Pick one article for tomorrow's lecture (14/11)

For the practical part of the lecture on Tuesday the students will need to pick one of these papers:

  • Kannan-Narasimhan, R. (2014). “Organizational Ingenuity in Nascent Innovations: Gaining Resources and Legitimacy through Unconventional Actions”. Organization Studies, 35(4), 483-509.
  • Baker, T., & Nelson, R. E. (2005). ?Creating Something from Nothing: Resource Construction through Entrepreneurial Bricolage”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 50(3), 329-366
  • Davies, S. and Horst, M. 20015. Crafting the Group: Care in Research Management. Social Studies of Science 45(3):371-393
  • Calvert, J (2006) 'What's special about basic research?' Science, Technology and Human Values, Vol.31, Issue 2, pp.199-

The first two are innovation studies  (as part of the pensum) while the second two are STS (and we have posted in a folder in Fronter). On the second part of the class on Tuesday, the students will be asked to work in groups, discussing the paper that they have selected by: 1. Identify the main research question and research strategy in the paper. 2 Using the papers to reflect on methods:  Why is the author using interviews in this paper? How are they used? What advantages do they offer over other methods? Could they be replaced by order methods to address that same research question? What can be afforded by using interviews in this context? Could you point to some shortcomings or limitations in relation to the use of this method in the text?

Best wishes,


Publisert 13. nov. 2017 09:33 - Sist endret 13. nov. 2017 09:33