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Christensen, T. og P.L?greid (red. 2007a). Transcending New Public Management. The Transformation of Public Sector Reforms. Aldershot: Ashgate. Kapittel 1-3, 6 og 11 (113 s.)

Christensen, T., P. L?greid, P.G. Roness og K.A. R?vik (2009). Organisasjonsteori for offentlig sektor. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Kap. 5,7,8,9 (85 s.)

Tilgjengelig i kompendium som kj?pes hos Kopiutsalget, Akademika

Boston, J. , J. Martin, J. Pallot og P. Walsh (1996). Public Management. The New Zealand Model. Auckland: Oxford University Press. Kap. 2. (27 s).

Bouckaert, Geert, Peters, B. Guy, Verhoest, Koen (2010a): “The main argument – specialization without coordination is centrifugal”, kap. 1 i The coordination of public sector organizations: shifting patterns of public management. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (10 s)

Bouckaert, Geert, Peters, B. Guy, Verhoest, Koen (2010b): “Coordination: What it is and why we should have it”, kap. 2 i The coordination of public sector organizations: shifting patterns of public management. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (20 s)

Brunsson, N. og J.P. Olsen (1993). The Reforming Organization. London: Routledge. Kap. 1 (14 s.)

Egeberg, M. (1992). “Konstruktiv statsvitenskap og forvaltningspolitikk”, Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 8: 185-204. (20 s.)

Pollitt, C.  (2007)."Convergence or Divergence: What has been Happening in Europe?" I C.Pollitt, S.v.Thiel and V.M.F.Homburg, New Public Management in Europe: Adaptation and Alternatives, 2007. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (16 s.)

Pollitt, C. og G.Bouckaert (2011). ?Comparative public management reform: an introduction to the key debates?, kap. 1 i Public Management Reform. A Comparative Analysis. New Public Management, Governance, and the Neo-Weberian State. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 3.utgave-(30 s).

Pollitt, C. og G.Bouckaert (2008a). ?Politics and management?, kap. 6 i Public Management Reform. A Comparative Analysis. New Public Management, Governance, and the Neo-Weberian State. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 3.utgave-(21 s).

Richards, D. and M.Smith (2006). "The Tensions of Political Control and Administrative Autonomy: from NPM to a Reconstituted Westminster Model". I T.Christensen og P.L?greid (red.), Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with Agencies in the Modern State. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (22 s.)

Schr?ter, E. and P. v. Maravi? (2015). The "performance claim" of representative bureaucracy: does organization matter? Politics of representative bureaucracy. B. G. Peters, P. v. Maravi? and E. Schr?ter. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar (24 s)

Talbot, C. (2004). "The Agency Idea: sometimes old, sometimes new, sometimes borrowed, sometimes untrue". I C. Pollitt og C. Talbot (red.), Unbundled Government. A critical analysis of the global trend to agencies, quangos and contractualisation. London og New York: Routledge. (19 s).

Thelen, K. (2003). ”How institutions evolve. Insights from comparative historical analysis”, i J. Mahoney og D. Rueschemeyer (red.): Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (32 s.)

Zuna, H.R. (1999). ”Utdannelse og beslutninger”, Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift, 15: 338-60. (22 s.)

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Askim, J., T.Christensen, A.L.Fimreite og P.L?greid (2009). How to carry out joined-up government reforms: Lessons from the 2001–2006 Norwegian welfare reform. International Journal of Public Administration, 32: 1005-1026.  (20 s.)

Bach, Tobias (2014): The autonomy of government agencies in Germany and Norway: explaining variation in management autonomy across countries and agencies. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 80 (2), 341-361. (21 s.)

Christensen, T. og P.L?greid (2007b). The Whole-of-Government Approach to Public Sector Reform. Public Administration Review, Volume 67. s. 1059-1066 (8 s.)

Egeberg, M. (2012). ”How bureaucratic structure matters: an organizational perspective”, i B.G. Peters og J. Pierre (red.): The Sage Handbook of Public Administration. London: Sage (10 s.)

Egeberg, M. og J. Trondal (2009) “Political leadership and bureaucratic autonomy: Effects of agencification”, Governance 22: 673-688. ( 15 s.)

Gregory, B. (2003). "All the King’s Horses and All the King’s Men: Putting New Zealand’s Public Sector Back Together Again". International Public Management Review, 4 (2):41-58. (17s).

Hammond, T.H. (1990): "In Defence of Luther Gulick's Notes on The Theory of Organization". Public Administration, 68: 143-173. (30 s.)

