Syllabus/achievement requirements

Syllabus/achievement requirements

(All texts on the list of compulsory readings except for the two anthologies will be made available electronically or in a compendium.)

Harriss, J., Stokke, K. and T?rnquist, O. (Eds.) (2004), Politicising Democracy. The New Local Politics of Democratisation. Houndmills: Palgrave. Selected chapters:

? Harriss, J., Stokke, K. and T?rnquist O.(2004): "Introduction: The New Local Politics of Democratisation". (26 pages)

? Sidel, J.: "Bossism and Democracy in the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia: Towards an Alternative Framework for the Study of ‘Local Strongmen’". (23 pages)

? Tharakan, P.K.M. (2004): "Historical Hurdles in the Course of the People’s Planning Campaign in Kerala, India". (21 pages)

? Rocamora, J. (2004): "More than Difficult, Short of Impossible: Party Building and Local Governance in the Philippines". (22 pages)

? Beckman, B. (2004): "Trade Unions, Institutional Reform and Democracy: Nigerian Experiences with South African and Ugandan Comparisons". (30 pages)

? T?rnquist, O. (2004): "The Political Deficit of Substantial Democratisation". (23 pages)

T?rnquist, O., Webster, N. and Stokke, K. (Eds.)(2009). Rethinking Popular Representation. Houndmills: Palgrave. Selected chapters:

? T?rnquist, O. (2009): "The problem is representation! Towards an analytical framework" (21 pages)

? Chandhoke, N. (2009): "What is the relationship between participation and representation?" (15 pages)

? Houtzager, P.T. and Lavalle, A.G. (2009): "The paradox of civil society representation: Constructing new forms of democratic legitimacy in Brazil". (15 pages)

? Stokke, K. and Selboe, E. (2009): "Symbolic Representation as Political Practice". (15 pages)

? van Klinken, G. (2009): "Patronage Democracy in provincial Indonesia". (19 pages)

? Baiocchi, G. and Heller, P. (2009): "Representation by design? Variations on Participatory reforms in Brazilian Municipios". (18 pages)

? Harriss, John. (2009): "Compromised democracy: Observations on popular democratic representation from urban India" (13 pages)

? Beckman, B. (2009): "Trade unions and popular representation: Nigeria and South Africa compared". (15 pages)

? T?rnquist, O., Quimpo, N. amd Tharakan, P.K.M. (2009): "Popular politics of representation: New experiences from Indonesia, Kerala (India) and the Philippines" (22 pages)

? Webster, N, Stokke, K, and T?rnquist, O (2009): "From research to practice: Towards the democratic institutionalisation of nodes for improved representation". (8 pages)

Bastian, S. And Luckham R. (2003). Can democracy be designed? The politics of institutional choice in conflict torn societies. London and New York: Zed Books (Introduction, Ch 11, 38 pages) C

Berman, S. (2007). "The Vain Hope for “Correct” Timing". Journal of Democracy, 18(3): 14-17. (4 pages) Link

Cammack, D. (2007). "The Logic of African Neopatrimonialism: What Role for Donors?" Development Policy Review, 25 (5): 599-614. Lenke

Chatterjee, Partha (2001), “On Civil and Political Societies in post-colonial Democracies”, in Sudipta Kaviraj and Sunil Khilnani (eds.),Civil Society: History and possibilities, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 165-179. (15 pages) C

Chatterjee, Partha, (2008). “Democracy and Economic Transformation”, in Economic and Political Weekly, April 19, 2008, pp.53-62. Fronter

Collier, R.B. (1999). Paths Towards Democracy: The Working Class and Elites in Western Europe and South America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (chapter 5, 34 pages) C

Carothers, T. (2007a). "How Democracies Emerge. The “Sequencing” Fallacy". Journal of Democracy, 18(1): 12-27 (15 pages) Link

Carothers, T. (2007b). "Misunderstanding Gradualism". Journal of Democracy, 18(3): 18-22. (5 pages) Link

Fukuyama, F. (2007). "Liberalism versus State-Building". Journal of Democracy, 18(3): 10-13. (4 pages) Link

Harriss, J. (2006). “Politics is a dirty river": But is there a ‘new politics’ of civil society? Perspectives from global cities of India and Latin America', in Power Matters: Essays on Institutions, Politics and Society in India. Delhi: Open University Press. (30 pages) C

