Syllabus/achievement requirements

Syllabus/achievement requirements

Baiocchi, G., 2004, ‘Porto Alegre: The dynamism of the unorganised’, pp. 37-66 in D. Chavez and B. Goldfrank (eds.), The Left in the City - Participatory local governments in Latin America, London: Latin American Bureau.

Ballard, R. Social movements: Unoffical opposition or voice of the poor? In Jones, P. and Stokke, K.(2005): Democratising development: The politics of socio-economic rights

Beetham, D. (1999): “Human Rights and Democracy: A Multifaceted Relationship” ch.5 in David Beetham: Democracy and Human Rights. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Black, Richard and Khalid Koser (1999): “The End of the Refugee Cycle?” ch. 1 in Black & Koser: The End of the Refugee Cycle? Refugee Repatriation ad Reconstruction. NY/Oxford: Berghahn Books. (15 p)

Braathen, E. and Orre, A., 2001, ‘Can a patrimonial democracy Survive? The case of Mozambique’, Forum for Development Studies, No.2-2001.

Bull, Benedicte (2005): “Privatization Puzzles”, ch. 1 in Benedicte Bull: Aid, Power and Privatization. Edward Elgar. (17 p)

Carothers, Thomas: Critical Mission: Essays on Democracy promotion, Carnegie Endowment, 2004. (pp 145-226)

Coomaraswamy, R. (2003): “The Politics of Institutional design: An Overview of the case of Sri Lanka, in S. Bastian and R. Luckham (Eds.), Can Democracy Be Designed? The Politics of Institutional Choice in Conflict-torn Societies. Zed, London.

Crook, R.C., 2003, ‘Decentralisation and poverty reduction in Africa: The politics of local-central relations’, Public Administration and Development, Vol. 23, pp.77-88.

Eriksen, S.S,, J. Naustdalslid and A.Schou, 1999, Decentralisation from above’, pp.13-45., NIBR’s Pluss Series 4-99. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research.

Habib, A. The politics of economic policy-making: Substantive uncertainty, political leverage, and human development

Harriss, John (2005a):”Political Participation, representation and the Urban Poor. Findings from a Research in Delhi” in Economic and Political Weekly, March 12: 1041-1054.

Harriss, John (2005b)‘Politics is a dirty river’: but is there a ‘new politics’ of civil society? Perspectives from global cities of India and Latin America. Paper. 16p.

Harriss, John (2005c): The ‘New Politics’ of the Urban Poor in Contemporary India. Paper. 14 p.

Harriss, John, Stokke, Kristian, T?rnquist, Olle: Introduction: The New Local Politics of Democratisation, in (Eds.) Harriss, Stokke and T?rnquist Politicising Democracy: Local Politics and Democratisation in Developing Countries, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. (26 pp)

Peter P. Houtzager, Adrián Gurza Lavalle and Graziela Castello (2005): States and Citizens in Urban Brazil and Mexico.What Surveys on Political Participation Can Tell Us. Paper. 19 p.

Jones, P. and Stokke, K. (forthcoming, 2005). “Democratising Development: The Politics of Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa”, ch. 1 in Jones, P. and Stokke, K. Democratising development: The politics of socio-economic rights. Leiden, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff. 43 p.

Lavalle, Adrián Gurza, Peter P. Houtzager, and Graziela Castello (2005b): In Whose Name? Political Representation and Civil Organisations in Brazil. IDS Working Paper.

Luckham, R., Goetz, A. M., and Kaldor, M. (2003). Democratic Institutions and Democratic Politics. In, S. Bastian and R. Luckham (Eds.), Can Democracy Be Designed? The Politics of Institutional Choice in Conflict-torn Societies. Zed, London.

Mohan, Giles & Kristian Stokke (forthcoming, 2005): The Politics of Localization: From Depoliticizing Development to Politicizing Democracy. In: K. Cox, M. Low and J. Robinson (Eds.). The Handbook in Political Geography. London: Sage.

Shanmugaratnam, N. and Stokke, K. (forthcoming, 2005). Development as a Precursor to Conflict Resolution: A Critical Review of the Fifth Peace Process in Sri Lanka. In: N. Shanmugaratnam (Ed.). Between War and Peace: Deprivation and Livelihood Revival in Sudan and Sri Lanka. Oxford: James Currey.

Stokke; Kristian 2002: Conceptualising the capacity of popular actors in local politics. Paper submitted to the Conference on actors and approaches in local politics, 17-19 October.24 p.

St?len, Kristi Anne (2004): “The Reconstruction of Community and Identity among Guatemalan Returnees”, European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Number 77. Oct.: 3-24

Teichman, Judith A. (2001): "Politics and market reform in Latin America", ch 1 (pp.1-22) i Judith A. Teichman: The Politics of Freeing Markets in Latin America. Chapel Hill: The University of North carolina Press. 22 p.

T?rnquist, Olle Assessing Democracy from Below: The development of an alternative framework in an Indonesian pilot-study. Manuscript, University of Oslo , 2005b. (28 pp)

T?rnquist, Olle: The Political Deficit of Substantial Democratisation, in (Eds.) Harriss, Stokke and T?rnquist, Politicising Democracy: Local Politics and Democratisation in Developing Countries, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2004. (25 pp)

T?rnquist, Olle: Repoliticisation of Democracy in Developing Countries: Reflections on an Emerging Trend, Paper to workshop on 'Supporting Political Party Systems', arranged by SIDA and the Collegium for Development Studies, University of Uppsala, October 13, 2004; forthcoming in an anthology from Sida and the Collegium for Development Studies at Uppsala University, 2005. (14 pp)

Warren, Kay B. (1998): “Democracy, Marginality and Ethnic Resurgence”, introduction in Kay B. Warren: Indigenous Movements and their Critics: Pan Maya Activism in Guatemala. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. (29 p)

Warren, Kay B. (1998): “Tracking the Invisible Thread of Ethnicity”, conclusion in Kay B. Warren: Indigenous Movements and their Critics: Pan Maya Activism in Guatemala. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. (16 p).

Recommended readings

Beckman, Bj?rn (2004): Trade Unions, Institutional reform and Democracy: Nigerian Experiences with South African and Ugandan Comparisons, in Harriss, John et al Politicising Democracy: The New Local Politics of Democratisation. Palgrave Macmillan.

Ballard, Richard (2005 forthcoming): Social Movements in Post-Apartheid South Africa in Jones, Peris and Kristian Stokke (eds.): Democratising Development

Gloppen, Siri (2005 forthcoming): Social Rights Litigation as Transformation South African Perspectives, in Jones, Peris and Kristian Stokke (eds) Democratising Development_

Heywood, Mark (2005 forthcoming): Shaping, Making and Breaking the Law in the Campaign for a National HIV/AIDS Treatment Plan, in Jones, Peris and Kristian Stokke (eds.) Democratising Development

Sachs, Albie (2005 forthcoming): The Judicial Enforcement of Socio-Economic Rights: The Grootboom Case, in Jones, Peris and Kristian Stokke (eds.): Democratising Development

Stokke, Krisitian (2004 manuscript): Habitus, capital and fields, Conceptualising the capacity of actors in local politics.

T?rres, Liv (2005 forthcoming): Labour and Politics in South Africa in Jones, Peris and Krsitian Stokke (eds.) Democratising Development pp. 55-76

Published Apr. 21, 2005 5:46 PM - Last modified Sep. 15, 2005 12:51 PM