Hartlapp, Miriam/Metz, Julia/Rauh, Christian (2013): Linking Agenda Setting to Coordination Structures: Bureaucratic Politics inside the European Commission. Journal of European Integration, 53(4): 425-441. (17 s.)

Hood, C. (2002): “Control, Bargains, and Cheating: The Politics of Public-Service Reform”, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 12(3): 309-332. (24 s)

March, J.G. og J.P. Olsen (1983). “Organizing political life. What administrative reorganization tells us about government”, American Political Science Review 77: 281-297. (16 s.)

March, J.G. og J.P. Olsen (2006). ”Elaborating the ’New Institutionalism’, i R.A.W. Rhodes, S.A. Binder og B.A. Rockman (red.): The Oxford Handbook of Political Institutions. Oxford: Oxford University Press (17 s.)

Meier, K.J. (2010) ‘Governance, structure, and democracy: Luther Gulick and the Future of Public Administration’, Public Administration Review 70 (Special Issue): S284-S291 (7 s.)

Meier, K. J. and K. J. Capers (2012). Representative Bureaucracy: Four Questions. The SAGE handbook of public administration. J. Pierre and B. G. Peters. Los Angeles, Calif, Sage: 420-431. (12 s.)

Osborne, Stephen P. (2006): “The New Public Governance?”, Public Management Review, 8:3, 377-387 (11 s.)

Pollitt, C: "Joined-up Government". (2003). Political Studies Review, 1, 1: 34-49. (16 s).

Rothstein, B. (2012) ‘Political legitimacy for public administration’ i B.G. Peters og J. Pierre (red.) The Sage Handbook of Public Administration. London: Sage (12 s.).

Scharpf, Fritz W. (1994): Games Real Actors Could Play: Positive and Negative Coordination in Embedded Negotiations. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 6(1), 27-53. (27 s.)

Talbot, C. og C.Johnson (2007). "Seasonal Cycles in Public Management: Disaggregation and Re-aggregation". Public Money & Management, (Feb.): 53-59. (6 s.)

Vestlund, Nina Merete (2015): Changing policy focus through organizational reform? The case of the pharmaceutical unit in the European Commission. Public Policy and Administration, 30(1), 92-112. (21s.)

Pensum totalt: ca. 799 sider


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Ahrne, G: Stater som organisationer, 1998. Stockholm: Nerenius & Santerus forlag.

Barragan, E.M. og A. Roemer (red.): A New Public Management in Mexico. Towards a government that produces results, 2001. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Barzelay, M.: The New Public Management. Improving Research and Policy Dialogue, 2001. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Berg, A: Staten som kapitalist. Marknadsanpassningen av affarsdrivande verken 1976-1994, 1999. Uppsala Universitetet: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.

Bezes, P., AL Fimreite, P Le Lidec and P. L?greid (2013) “Understanding organizational reforms in the modern state: Specialization and integration in Norway and France”. Governance 26(1): 147-175.

Blom-Hansen, J., J.Gr?nneg?rd Christensen, J.B.Damgaard, P.Nannestad, T.Pallesen og L.D.Pedersen : Offentligt og effektivt? Institusjonelle valg i den offentlige sektor. , 1998. K?benhavn: Gyldendal.

Bogen, H. og T.Nyen: Privatisering og konkurranseutsetting i norske kommuner., 1998. Oslo: FAFO.

Boston, J: Purchasing Policy Advice: The Limits to Contracting out, 1994. Governance, 7(1)1-30.

Boston, J., P.Dalziel og S.St. John: Redesigning the Welfare State in New Zealand. Problems, Policies, Prospects, 1999. Auckland: Oxford University Press.

Bouckaert, G. og J.Halligan. Managing Performance. International Comparisons, 2008. London Routledge.

Brunsson, N. Mechanisms of Hope. Maintaining the Dream of the Rational Organization. Malm?: Liber.

Campbell, C. og J.Halligan: Political Leadership in An Age of Constraint. The Australian Experience, 1992. Pittsburgh og London: University of Pittsburg Press.

Christensen, T.: "Staten og reformenes forunderlige verden." i Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift. 2006.

Christensen T. og P. L?greid. : I T.Christensen og P.L?greid (red.), New Public Management. The Transformation of Ideas and Practice, 2001. Aldershot: Ashgate. Kap. 1, 2, 6 og 13..

Clarke, J. og J.Newman : The Managerial State, (1997). London: Sage.

Considine, M : "The Corporate Management Framework as Administrative Science: A Critique", 1997. I M.Considine og M Painter: Managerialism. The Great Debate. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.

