Literature marked "C" is in a compendium, which is available at Akademika. All articles marked "Fronter" are available on the Fronter website (log on to using your UiO username and password).
Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd, Nicholas Aylott and Flemming Juul Christiansen (2007): “Social democrats and trade unions in Scandinavia: the decline and persistence of institutional relationships”, European Journal of Political Research 46, 5: 607-35. (29p) Fronter
Andersson, Jenny (2009): “Nostalgia and Nordic light: The Swedish model as utopia 1930-2007”, Scandinavian Journal of History 34, 3: 229-245. (17p) Fronter
Andersson, Jenny (2004): “A productive social citizenship? Reflections on the concept of productive social policies in the European tradition”, pp. 69-88 in L. Magnusson and B. Str?th (eds.): A European Social Citizenship. Preconditions for Future Policies from Historical Perspective. Brussels: P.I.E-Peter Lang. (20p) C
Anthonsen, Mette, Johannes Lindvall & Ulrich Schmidt-Hansen (2011): “Social democrats, unions and corporatism: Denmark and Sweden compared”, Party Politics 17, 1: 118-134. (19p) Fronter
Aylott, Nicholas (2002): “Let’s discuss this later: party responses to Euro-division in Scandinavia”, Party Politics 8, 4: 441-61. (21p) Fronter
Bergman, Torbj?rn & Kaare Str?m (2011): The Madisonian Turn. Political Parties and Parliamentary Democracy in Nordic Europe. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Ch. 3 (E. Damgaard): “Change and challenges of Danish parliamentary democracy”, ch. 6 (H.M. Narud & K. Str?m): “Norway: from H?ndsvaldian parliamentarism back to Madisonian roots?” (105p) Copy
Brandal, Nik, ?ivind Bratberg and Dag Einar Thorsen (2013): The Nordic Model of Social Democracy. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Ch. 5: “The Nordic Model in a Global Economy”, ch. 6: “The welfare state: the good life or dependency?” (49p) Fronter
Brochmann, Grete & Anniken Hagelund (2011): “Migrants in the Scandinavian welfare state. The emergence of a social policy problem”, Nordic Journal of Migration Research 1, 1: 13-24. (12p) Fronter
Christensen, Tom (2005): “The Norwegian state transformed?”, West European Politics 28, 4: 721-739. (19p) Link/Fronter
Engelstad, Fredrik (2004): “Democracy at work? Does democracy in working life make sense in the 21st century?” in ?. ?sterud and F. Engelstad (eds): Power and Democracy. Critical Interventions. London: Ashgate. (23p) C
Engelstad, Fredrik (2009): “Challenges to democracy: fairness and participation”, in M. Cherkaoui and P. Hamilton (eds.): Raymond Boudon. A life in Sociology, volume three, Oxford: Bardwell. (16p) C
Esping-Andersen, G?sta (1990): The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Cambridge: Polity Press. Pp. 9-78, 105-138, 221-229. (113p)
Halvorsen, Knut & S. Stjern? (2008): Work, Oil and Welfare: The Welfare State in Norway. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Ch. 1 (16p) C
Hilson, M. (2008): The Nordic Model. Scandinavia Since 1945. London: Reaktion Books. Ch. 4 (pp 116-147). (32p) C
Ingebritsen, Christine (1998): The Nordic States and European Unity. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press. Ch. 7 (pp. 167-183). (17p) C
Johansson, Karl Magnus & G?ran von Sydow (2010): “Swedish social democracy and European integration: enduring divisions”, pp. 157-187 in Social Democracy and European Integration. The Politics of Preference Formation. London: Routledge. (31p) Fronter
Kjeldstadli, Knut (2009): “Should integration be the goal? A policy for difference and community”, in S. Alghasi, T. Hylland Eriksen & H. Ghorashi (eds.): Paradoxes of Cultural Recognition. Perspectives from Northern Europe. Farnham: Ashgate. pp. 59-73. (14p) C
