Syllabus/achievement requirements

Syllabus/achievement requirements

Abers, R.N. (2003): “Reflection on what Makes Empowered Participatory Governance Happen, in Fung, A, and Wright, E.O. (eds) Deepening Democracy. Institutional innovations in empowered participatory governance., London and New York: Verso, 2003. pp. 200-207

Aspinall, E. (2005). The Helsinki Agreement: A More Promising Basis for Peace in Aceh? East-West Center, Washington D.C.. (pp. 1-68).

Beetham, D, Bracking, S, Kearton, I, and Weir, S. (2002): Handbook on Democracy Assessment, The Hague, London, New York: Kluwer Law International. pp. 11-20, 64-66.

Carothers, T. (2004): Critical Mission: Essays on Democracy promotion, Carnegie Endowment. Washington Dc: Carnegie Endowment, pp 167-226 (pp. 59)

Chalmers, D.A, Martin, S.B., and Piester, K, (1997) “Associative Networks: New Structures of Representation for the Popular Sectors”, in Chalmers, Vilas, Hite, Martin, Piester and Segarra (eds) The New Politics of Inequality in Latin America: Rethinking Participation and Representation, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 543-583. (pp. 40)

Duffield, M. (2001). Global governance and the new wars : the merging of development and security. London: Zed. (selected parts)

Goodhan, J. & Klem, B. (2006). Aid, Conflict and Peacebuilding in Sri Lanka. The Asia Foundation, Colombo. (pp. 17-97). (pp.80)

Harriss, J. (2002). Depoliticizing Development: The World Bank and Social Capital. London: Anthem. (pp. 140)

Harriss, J.; K. Stokke & O. T?rnquist (eds.) (2004): Introduction: The New Local Politics of Democratisation, in Harriss, J.; K. Stokke & O. T?rnquist (eds.): Politicising Democracy: The New Local Politics of Democratisation. Houndmills and New York: Palgrave. pp 1-26

Heller, P. (2001): “Moving the State: The Politics of Democratic Decentralization in Kerala, South Africa and Porto Alegre”, in Politics and Society, 29(1), pp 131-163. (pp.32)

Hoeber Rudolph, S. (2004): Is Civil Society the Answer?, in Sanjeev, P. and Selle, P. (eds) Investigating Social Capital. Comparative Perspective on Civil Society, Participation and Governance. New Delhi, Thousand Oaks, London: Sage, pp 64-87 (pp.24)

Jones, P. & Stokke, K., 2005, Democratising Development. The Politics of Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers: Leiden (pp. 39-100) (pp.61)

Khan, M.H. (2005): “Market, States and Democracy: Patron-Client Networks and the Case for Democracy in Developing Countries, in Democratization, Vol 12, No 5, December 2005, pp.704-724. (20)

Lukham, R, Goetz, A.M, Kaldor, M. ( 2003): “Democratic Institutions, Democratic Politics and Political Violence” in Bastian, S. and Luckham, R. (eds) Can Democracy Be Designed? London and New York: Zed Books.

McAdam, S. (1996): “Political Opportunities: Conceptual origins, current problems, future directions”, in McAdam, D, McCarthy, J.D., Zald, M.N. (eds), Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 23-40.

Migdal, J. (1994): “The State in society: an approach to struggles for domination” In: Migdal, J. S., Kohli, A, and Shue, V. (eds): State Power and Social Forces, Domination and Transformation in the Third World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 7-34 (pp. 27)

Mohan, G. & Stokke, K. (forthcoming 2006). The politics of localization: From depoliticizing development to politicizing democracy. In K. Cox, J. Robinson & M. Low (Eds.), The Handbook of Political Geography. London: Sage. (pp. 25)

Priyono, A.E, Samadhi W.P, and T?rnquist, O (eds) (2006). Making Democracy Meaningful. Problems and Options in Indonesia. Jakarta: Demos. (Selected pages.)

Schou, A. & Haug, M. (2005). Decentralization in conflict and post-conflict situations. Norwegian Institute of Urban and Regional Studies, Oslo. (pp.30) 3561/16701/file/2005-139.pdf

Sj?gren, A. (2001). State, Civil Society and Democratisation: Theoretical Debates Past and Present. I: B. Beckman, E. Hanson & A. Sj?gren (ed.), Civil Society and Authoritarianism in the Third World. Stockholm University, Department of Political Science. (pp. 21-48) (pp. 28).

Smith, D. 2004. Towards a Strategic Framework for Peacebuilding: Getting Their Act Together. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo. (pp. 17-60) (pp.43)

Stokke, K. (2006). Habitus and capital in the political field. Pierre Bourdieu on the politics of representation. (pp. 25)

T?rnquist, O. (1999): Politics and Development. A Critical Introduction. London, Thousands Oaks and New Delhi: Sage. pp. 34-199 (165)

T?rnquist, O. (2004): The Political Deficit of Substantial Democratisation, in Harriss, J.; K. Stokke & O. T?rnquist (eds.): Politicising Democracy: The New Local Politics of Democratisation. Houndmills and New York: Palgrave. 201-220

T?rnquist, O. (2006) Rethinking Popular Participation, Conference Paper. Oslo University.

Uyangoda, J. (ed.) 2005. Conflict, Conflict Resolution and Peace Building. University of Colombo: Department of Political Science and Public Policy. (SELECTED PARTS)

Recommended readings

Beckman, Bj?rn (2004): Trade Unions, Institutional reform and Democracy: Nigerian Experiences with South African and Ugandan Comparisons, in Harriss, John et al Politicising Democracy: The New Local Politics of Democratisation. Palgrave Macmillan.

Ballard, Richard (2005 forthcoming): Social Movements in Post-Apartheid South Africa in Jones, Peris and Kristian Stokke (eds.): Democratising Development

Gloppen, Siri (2005 forthcoming): Social Rights Litigation as Transformation South African Perspectives, in Jones, Peris and Kristian Stokke (eds) Democratising Development_

Heywood, Mark (2005 forthcoming): Shaping, Making and Breaking the Law in the Campaign for a National HIV/AIDS Treatment Plan, in Jones, Peris and Kristian Stokke (eds.) Democratising Development

Sachs, Albie (2005 forthcoming): The Judicial Enforcement of Socio-Economic Rights: The Grootboom Case, in Jones, Peris and Kristian Stokke (eds.): Democratising Development

Stokke, Krisitian (2004 manuscript): Habitus, capital and fields, Conceptualising the capacity of actors in local politics.

T?rres, Liv (2005 forthcoming): Labour and Politics in South Africa in Jones, Peris and Krsitian Stokke (eds.) Democratising Development pp. 55-76

Published Apr. 25, 2006 1:10 AM - Last modified May 22, 2006 2:30 PM