Corkery, J.,T.O.Daddah, C.O'Nuallain og T.Land (red.).: Management of Public Service Reform. A Comparative Review of Experiences in the Management of Prorgammes of Reform of the Administrative Arm of Central Government, Bryssel: International Institute of Administrative Sciences. IOS Press.

DeLeon, L: "Administrative Reform and Democratic Accountability", 1997. I W.Kickert. (red.): Public Management and Administrative Reform in Western Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

DeMontricher, N: France: "In Search of Relevant Changes", 1996. I J.P.Olsen og B.G. Peters (red.): Lessons from Experience. Oslo: SCUP.

Denhardt, J.V. og R.B.Denhardt: The New Public Service. Serving, not Steering, 2003. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe.

Donahue, J.D. og J.S. Nye Jr. (red.): Market-Based Governance. Supply Side, Demand Side, Upside, and Downside, 2002. Washington D.C.: Brookings.

Egeberg, M. og H. S?tren (1999). ”Identities in Complex Organizations: A Study of Ministerial Bureaucrats”, i M. Egeberg og P. L?greid (red.): Organizing Political Institutions. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.

Egeberg, M. og J. Trondal (2011) “Agencification and location: Does agency site matter?” Public Organization Review 11: 97-108.

Feigenbaum H., J. Henig og C Hamnet: Shrinking the state. The political underpinnings of privatization, Cambridge: University Press.

Flynn, N. og F. Strehl (red.): Public Sector Management in Europe, 1996. London: Prentice Hall.

Foster, C.D. og F.J.Plowden : The State under Stress, 1996. Buckingham and Philadelphia: Open University Press.

Frederickson, D.G. og H.George Frederickson. Measuring the performance of the hollow state, 2007. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press.

Fredrickson, H.G.: "Comparing the Reinventing Movement with the New Public Administration", 1996. Public Administration Review, vol 56, no.3 (May/June).

Fredrickson, H.G. og J.M.Johnston (red.): Public Management Reform and Innovation. Research, Theory, and Application, 1999. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press.

Gregory, B.: "Accountability, Responsibility and Corruption: Managing the Public Production Process", 1995. I J.Boston.(red.): The State under Contract. Wellington: Bridget Williams Books.

Gregory, B: "Transforming Governmental Culture: A Sceptical View of New Public Management", 2001. I T.Christensen og P.L?greid (red.), New Public Management. The Transformation of Ideas and Practice. Aldershot: Ashgate.

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Halligan, J: "Australia: Balancing Principles and Pragmatism", 1996b. I J.P.Olsen. og B.G. Peters (red.): Lessons from Experience. Oslo: SCUP.

Halligan, J: "Comparing Public Service Reforms in OECD Countries", 1998. I J.Halligan. (red.) Public Service Reform. Canberra: Centre for Research in Public Sector.

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Hodge, G.A.: Privatization. An International Review of Performance, 2000. Boulder: Westview.

Hogwood, B.W: "Restructuring central government: the “Next Steps” initiative", 1993. I J.Kooiman og K.Eliassen (red.), Managing Public Organizations, 2.utgave.

Hood, C : Kindom: "From Second Chance to Near-Miss Learning", 1996. I J.P.Olsen og G. Peters (red.): Lessons from Experience. Oslo: SCUP.

Hood, C: The Art of the State. Culture, Rhetoric, and Public Management, 1998a. Oxford: Claredon Press.

Hood C: "Individualized Contracts for Top Civil Servants: Copying Business, Path-Dependent Political Re-Engineering – or Trobriand Cricket", 1998b. Governance 11:443-462.

Hood, C. and M. Lodge (2006): The Politics of Public Service Bargains: Reward, Competency, Loyalty - and Blame. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Jann, W: "Public Management Reform in Germany: A Revolution without a Theory?", 1997. I W.Kickert (red.): Public Management and Administrative Reform in Western Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Kamarck, E.C. og J.S. Nye Jr: Democracy in the Information Age, 2002. Washington D. C.: Brookings.

Kettl, D.F. : "The Global Revolution in Public Management: Driving Themes, Missing Links", 1997. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, vol. 16, no. 3.

Kickert, W.J.M, E.-H.Klijn og J.F.M. Koppenjan: Managing Complex Networks. Strategies for the Public Sector, 1997. London: Sage.

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Lie, A. og T.Christensen. "Nyliberalisme og forvaltningspolitikk: fr? modernisering til fornying". I P.K.Mydske, D.H.Claes og A. Lie (red.), Nyliberalisme – ideer og politisk virkelighet, 2007. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

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Publisert 23. nov. 2015 16:02 - Sist endret 8. des. 2015 10:55