TIK9102A – Ph.d-seminar 1

Schedule, syllabus and examination date

Course content

Compulsory seminar (also called "T?yenseminar") for all candiates with admission after 2018 to the PhD programme at The faculty of social sciences, direction Technology, innovation and culture. Every candidate must participate in three seminars: TIK9102A (first time participation), TIK9102B (second time participation), TIK9102C (third time participation). Each seminar gives 1 ECTS.

Learning outcome

The seminar is normally offered by the TIK-centre every semester. Each candidate submits a text draft of 8-10 pages to be presented in and discussed by the group. In addition, each seminar has a session about central topics (e.g. how to write a good abstract or introduction, or open access publishing).

After participating in seminar candidates should be able to:

  • Develop research questions for academic papers
  • Plan and carry out research and give peer feedback at an advanced, international level ?

Admission to the course

All candidates accepted in the direction of Technology, innovaiton and culture are welcome to attend.?

The Ph.D.-administration sends out information about admission to the candidates each semester.

Registration via online form: https://nettskjema.no/a/369586

Formal prerequisite knowledge

Participation in this course is reserved for candidates accepted to the Ph.D.-programme at The faculty of social sciences, direction Technology, innovation and culture.


The Head of the Ph.D. programme at TIK normally organizes one seminar each semester. The seminar goes over one to two days, depending on number of participants. Active participation in the seminar is required, as well as handing in a written assignment ahead of the seminar, where the candidate presents a part of the dissertation (e.g. a draft of a project, a chapter or the introductory part/"kappe"). Lectures on practical or theoretical aspects of the dissertation work (e.g. research ethics) can also be part of the seminar. ??


Presentation of text is assumed, in addition to active participation in the seminars.Texts (8-10 pages) should be submitted via email to the Ph.D.-administration at least two weeks before the seminar.

Each candidate is required to attend three seminars Upon completion the candidate is awarded a total of 3?ECTS.

Grading scale

Approved participation and presentations in the seminars. Assessed as pass/fail.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Oct. 3, 2024 3:34:49 AM

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn
Spring and autumn
Teaching language