Syllabus/achievement requirements

Compulsory general reading

Articles marked with "K" are printed in a compendium which can be bought at Akademika bookstore

As there is a minor overlap of compulsory literature on the problem of democratisation between STV 4344 and STV 4347, students already having taken STV 4347 shall add c. 100 pp on this theme in co-operation with the main teacher.

Berman, S. (2007). "The Vain Hope for “Correct” Timing". Journal of Democracy, 18(3): 14-17. (4 pp) Link

Burnell, Peter and Randall, Vicky (eds) (2008): Politics in the Developing World, 2nd edition, New York: Oxford University Press, the following chapters and sections:

  • Randall, Vicky: “Ch 1. Analytical Approches to the Study of Politics in the Developing World”, pp. 15-33 (18 pp)

  • Chiriyankandath, James: “Ch 2. Colonialism and Post-Colonial Development”, pp.35-51 (16 pp)

  • Pearce, Jenny: “Ch 5. Inequality”, pp.91-108 (17 pp)

  • Scarritt, James R.: “Ch 6. Ethnopolitics and Nationalism”, pp.111-127 (16 pp)

  • Haynes, Jeff: “Ch 7. Religion”, pp.129-146 (17 pp)

  • Staudt, Kathleen: “Ch 8. Women and Gender”, pp.148-163 (15 pp)

  • Ottaway, Marina: “Ch 9. Civil Society”, pp. 166-183 (17 pp)

  • Schock, Kurt: “Ch 10. People Power and Alternative Politics”, pp. 186-206 (20 pp)

  • Leftwich, Adrian: “Ch 11. Theorizing the State”, pp. 211-228 (17 pp)

  • Smith, Brian: “Ch 12. State Building”, pp. 230-246 (16 pp)

  • Doornbos, Martin: “Ch 13. State Collapse, Civil Conflict, and External Intervention”, pp. 249-266 (17 pp)

  • Burnell, Peter: “Ch 14. Democratization”, pp. 269-288 (19 pp)

  • Burnell, Peter: “Ch 15. Governance and Conditionality in a Globalising World”, pp. 291-310. (19 pp)

Carothers, T. (2007a). "How Democracies Emerge. The “Sequencing” Fallacy". Journal of Democracy, 18(1): 12-27 (15 pp) Link

Carothers, T. (2007b). "Misunderstanding Gradualism". Journal of Democracy, 18(3): 18-22. (5 pp) Link

Carothers, Thomas (2006): Confronting the Weakest Link. Aiding Political Parties in New Democracies. Carnegie Endowment: Washington D.C. pp.3-17, 213-228 (29 pp) K

Chibber, Vivek (2005): “The Politics of a Miracle: Class Interests and State Power in Korean Developmentalism” in Coates, David, Varieties of Capitalism, Varities of Aproaches, Houndmills: Palgrave, pp. 122-138 (16 pp) K

Done, Richard F., Ritchie Bryan K. And Slater, Dan, (2005): "Systematic Vulnerability and the Origins of Developmental States: Northeast and Southeast Asia in Comparative Perspective”, International Organization 59, pp. 327-361 (34 pp). Link

Fukuyama, F. (2007). "Liberalism versus State-Building". Journal of Democracy, 18(3): 10-13. (4 pp) Link

Fung, Archon and Wright, Erik Olin (2003): “Thinking about Empowered Participatory Governance”, in Fung, A, and Wright, E.O. (eds) Deepening Democracy. Institutional innovations in empowered participatory governance., London and New York: Verso,pp. 3-42. (39 pp) K

Harriss, J.; K. Stokke & O. T?rnquist (eds.) (2004): “Introduction: The New Local Politics of Democratisation”, in Harriss, J.; Stokke, K and T?rnquist, O (eds.): Politicising Democracy: The New Local Politics of Democratisation. Houndmills and New York: Palgrave. (21 pp.) K

Jarstad, Anna K. (2008): “Dilemmas of war-to-democracy transitions: theories and concepts”, in Jarstad, A. K and Sisk, T. D. From war to Democracy: Dilemmas of Peacebuilding, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp.17-36 (19 pp) K

Khan, Mushtaq H (2005). "Markets, States and Democracy: Patron-Client Networks and the Case for Democracy in Developing Countries." Democratization, Vol.12 No.5, December 2005, pp.707-724. (17 pp) Link

Mansfield, E.D. and Snyder, J. (2007). "The Sequencing “Fallacy”". Journal of Democracy, 18(3): 5-9. (5 pp) Link

Kohli, A. and Shue V (1994): “State Power and Social Forces: on political contention and accommodation in the Third World”, in Migdal, J. S., Kohli, A, and Shue, V. (eds) 1994): State Power and Social Forces, Domination and Transformation in the Third World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 293-323. (30 pp.) K

