Changes in the reading list - Livingstone article replaced

The article by Sonia Livingstone is not available online, and has for that reason been removed from the Reading list. It is replaced by Lunt and Livingstone (2013) "Media studies' fascination with the concept of the public sphere: critical reflections and emerging debates".

Also, Sissel has added the following additional literature (NOT required reading):

  • Ruppert, Evelyn (2015) "Socialising Big Data: from concept to practice". This working paper is available at, and also in Fronter.
  • Myklebust, Sissel (2010) "Freud i markedsforskning og reklame". This (norwegian) article is available in Fronter. It covers similar themes as the Schwarzkopf article you will read before the lecture April 16th.


Also; The Powerpoints from Sissels lecture have now been posted in Fronter.


Published Apr. 8, 2015 3:13 PM