Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
21.01.2004Professor Notto R. Thelle? 9-11am, U207? Introduction to the theme: Problem and promise? Texts used in class: Knitter: Introduction

Recommended readings of curriculum: Knitter - Introduction, pp. 1-15?

28.01.2004Professor Notto R. Thelle? 9-11am, U207? Biblical perspectives? Recommended readings of curriculum: Knitter - Part I, pp. 19-60?
04.02.2004Professor Notto R. Thelle? 9-11am, U207? Biblical and historical perspectives? Work requirement: Written reflection on how to interpret the exclusive statements in the Bible

Recommended readings of curriculum - Knitter: Part II, pp. 63-106?

11.02.2004Professor Notto R. Thelle? 9-11am, U207? “Replacement models”; Evangelicalism; Tensions in WCC?? Texts used in class:
  • Knitter Part I.
  • Reports in Kinnamon and Cope.
  • Karl Barth: “The Revelation of God as the Abolition of Religion” (xerox copy will be provided)

Recommended readings of curriculum

  • Knitter: Part III, pp. 109-169
  • Kinnamon and Cope (compendium)
18.02.2004Professor Notto R. Thelle? 9-11am, U207? “Fulfillment models”? Texts used in class:
  • Knitter: Part II.
  • Reports in Gioia (compendium)
  • Karl Rahner: “Christianity and the Non-Christian Religions” (xerox copy will be provided)

Work requirements: Written review of one document from either Lausanne Movement, WCC, or the Vatican

Recommended readings of curriculum - S.W. Ariarajah, S.J. Samartha?

25.02.2004Professor Notto R. Thelle? 9-11am, U207? “Mutuality models”? Texts used in class:
  • Knitter: Part III
  • John Hick: “Whatever Path Men Choose is Mine” (xerox copy will be provided)

Recommended readings of curriculum - Knitter: Part IV, pp. 273-246?

03.03.2004Professor Notto R. Thelle? 9-11am, U207? “Acceptance of plurality and difference”? Texts used in class: Knitter: Part IV

Recommended readings of curriculum - Selected literature on dialogue with specific religious traditions?

10.03.2004No class? ? ? ?
17.03.2004No class? ? ? ?
24.03.2004Professor Notto R. Thelle? 9-11am, U207? Dialoguing with people of living faiths. Theologies of religion in other religions? Work requirements: Outline for term paper

Recommended readings of curriculum - Selected literature on specific traditions?

31.03.2004Professor Notto R. Thelle? 9-11am, U207? Dialoguing with people of living faiths? Recommended readings of curriculum - Selected literature?
07.04.2004EASTER BREAK? ? ? ?
14.04.2004No Class? ? ? Recommended readings of curriculum - Selected literature?
21.04.2004Professor Notto R. Thelle? 9-11am, U207? Conclusion of seminar. Final discussion on term papers? Recommended readings of curriculum - Selected literature ?
Published Nov. 15, 2005 2:41 PM