Migdal, Joel S. (1988): Strong Societies and Weak States. State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World. Princeton N.J: Princeton University Press. pp. 3-41, 259-277 (70 pp) K

Moore, Mick, “Revenues, State Formation, and the Quality of Governance in Developing Countries”, International Political Science Review, vol. 25, no. 3. 297-319 (22 pp) Link

Nordhaug, Kristen and Sundst?l-Eriksen, Stein (2006): “The Politics of Survival in the Making of Weak and Strong States”, in Forum for Development Studies, No.2-2006. pp. 237-265 (28 pp) K

Sidel, J, T (2004): “Bossism and Democracy in the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia: Towards an Alternative Framework for the Study of ‘Local Strongmen’’, in Harriss, J.; Stokke, K. and T?rnquist, O (eds.): Politicising Democracy: The New Local Politics of Democratisation. Houndmills and New York: Palgrave. (20 pp.) K

Sisk, Timothy D. (2008): “Peacebuilding as democratisation: findings and recommendations”, in Jarstad, A. K and Sisk, T. D. From war to Democracy: Dilemmas of Peacebuilding, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp.239-259 (20 pp) K

Stokke, K. and Selboe, E. (forthcoming 2009): "Symbolic Representation as Political Practice". in T?rnquist, O., Webster, N. and Stokke, K. (Eds.) Rethinking Popular Representation. Palgrave. (15 pp)

Therborn, G. (1992). "The right to vote and the four world routes to/through modernity". In R. Thorstendahl (Ed.) State Theory and State History. London: Sage. (31 pp) K

T?rnquist, Olle (1999): Politics and Development. A Critical Introduction. London, Thousand Oaks, New York. pp. 7-14, 31-43, 59-61, 80-117 (58 pp) K

T?rnquist, Olle (2004): "The Political Deficit of Substantial Democratisation", in Harriss, J.; Stokke, K. & T?rnquist, O (eds.): Politicising Democracy. : Local Politics and Democratisation in Developing Countries. (Ch. 1). Houndmills and New York: Palgrave. (20 pp.) K

T?rnquist, Olle (forthcoming 2009a): "The problem is representation! Towards an analytical framework", in T?rnquist, O., Webster, N. and Stokke, K. (Eds.) Rethinking Popular Representation. Palgrave. (21 pp) K

Webster, N, Stokke, K, and T?rnquist, O (forthcoming 2009): "From research to practice: Towards the democratic institutionalisation of nodes for improved representation". in T?rnquist, O., Webster, N. and Stokke, K. (Eds.) Rethinking Popular Representation. Palgrave. (8 pp)

Supplementary readings for the course paper

The student selects 50-100 pp thematic area literature (Africa, Asia, the Middle East, China, Latin America) in co-operation with the main teacher. A list of relevant literature will be made available.

Examples of thematic area literature

One part of the examination is that the student shall write an essay (10-15 pp). In this essay she/he shall use relevant parts of the compulsory literature to discuss a briefer selected text(s) on contextual thematic problems in special areas or regions in the Global South (some 50-100 pp). The student may suggest these texts that he/she would like to use, but the choice shall be confirmed by the main teacher.

Typically, the literature chosen may address a topical problem or scholarly discussion in an area. This is then the problem or debate which the student would like to discuss in view of the compulsory literature.

Below are some examples. All is available on the web and/or in the library. The manuscripts will be made available on class fronts.

1. What is the relationship between new liberalised growth and democracy in India?

(a) Chatterjee, Partha, (2008). “Democracy and Economic Transformation”, in Economic and Political Weekly, April 19, 2008, pp.53-62.

(b) Shah, Mihir (2008). “Structures of Power in Indian Society: A Response”, in Economic and Political Weekly, November 15, 2008, pp.78-83.

(b) John, Maery E. and Deshpande, Satish (2008). “Theorising the Present: Problems and Possibilities”, in Economic and Political Weekly, November 15, 2008, pp.83-86.

(c) Baviskar, Amita and Sundar, Nandini (2008). “Democracy versus Economic Transformation”, in Economic and Political Weekly, November 15, 2008, pp.87-89.

(d) Chatterjee, Partha (2008). “Classes, Capital and Indian Democracy”, in Economic and Political Weekly, November 15, 2008, pp.89-93.