Manor, James (2010). “Beyond Clientelism: Digvijay Singh’s Participatory Pro-Poor Strategy in Madhya Pradesh”, in Price, P. and Engelsen-Ruud, A. Power and Influence in India: Bosses, Lords and Captains, London, New York and New Delhi: Routledge, pp. 193-213, 20 pp Fronter

Mansfield, E.D. and Snyder, J. (2007). "The Sequencing “Fallacy”". Journal of Democracy, 18(3): 5-9. (5 pages) Link

Mouzelis, N. (1998). "Modernity, Late Development and Civil Society". In. L. Rudebeck and O. T?rnquist (Eds.), Democratization in the Third World. Concrete Cases in Comparative and Theoretical Perspective. Basingstoke: Macmillan. (22 pages). C

Paris, R. (2004). At War’s End. Building Peace After Civil Conflict. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapters 1 and 2, pp. 13-51. (38 pages) C

Paffenholz, T. and Spurk, C. (2006). "Civil Society, Civic Engagement, and Peacebuilding". Washington D.C.: The World Bank, Social Development Papers no. 36. (c. 35 pp) Lenke

Randall, V. (2007). "Political Parties and Democratic Developmental States". Development Policy Review, 25 (5): 633-652. Lenke

Rudolph, S.H. (2004). "Is Civil Society the Answer?" In S. Prakash and P. Selle (Eds.), Investigating Social Capital. Comparative Perspective on Civil Society, Participation and Governance. London: Sage. (24 pages) C

Rueschemeyer, D., Stephens, E.H. and Stephens, J.D. (1992). Capitalist Development and Democracy. Cambridge: Polity Press. (chapters 1, 11 pages) C

Stokke, K. (2011). "Liberal Peace in Question. Lessons from Sri Lanka". In K. Stokke and J. Uyangoda (Eds.), Liberal Peace in Question: Politics of State and Market Reforms in Sri Lanka. London and Colombo: Anthem and Social Scientists’ Association. (c. 20 pp) Fronter

Stokke, K. and Lier, D.C. (2009). "Contesting Neoliberalism. Spaces of Democracy and Post-Apartheid Social Movements in South Africa". In T. Drobík and M. ?umberová (Eds.). Chapters of Modern Human Geographical Thought. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishing. (pp. 79-102) C

T?rnquist, O (2008). "Indonesia’s held back democracy and beyond: Introduction and executive briefing". In. Samadhi, W.P and Warouw, N. (eds) Democracy building on the sand. Advances and setbacks in Indonesia. (17 pages) C

T?rnquist, O (2010). Analysing and Promoting Democratisation. Lessons from the National Participatory Surveys in Indonesia. Manuscript, University of Oslo. (c. 40 pages) Fronter

T?rnquist, O (2011).”Dynamics of Peace and Democratisation. The Aceh Lessons”. Forthcoming Democratization Oslo (c. 15 pages) Fronter

Manuscripts for a forthcoming book on ’Transformative Politics’

? Benedicte Bull (2011): Social Movements and the State in Latin America’s New Radical Politics c. 20 pp Fronter

? Neera Chandhoke (2011): Local State Capacity and Welfare Politics in the Context of Globalisation c. 20 pp Fronter

? John Harriss (2011): New Conditions for Democratic and Popular Politics c. 20 pp Fronter

? Patrick Heller (2011) Social Democracy in the Global South? c. 20pp Fronter

? David Jordhus-Lier (2011): Trade unions and (neo)liberal democracy: municipal workers in Cape Town c. 20 pp Fronter

? James Manor (2011): Post-Clientelism? c. 20 pp Fronter

? Kristian Stokke (2011a): Liberal Peace Promotion and the New Geopolitics of Order: Lessons from Sri Lanka c. 20 pp Fronter

? Olle T?rnquist (2011a): Transformative Politics: The Argument c. 20 pp Fronter

Sum: 924 pages

Recommended introductory literature for those not having taken the StV 2310 course on Politics and Development or equivalent:

Carothers, T. (2004). Critical Mission: Essays on Democracy Promotion. Washington, D.C. (pp. 167-217, 50 pages) C

Chatterjee, P. and his critics (2008) (The Debate), Economic and Political Weekly November 15.

Grugel, J. (2002). Democratization: A Critical Introduction. Houndmills: Palgrave. (individually selected pages for extensive reading, at first hand in chapters 2 and 3, 35 pages)

T?rnquist, O. (1999). Politics and Development: A Critical Introduction. London: Sage.

Published Oct. 1, 2010 9:51 AM - Last modified Oct. 10, 2011 4:11 PM