Syllabus/achievement requirements

General history of Norway:

Stenersen, I. L. : A history of Norway , 1995 . Oslo . (181 p).

Church and religion in history and today:

Manuscripts of Berge Furres lectures – ca 200 pages (Can be “washed” for use):

The church of Norway:

The church of Norway information service : The church of Norway , (40 p).

Furre, B. : Religion in Norway – a modern paradox , (man. ) (15 p) (in kompendium 1972).

Plesner, I. : State church and church autonomy in Norway, 1999 . Man. (11 p) (in kompendium 1972).

St?lsett, G. : A norwegian perspective of Religious Freedom in a pluralistic society, 1997. Rio . (15 p) .

Some official church statements:

The church of Norway and human rights : Crowned with glory and honour, (12 s) (in kompendium 1972).

Statement on persecution based on conscientious objection to military service. Comsumption and justice. A lithurgy. Refugees – their situation and background. (in kompendium 1972)

Items from Norwegian church history:

J?rgensen, T.: in Brohed, I. (ed.) Church and People in Britain and Scandinavia : From Wessex to Western Norway: Some perspectives on one Channel for the Christianisation Process , 1996 . Lund . 15 p (in kompendium 1972).

Montgomery, I.: in Brohed, I (ed): Church and People in Britain and Scandinavia: A Reformation without a Reformer: The Realisation of the Reformation in Norway, 1996 . Lund . (20p) (in kompendium 1972).

Thorkildsen, D.: in Brohed, I.(ed): Church and People in Britain and Scandinavia : Church and Nation in the 19th century, 1996 . Lund . (17p) (in kompendium 1972).

Thorkildsen, D.: in S?rensen, ?. and Bo Str?th (ed): The Cultural Construction of Norden : Religious Identity and Nordic Identity, 1997 . Oslo . (22p) (in kompendium 1972).

Hassing, A.: Religion and power. The case of methodism in Norway. Part IV: The dynamics of Methodism in Norwegian culture : 1980 . Wainesville, North Carolina . pp. 230-291 (60 p) (in kompendium 1972).

Stiansen, P. : History of the baptists in Norway , 1933 . Chicago . pp. 55-85; 157-171 (44 p) (in kompendium 1972).


Wyller, T. : The State and Social Welfare: Authenticity and Call , (25 p).

Sociology of religion:

Repstad, P.: in Religion and modernity : Introduction. A paradigm shift in the Socioogy of Religion, 1996 . Oslo . (10 p) (in kompendium 1947).

Botvar, P. K.: in Repstad, P. (ed): Religion and modernity. : Belonging without believing? The Norwegian religiuous profile Compared with the British one, 1996 . Oslo . (15 p) (in kompendium 1947).

Roof, W. C. and Aagedal, O.: in Repstad, P. (ed.): Religion and modernity: Same generation, the same religion? The religiosity of the Norwegian and American babyboomers, 1996 . Oslo . (25 p) (in kompendium 1947).

Gustafsson, G.: in Pettersson, T. and Riis, O.: Scandinavian values. Religion and morality in the Nordic countries : Religious Change in the Five Scandinavian Countries 1930-1980, 1994 . Stockholm . (48 p) (in kompendium 1947).

Riis, O.: in Pettersson, T. and Riis, O.: Scandinavian values. Religion and morality in the Nordic countries : Patterns of Secularisation in Scandinavia, 1994 . Stockholm . (29 p) (in kompendium 1947).

The Sami People:

Drivenes, E. A.: in Kerr, D. A. (ed): Religion, State and Ethnic Groups : Religion, church and ethnic minorities in Norway 1850-1940, 1992 . New York . 20 p (in kompendium 1947).

The general synod (of the Norwegian Church) minutes 1997 : Indegenous people in the world wide church life with sami church life as a point of departure, (8 p).


J?rgensen, T. : Women’s mission groups – social and religious entrepreneurs in the nineteenth century norwegian democratization process, (in kompendium 1947).

J?rgensen, T. : The Norwegian Missionary enterprise in Zululand – A Foreigne Actor in a Field of British Imperialism, (in kompendium 1947).

Thelle, N. R.: in Mission Legacies. Biographical studies of Leaders of the Modern Missionary Movement : Karl Ludvig Reichelt 1877-1952. Christian Pilgrim of Tao Fong Shan , 1994 . New York . (9 p) (in kompendium 1947).

Myklebust, O.G.: in Mission Legacies. Biographical studies of Leaders of the Modern Missionary Movement : H.P.S.Schreuder 1817-1882. Friend of Mpande the Zulu Chief, 1994 (7 p) . New York . (in kompendium 1947).

Published Oct. 27, 2005 9:43 AM - Last modified Nov. 10, 2005 3:08 PM