Contextual theologies: Context, Method and Models
Bevans, Stephen B. (2002) Models of Contextual Theology. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books. 146 p.
Rieger, Joerg (2004) “Theology and Mission Between Neocolonialism and Postcolonialism” in Mission Studies 21.2, 201-226.
Sobrino, Jon (1993) Jesus the Liberator. A Historical-Theological Reading of Jesus of Nazareth. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books. p. 1-104
Intercontextual Theology:
Ward, Graham (2009) The Politics of Discipleship: Becoming Postmaterial Citizens. London: SCM Press. 300 p.
Hermeneutical Tools:
Boxall, Ian (2015) “Reception History of the Bible” in The New Cambridge History of the Bible p. 172-183.
Míguez, Néstor and Bruno, Daniel (2015) “Reception of the Bible: the Bible in Latin America” in The New Cambridge History of the Bible p. 427-460.
West, Gerald O. (2015) “Reception of the Bible: the Bible in Africa” in The New Cambridge History of the Bible p. 347-390.
Inter-religious perspectives:
Leirvik, Oddbj?rn (2004) “Interfaith Dialogue and Liberation Theology: between Liberal Multiculturalism and Interreligious Activism” in Leirvik, O & St?lsett, S. red. The Power of faiths in global politics. Oslo: Novus forlag, p. 129-42.
Gender studies:
Butler, Judith (1986) “Sex and Gender in Simone de Beavoir’s Second Sex” in Yale French Studies 72. 35-49.
Phiri, Isabel Apawo (2004) “African women's theologies in the new millennium” in Agenda 61, 16-24
?kland, Journn (2010) Feminist Exegesis as Liberation Project, Cultural Critique and Cultural Memory Work – lectio difficilior 2/2010, 1-9.
Issues in Global Christianity
Chesnut, Andrew (2010) “Conservative Christian Competitors: Pentecostals and Charismatic Catholics in Latin America’s New Religious Economy” in SAIS Review 1, vol. 30, 91-103.
Freston, Paul (2010) “Globalization, Southern Christianity, and Proselytism” in The Review of Faith & International Affairs 1, vol. 7, 3-9.
Levine, Daniel H. (2009) “The Future of Christianity in Latin America” in Journal of Latin American Studies 1, vol 41, 121-145.
L?land, Ole Jakob (2015) “The Position of the Biblical Canon in Brazil: From Catholic Rediscovery to Neo-Pentecostal Marginalisation” in Studies in World Christianity 2 (21), 98-118.
Meyer, Birgit (2004) “Christianity in Africa: From African Independent to Pentecostal-Charismatic Churces” in Annual Review of Anthropology vol 33, 447-474.
For Field Work:
Hoel, Nina (2013). ?Embodying the Field: A Researcher’s Reflections on Power Dynamics, Positionality and the Nature of Research Relationships?, Fieldwork in Religion, 8(1), s. 27–49.
Sharan B. Merriam, Juanita Johnson-Bailey, Ming-Yeh Lee, Youngwha Kee, Gabo Ntseane & Mazanah Muhamad (2001) “Power and positionality: negotiating insider/outsider status within and across cultures” in International Journal of Lifelong Education 5 (20), 405-416.