Syllabus/achievement requirements

Andersen, S.S. and K.A. Eliassen (2001): ?Introduction: The EU as a New Political System?., In S.S. Andersen and K.A. Eliassen (eds.): Making Policy in Europe. London: Sage (16 pp.).

Aspinwall, M. and G. Schneider (2000): ?Same Menu, Separate Tables: The Institutionalist Turn in Political Science and the Study of European Integration?, European Journal of Political Research 38. pp. 1-36 (35 pp.).

Crum, B. (2003): Towards Finality? A Preliminary Assessment of the Achievements of the European Convention, ARENA: Working Paper No 4.

Egeberg, M. (2004): “An Organisational Approach to European Integration – Outline of a Complementary perspective”, European Journal of Political Research 43: 199-219. ( 20 pp.).

Egeberg, M. (forthcoming 2): ?The Nordic Countries and the EU: How European Integration Integrates and Disintegrates States Domestically?, in S. Bulmer and C. Lequesne (eds.): Member States and the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press (30 pp.).

Egeberg, M., G. Schaefer and Jarle Trondal (2003): “The Many Faces of EU Committee Governance”, West European Politics 26: 19-40. (20 pp.).

Goetz, K.H. (2001): ?European Integration and National Executives: A Cause in Search of an Effect?, In K. H. Goetz and S. Hix (eds.): Europeanised Politics? European Integration and National Political Systems. London: Frank Cass (20 pp.).

Greenwood, J. (2003): Interest Representation in the EU: Demos rules OK? , (Paper). (17 pp).

Hayes-Renshaw, F. and H. Wallace (1997): The Council of Ministers., New York: St. Martin?s Press . (ch. 1-3, 5-11) (265 pp).

Hix, S. and K.H. Goetz (2001): ?Introduction: European Integration and National Political Systems?, In K.H. Goetz and S. Hix (eds.): Europeanised Politics? European Integration and National Political Systems. London: Frank Cass (25 pp.).

Joerges, C. and J. Neyer (1997): ?Transforming Strategic Interaction into Deliberative Problem-Solving: European Comitology in the Foodstuffs Sector?, Journal of European Public Policy 4. pp. 609-25 (16 pp.).

Kerremans, B. (1996): ?Do Institutions Make a Difference? Non-Institutionalism, Neo-Institutionalism, and the Logic of Common Decision-Making in the European Union?, , Governance 9 . pp. 217-240 (23 pp.).

Knill, C. (1998): ?European Policies: The Impact of National Administrative Traditions?, , Journal of Public Policy 18. pp. 1-28 (27 pp.).

Kohler-Koch, B. (1996): ?The strength of weakness: the transformation of governance in the EU?,, in S. Gustavsson and L. Lewin (eds.): The Future of the Nation-State. London: Routledge (20 pp.).

Mazey, S. and J. Richardson (1996): ?The Logic of Organisation: Interest Groups?, In J. Richardson (ed.): European Union: Power and Policy- Making. London: Routledge (15 pp.).

Nugent, N. (1999): The Government and Politics of the European Union, Houndmills: The Macmillan Press. (ch. 7) (32 pp.).

Nugent, N. (2001): The European Commission, Houndmills: Palgrave . (ch. 1, 3-7) (135 pp.).

Olsen, J.P. (1992): ?Analyzing Institutional Dynamics?, Staatswissenschaften und Staatspraxis 3. pp. 247-71 (24 pp.).

Olsen, J.P. (2000): ?Organising European Institutions of Governance: A Prelude to an Institutional Account of Political Integration.? , I H. Wallace (red.): Whose Europe? Interlocking Dimensions of Integration. London: Macmillan (20 pp.).

Olsen, J.P. (2001): ?Reforming European Institutions of Governance?, ARENA Working Paper No 7. Journal of Common Market Studies 40. pp. 581-602 (2002) (26 pp.).

Schaefer. G.F. (1996): ?Committees in the EC Policy Process. A First Step Towards Developing a Conceptual Framework?., In R.H. Pedler and G.F. Schaefer (eds.): Shaping European Law and Policy: The Role of Committees and Comitology in the Political Process. Maastricht: European Institute of Public Administration (22 pp.).

Sverdrup, U. (1999): ?Precedents and present events in the European Union: An institutional perspective on treaty reform?, in K.H. Neunreither and A. Wiener (eds.): European Integration. Institutional Dynamics and Prospects for Democracy after Amsterdam. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (24 pp.).

Sverdrup, Ulf (2004) : “Compliance and Conflict Management in the European Union: Nordic Exceptionalism", Scandinavian Political Studies 27: 23-43.

Total number of pages: (832 pp)

Recommended reading:

Andersen, S.S. and K.A. Eliassen (eds.) (2001): Making Policy in Europe, London: Sage.

March, J.G. and J.P. Olsen (1989): Rediscovering Institutions, New York: The Free Press.

March, J.G. and J.P. Olsen (1998): ?The Institutional Dynamics of International Political Orders?, International Organization 52. pp. 943-969.

Nugent, N. (ed.) (1997): At the Heart of the Union. Studies of the European Commission, Houndmills: Macmillan Press.

Page, E.C. (1997): People Who Run Europe, Oxford: Clarendon Press .

Rometsch, D. and W. Wessels (eds.) (1996): The European Union and Member States: Towards Institutional Fusion?, Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Wallace, H. and W. Wallace (eds.) (1996): Policy-Making in the European Union, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Published Apr. 21, 2004 1:55 PM - Last modified June 29, 2004 5:31 PM