Lindvall, Johannes & Bo Rothstein (2006): “The fall of the strong state”, Scandinavian Political Studies 29, 1: 47-63. (17p). Fronter
Rasch, Bj?rn Erik (2011): “Why minority governments? Executive-legislative relations in the Nordic countries”, pp. 41-61 in Thomas Persson & Matti Wiberg (eds.): Parliamentary Government in the Nordic Countries at a Crossroads. Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press. (21p) C
Raaum, Nina C. (2005) “Gender equality and political representation: a Nordic comparison”, West European Politics 28, 4: 872-897. (26 s) Fronter
Rokkan, Stein (1967): “Geography, religion and social class: crosscutting cleavages in Norwegian politics”, in S.M. Lipset og Stein Rokkan (eds.): Party Systems and Voter Alignments: Cross-National Perspectives. New York: Free Press. (40p). C
Rokkan, Stein (1966): “Norway: numerical democracy and corporate pluralism”, in Robert A. Dahl (ed.): Political Oppositions in Western Democracies. New Haven & London: Yale University Press. (40 p). C
Rothstein, Bo (2004): “Social capital in a working democracy”, Ch. 5 in ?yvind ?sterud et al.: (eds.): Power and Democracy: Critical Interventions. Farnham: Ashgate, pp.101-12. (30p) C
Rothstein, Bo & Lars Tr?g?rdh (2007): “The state and civil society in an historical perspective: the Swedish case”, in L. Tr?g?rdh (ed.): State and Civil Society in Northern Europe. The Swedish Model Reconsidered. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 229-253. (35p) C
Sejersted, Francis (2011): The Age of Social Democracy, Norway and Sweden in the Twentieth Century. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp 1-12. (12p) C
Sellers, Jeffrey M. & Anders Lidstr?m (2007): “Decentralization, local government, and the welfare state”, Governance 20, 4: 609-632. (23p) Fronter
Skjeie, Hege & Birte Siim (2008): “Tracks, intersections and dead ends: multicultural challenges to state feminism in Denmark and Norway.” Ethnicities 8, 3: 322-344. (23p) Fronter
Stokke, Kristian (2010): “The soft power of a small state. Discursive constructions and institutional practices of Norway’s peace engagement”, PCD Journal 2, 1: 137-173. (37p) Fronter
Stokke, Kristian and Olle T?rnquist (2012): “The relevance of the Scandinavian experiences”, in Democratization in the Global South: The importance of transformative politics’ Basingstoke: Palgrave. (24p) Fronter
Tranvik, Tommy & Per Selle (2005): “State and citizens in Norway: organisational society and state-municipal relations”, West European Politics 28, 4: 852-171. (20p) Fronter
Tr?g?rdh, Lars (2002): “Sweden and the EU: welfare state nationalism and the spectre of ‘Europe’”, pp. 130-181 in Lene Hansen & Ole W?ver (eds.): European Integration and National Identity: The Challenge of the Nordic States. London: Routledge. (52p) Copy
Tr?g?rdh, Lars (1997): “Statist individualism: on the culturality of the Nordic welfare state”, in ?ystein S?rensen & Bo Str?th (eds.): The Cultural Construction of Norden. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. pp. 253-285. (25p). C
Tvedt, Terje (2006): “The international aid system and the non-governmental organisations: A new research agenda”, Journal of International Development, 18: 677-690. (14p) Fronter
?berg, Per Ola, Torsten Svensson, Peter Munch Christiansen, Asbj?rn N?rgaard, Hilmar Rommetvedt, and Gunnar Thesen (2011): “Disrupted exchange and declining corporatism: government authority and interest group capability in Scandinavia”, Government and Opposition 46, 3: 365-391. (27p) Fronter
?sterud, ?yvind (2005): “Introduction: the peculiarities of Norway”, West European Politics 28, 4: 705-720. (16 p) Fronter
Total: 1.035 pages.