
Bidrag merket "K" er samlet i et kompendium som kan kj?pes i Kopiutsalget.

Askim, J., T. Christensen, A. L. Fimreite og P. L?greid. 2009. "How to carry out joined-up government reforms: Lessons from the 2001–2006 Norwegian welfare reform". International Journal of Public Administration (kommer) (31 s.) K

Boston, J. , J. Martin, J. Pallot og P. Walsh: Public Management. The New Zealand Model, 1996. Auckland: Oxford University Press. Kap. 2. (27 s). K

Brunsson, N. og J. P. Olsen: The Reforming Organization, 1993. London: Routledge. Kap. 1 (14 s.) K

Christensen, T. og P. L?greid. Transcending New Public Management. The Transformation of Public Sector Reforms, red. 2007a. Aldershot: Ashgate. (113 s.)

? Kap. 1. T. Christensen og P. L?greid. "Introduction- Theoretical Approach and Research Questions."

? Kap. 2. T. Christensen, A. Lie og P. L?greid. "Still Fragmented Government or Reassertion of the Centre?"

? Kap. 3. J. Halligan. "Reform Design and Performance in Australia and New Zealand."

? Kap. 6. T. Christensen, P. L?greid and R. Norman. "Organizing Immigration – A Comparison of New Zealand and Norway."

? Kap. 11. B. Gregory. "New Public Management and the Ghost of Max Weber: Exorcized or Still Haunting?"

Christensen, T. og P. L?greid. "The Whole-of-Government Approach to Public Sector Reform". 2007b. Public Administration Review, Volume 67. s. 1059-1066 (8 s.) Lenke

Christensen, T., P. L?greid, P. G. Roness og K. A. R?vik (2009): Organisasjonsteori for offentlig sektor. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Kap. 5, 7, 8, 9 (85 s.)

Curtin , D. og M. Egeberg (2008): “Tradition and innovation: Europe’s accumulated executive order”, West European Politics 31: 639-661. (22 s.) Lenke

Egeberg, M. (1992): “Konstruktiv statsvitenskap og forvaltningspolitikk”, Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 8: 185-204. (20 s.) Fronter

Egeberg, M. (2003): ”How bureaucratic structure matters: an organisational perspective”, i B. G. Peters og J. Pierre (red.): Handbook of Public Administration. London: Sage (10 s.) K

Egeberg, M. og H. S?tren (1999): ”Identities in Complex Organizations: A Study of Ministerial Bureaucrats”, i M. Egeberg og P. L?greid (red.): Organizing Political Institutions. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. (15 s.) K

Egeberg, M. og J. Trondal (2009) “Political leadership and bureaucratic autonomy: Effects of agencification”, Governance 22: 673-688. (15 s.) Lenke

Gregory, B: "All the King’s Horses and All the King’s Men: Putting New Zealand’s Public Sector Back Together Again", 2003. International Public Management Review, 4 (2):41-58. (17s).

Hammond, T. H. (1990): "In Defence of Luther Gulick's Notes on The Theory of Organization". Public Administration, 68: 143-173. (30 s.) Lenke

Jacobsen, D. I. (2005): ”Kommentar: Enhet og mangfold – statsvitenskap og organisasjonsteori i Norge”, i E. D?ving og ?. Johnsen (red.): Organisasjonsteori p? norsk. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget (10 s.) K

March, J. G. og J. P. Olsen (1983): “Organizing political life. What administrative reorganization tells us about government”, American Political Science Review 77: 281-297. (16 s.) Lenke

March, J. G. og J. P. Olsen (2006): ”Elaborating the ’New Institutionalim’, i R. A. W. Rhodes, S. A. Binder og B. A. Rockman (red.): The Oxford Handbook of Political Institutions. Oxford: Oxford University Press (17 s.) K

Olsen, J. P. (1998): ”Institutional Design in Democratic Contexts”, i N. Brunsson og J. P. Olsen (red.): Organizing Organizations. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. (30 s.) K

Pollitt, C: "Joined-up Government", 2003. Political Studies Review, 1, 1: 34-49. (15 s). Lenke

Pollitt, C.: "Convergence or Divergence: What has been Happening in Europe?" 2007. I C. Pollitt, S. v. Thiel and V. M. F. Homburg, The New Public Management in Europe: Adaptation and Alternatives, 2007. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (16 s.) K

Pollitt, C. og G. Bouckaert: Public Management Reform. A Comparative Analysis, 2004. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2. utgave- Kap. 1-4, 6-8.(162 s).

Richards, D. and M. Smith. "The Tensions of Political Control and Administrative Autonomy: from NPM to a Reconstituted Westminster Model". I T. Christensen og P. L?greid (red.), Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with Agencies in the Modern State, 2006. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (22 s.) K

Roness, P. G. (2005): ”Statsvitarfaget og organisasjonsutforming”, i E. D?ving og ?. Johnsen (red.): Organisasjonsteori p? norsk. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget (21 s.) K

Talbot, C. "The Agency Idea: sometimes old, sometimes new, sometimes borrowed, sometimes untrue", 2004. I C. Pollitt og C. Talbot (red.), Unbundled Government. A critical analysis of the global trend to agencies, quangos and contractualisation. London og New York: Routledge. (19 s). K

Talbot, C. og C. Johnson. "Seasonal Cycles in Public Management: Disaggregation and Re-aggregation". Public Money & Management, 2007(Feb.): 53-59. (6 s.) Lenke

Thelen, K. (2003): ”How institutions evolve. Insights from comparative historical analysis”, i J. Mahoney og D. Rueschemeyer (red.): Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (32 s.) K

Wise, L. R. (2003): “Representative bureaucracy”, i B. G. Peters og J. Pierre (red.): Handbook of Public Administration. London: Sage (10 s.) K

Zuna, H. R. (1999): ”Utdannelse og beslutninger”, Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift, 15: 338-60. (22 s.) Fronter

Sum: ca. 800 s.

Published Nov. 26, 2009 2:06 PM - Last modified Jan. 21, 2010 11:27 AM