Syllabus/achievement requirement
Knitter, P. F.: Introducing Theologies of Religion, 2002 . Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books . (Those who have read Knitter in other courses will be given an alternative text, e.g. selected chapters from Christianity and Other Religions: Selected Readings, eds. John Hick and Brian Hebblethwaite, Philadelphia: Fortress Press 1981) .
Gioia, F. (ed.), Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue: Interreligious Dialogue: The Official Teaching of the Catholic Church) (1963-1995, 1997. Boston: Pauline Books & Media . The following selection of texts: Nostra Aetate, Lumen Gentium, Dei Verbum, Apostolicam Actuositatem, Dignitatis Humanae, Ad Gentes, Gaudium et Spes, p. 37-60 (23 pages) (in kompendium 4077) .
Kinnamon, M. and Cope, B.E. (eds): The Ecumenical Movement: An Anthology of Key Texts and Voices, 1997. Geneva: WCC Publications. Report from Assembly of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, Bangkok 1973 (p. 354-358), Lausanne Covenant (p. 358-364), Mission and Evangelism – An Evangelical Affirmation (p. 372-383), Dialogue with People of Other Faiths (p. 393-422) (44 pages) (in kompendium 4077) .
Samartha, S. J.: Courage for Dialogue: Ecumenical Issues in Inter-religious Relationships, 1981 . Geneva: WCC . “The Lordship of Jesus Christ and Religious Pluralism,” (p. 88-104) (in kompendium 4077) .
Ariarajah, S Wesley: Not without My Neighbour, 1999 . Geneva: WCC. “Women and Dialogue: Is Dialogue Compromised?” and “Dialogue or Mission: Can the Tension Be Resolved?” (p. 59-72, 100-130) (44 small pages) (in kompendium 4077) .
In addition ca. 400 pages related to the dialogue with one specific religious tradition, to be worked out in cooperation with teacher. The reading lists will be negotiated with the students.
One example of a reading list for Islam:
Goddard, H: A History of Christian-Muslim Relations, 2000. Chicago: New Amsterdam Books. 180 p.
Esack, F.: Qur?an, Liberation and Pluralism. An Islamic Perspective of Interreligious Solidarity against Oppression, 1997. Oxford: Oneworld. 230 p.
Zebiri, K.: Muslims and Christians Face to Face, 1997. Oxford: Oneworld. 230 p.
Leirvik, O.: "Al-damir, Human Conscience and Christian-Muslim Relations", 2003 . in Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 2. (20 p).
One example of a reading list for Buddhism:
Gross, R. and Muck, T. (eds): Buddhists Talks about Jesus: Chrisitans Talk about Buddha, 2000 . London: Continuum . (153 pages).
Lai, W. & von Brück, M.: Christianity and Buddhism: A Multi-Cultural History of Their Dialogue, 2002 . Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books . (selected 150 pages).
Schmidt-Leukel, P. (ed): Buddhist Perceptions of Jesus, 2001 . St. Ottilien: EOS Verlag . (179 pages).