity (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2007).
Neill, S.C. Jesus through Many Eyes: Introduction to the Theology of the New Testament (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1976).
Marshall, I.H. New Testament Theology: Many Witnesses, One Gospel (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2004).
Schnelle, U. Theology of the New Testament (trans. E. Boring; Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2007).