2. What is the character of the new popular politics in Latin America?

(a) Bull, Benedicte (2007). “Social Movements and the New Regimes in Latin America”, Forum for Development Studies 1-2007, pp. 63-89

(b) Houtzager, P.T. and Lavalle, A.G. (forthcoming 2009): "The paradox of civil society representation: Constructing new forms of democratic legitimacy in Brazil", in T?rnquist, O., Webster, N. and Stokke, K. (Eds.) (forthcoming 2009). Rethinking Popular Representation. Houndmills: Palgrave. (15 pages)

(c) Baiocchi, G. and Heller, P. (forthcoming 2009): "Representation by design? Variaritions on Participatory reforms in Brazilian Municipios". in T?rnquist, O., Webster, N. and Stokke, K. (Eds.)(forthcoming 2009). Rethinking Popular Representation. Houndmills: Palgrave. (18 pages)

3. What is the relation between elections and democracy?

The thematic section on “Democratization by Elections” in Journal of Democracy, Vol 20:3, July 2009. Pp. 86-135. Articles by (a) Staffan Lindberg “A Mixed Record” (b) Bunce and Wolchik, “Postcommunist Ambiguities” (c) Rakner and van de Walle “ Opposition Wekness in Africa (d) Ellen Lust “Competitive Clientelism in the Middle East”

4. What are the problems and options of popular democratic experiments?

(a) Tharakan, P.K.M. (2004): "Historical Hurdles in the Course of the People’s Planning Campaign in Kerala, India", in Harriss, J., Stokke, K. and T?rnquist, O. (Eds.) (2004), Politicising Democracy. The New Local Politics of Democratisation. Houndmills: Palgrave. (21 pages)

(b) Rocamora, J. (2004): "More than Difficult, Short of Impossible: Party Building and Local Governance in the Philippines", ", in Harriss, J., Stokke, K. and T?rnquist, O. (Eds.) (2004), Politicising Democracy. The New Local Politics of Democratisation. Houndmills: Palgrave. (22 pages)

(c) Heller, Patrick (2001). ‘Moving the state: the politics of democratic decentralization in Kerala, South Africa and Porto Alegre’ in Politics and Society 29:1 (pp 131-63) (32 pages)

(d) T?rnquist, O., Quimpo, N. amd Tharakan, P.K.M. (forthcoming 2009): "Popular politics of representation: New experiences from Indonesia, Kerala (India) and the Philippines", in T?rnquist, O., Webster, N. and Stokke, K. (Eds.)(forthcoming 2009). Rethinking Popular Representation. Houndmills: Palgrave. (22 pages)

(5) What kind of deficit democracy?

(a) van Klinken, G. (forthcoming 2009): "Patronage Democracy in provincial Indonesia", in T?rnquist, O., Webster, N. and Stokke, K. (Eds.)(forthcoming 2009). Rethinking Popular Representation. Houndmills: Palgrave. (19 pages)

(b) Ellen Lust (2009). “Competitive Clientelism in the Middle East”, in Journal of Democracy, Vol 20:3, July 2009. Pp. 122-135.

(c) Hadiz, Vedi R. (2007). “The Localisation of Power in Southeast Asia”, in Democratization, December 2007, 14(5), pp.873-892.

(d) Chabal, Patrick og Jean-Pascal Daloz (1999). Africa Works: Disorder as Political Instrument. Oxford: James Currey: del I, 1-44 (44 pp).

(6) How shall we understand the post-colonial governance?

(a) Mamdani, M. (1996). Citizen and Subject. Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism. Princeton: Princeton University Press (selected pages)

(b) Chatterjee, Partha (2001), “On Civil and Political Societies in post-colonial Democracies”, in Sudipta Kaviraj and Sunil Khilnani (eds.), Civil Society: History and possibilities, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 165-179. (15 pages)

(c) Harriss, John. (forthcoming 2009): "Compromised democracy: Observations on popular democratic representation from urban India", in T?rnquist, O., Webster, N. and Stokke, K. (Eds.) Rethinking Popular Representation. Houndmills: Palgrave. (13 pages)

(7) How to characterise the world’s third largest infant democracy?

(a) Hadiz, Vedi R. (2007). “The Localisation of Power in Southeast Asia”, in Democratization, December 2007, 14(5), pp.873-892.

(b) van Klinken, G. (forthcoming 2009): "Patronage Democracy in provincial Indonesia", in T?rnquist, O., Webster, N. and Stokke, K. (Eds.)(forthcoming 2009). Rethinking Popular Representation. Houndmills: Palgrave. (19 pages)

(c) T?rnquist, Olle. (2009). “Indonesia’s Held Back democracy and Beyond. Introduction and Executive Briefing”, in Samadhi, W.P. and Warouw, N. (eds) Building Democracy on the Sand, Yogyakarta: PCD Press and Demos, pp. 1-18.

(d) T?rnquist, Olle (2009) Aceh: Social-Democratic Peace Lost in Transition? Manuscript for anthology on Aceh. 15 pp.

(8) What is the character of political promotion of industrialisation in the South?

Kohli, Atul (2004) State Directed Development. Political Power and Industrialization in the Global Periphery, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Selected Pages.

Published Apr. 2, 2009 3:28 PM - Last modified Sep. 24, 2009 5:06 PM