

C. 550 pp for the general part and c. 400 pp for the area-part (on top of which students are expected to read additional texts related to their essays)

Compulsory general reading:

Beckman, Bj?rn (2004): Trade Unions, Institutional reform and Democracy: Nigerian Experiences with South African and Ugandan Comparisons, in Harriss, John et al Politicising Democracy: The New Local Politics of Democratisation. Palgrave Macmillan. (25pp)

Carothers, Thomas (2004): Critical Mission: Essays on Democracy promotion, Carnegie Endowment. (selected pages, c.30)

Chibber, Vivek: Reviving the developmental state: The myth of the national bourgeoisie, in Panich and Leys, Empire Reloaded., London, Merlin Press (22pp)

Doner, Richie and Slater: “Systemic Vulnerability and the Origins of the Developmental States: Northeast and Southeast Asia in Comparative Perspective”, International Organization, vol. 59, no. 2, 2005 327-361 (34pp).

Grugel, J. (2002): Democratization: A Critical Introduction, Houndmills and New York: Palgrave. Selected pages (125 pp).

Harriss, J.; K. Stokke & O. T?rnquist (eds.) (2004): Introduction: The New Local Politics of Democratisation, in Harriss, J.; K. Stokke & O. T?rnquist (eds.): Politicising Democracy: The New Local Politics of Democratisation. Houndmills and New York: Palgrave. (21 pp.)

Kaviraj Sudipta (1997): The Modern State in India, in Doornbos and Kaviraj: Dynamics of state formation, Sage, New Delhi. (25 pp)

Khan, Mushtaq H (2005). "Markets, States and Democracy: Patron-Client Networks and the Case for Democracy in Developing Countries." Democratization, Vol.12 No.5, December 2005, pp.707-724. (17 pp)

Mamdani, M. (1996) : Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism, Princeton: Princeton University Press. Ch. 1 and Conclusion, pp. 3-34 and 285-301. (47 pp.)

Migdal, J. S., Kohli, A, and Shue, V. (eds) 1994): State Power and Social Forces, Domination and Transformation in the Third World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 293-323. (30pp.)

Mohan, G. & Stokke, K. (2006) The politics of localization: From depoliticizing development to politicizing democracy, in K. Cox, J. Robison, M. Low (2006) Handbook in Political. c. 30 pp.

Moore, Mick, “Revenues, State Formation, and the Quality of Governance in Developing Countries”, International Political Science Review, vol. 25, no. 3. 297-319 (22pp)

Mouzelis, N., (1986): Politics in the Semi-Periphery. Basingstoke: Macmillan. (Selected pages; c. 40)

Nordholt, H.S. (2004) : Decentralisation in Indonesia: Less State, More Democracy? in Harriss, J.; K. Stokke & O. T?rnquist (eds.): Politicising Democracy: The New Local Politics of Democratisation. Houndmills and New York: Palgrave, (18 pp.)

Sidel, J, T (2004): Bossism and Democracy in the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia: Towards an Alternative Framework for the Study of ‘Local Strongmen’’, in Harriss, J.; K. Stokke & O. T?rnquist (eds.): Politicising Democracy: The New Local Politics of Democratisation. Houndmills and New York: Palgrave. (20 pp.)

T?rnquist, Olle (1999): Politics and Development. A Critical Introduction. London, Thousand Oaks, New York. Chapter 4 and 10, (20pp.)

T?rnquist, Olle (2004): The Political Deficit of Substantial Democratisation, in Harriss, J.; K. Stokke & O. T?rnquist (eds.): Politicising Democracy. : Local Politics and Democratisation in Developing Countries. (Ch. 1). Houndmills and New York: Palgrave. (20pp.)

Total c. 550 pp.

Compulsory reading for area studies:

Spring 2007: Focus on Africa and Asia. (Students select one.) Partial accomadation may be possible for students focusing on Latin America and the Middle East. Contact the the course leader.


Thompson, Alex, 2000, An Introduction to African Politics. Routledge: London. (246 pages) (reprint 2002)

Chabal, Patrick & Daloz, Jean-Pascal , 1999, Africa Works. Disorder as political instrument. James Currey: Oxford. Pp 1-93 and 139-163 (117 pages)

Reno, William, 1999: Warlord politics and African states, chap. 1, Boulder, Lynne Rienner 30 pp

Boone, Catherine (2003): Political Topographies of the African State, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, chap. 1-2. (40pp)

Total: ca. 430 pp


Case, W. (2002): Politics in Southeast Asia: Democracy or Less, Richmond: Curzon. (Selected pages 150 pp).

Chatterjee, Partha: On Civil and Political Societies in post-colonial Democracies, i Kaviraj and Khilnani: Civil Society: History and possibilities, chap 9 p 165-179 (15pp)

Harriss, S. and Corbridge, S. (2000): Reinventing India: Liberalisation, Hindu Nationalism and Popular Democracy, Oxford and Malden: Polity. (Selected pages 150 pp.)

Robison, Richard and Hadiz, Vedi R. (2004): Reorganising Power in Indonesia: The Politics of Oligarchy in an Age of Markets, London and New York: Routledge. (Selected pages 50 pp.)

Total: c. 400 pp

Published Oct. 24, 2006 11:28 AM - Last modified Mar. 13, 2007 6:18 PM