

Vi f?reset grunnleggjande kjennskap til sentraleuropeisk og baltisk historie. For ei veldig kjapp innf?ring sj? Jardar Seim(2006), "Historie som bakteppe og bagasje", i Elisabeth Bakke (red), Sentral-Europa og Baltikum etter 1989. Oslo: Samlaget.

Vi f?reset dessutan kjennskap til hovudtrekka i utviklinga av partisystem i dei landa som er p? pensum i STV2300 Komparativ politikk 2 (Polen, Tsjekkia og Ungarn).


Auers, Daunis & Andres Kasekamp (2009): "Explaining the electoral failure of Extreme-Right Parties in Estonia and Latvia", Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Vol. 17, pp. 241–254 14 s

Bakke, Elisabeth & Nick Sitter (kjem) "Elite Turnover and Party System Change in Central Europe: Political Nomadism or Normalisation?" Oppdatert konferansepaper, 2008. 22 s

Bakke, Elisabeth (2010): "Central and East European Party Systems since 1989", i Sabrina Ramet (red.): Central and Southeastern Europe since 1989. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. K 27 s.

Bakke, Elisabeth (2009): "Fl?yelsskilsmissa i Tsjekkoslovakia", i Raino Malnes (red.): Prek?r politikk. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk. K 15 s

Bakke, Elisabeth (kjem): "The Czech Party System" (f?rebels tittel). 25 s

Bakke, Elisabeth (red) (2006): Sentral-Europa og Baltikum etter 1989. Oslo: Samlaget (kap. 3, 5, 8, 11, 12) 112 s

Batory, Agnes (2009): "The Dog that did not bark? Assessing the impact of the EU on party politics in Hungary", Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, Vol. 25, No. 4, December 2009, pp. 427–446. 20 s

Birch, Sarah (2007): "Electoral systems", i Stephen White, Judy Batt & Paul G. Lewis (eds): Developments in Central and East European Politics 4. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave. K 13 s.

Crowther, William E. & Irmina Matonyte (2007): "Parliamentary elites as a democratic thermometer: Estonia, Lithuania and Moldova compared", Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Volume 40, Issue 3, September 2007, p. 281-299 18 s.

Doyle, Orla & Jan Fidrmuc (2005): "Who favors enlargement?: Determinants of support for EU membership in the candidate countries' referenda", i European Journal of Political Economy 22 (2006) pp. 520–543 24 s.

Enyedi, Zsolt & Luká? Linek (2008): "Searching for the Right Organization: Ideology and Party Structure in East-Central Europe", Party Politics, Vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 455–477 22 s

Hanley, Seán (2004a): "Blue Velvet: the rise and decline of the new Czech right", Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics,20:3,28—54 26 s.

Hanley, Seán (2004b): "Getting the right right: redefining the centre-right in post-communist Europe", Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 20:3,9—27, 18 s.

Haughton, Tim and Rybá?, Marek (2008): "A Change of Direction: The 2006 Parliamentary Elections and Party Politics in Slovakia", Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 24:2,232—255 23 s.

Haughton, Tim and Rybá?, Marek (2009): "A tool in the toolbox: Assessing the impact of EU membership on party politics in Slovakia", Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, Vol. 25, no 4, December 2009, pp. 540–563 24 s

Hlou?ek, Vít & Lubomír Kope?ek (2008): "Cleavages in the Contemporary Czech and Slovak Politics Between Persistence and Change", East European Politics and Societies 2008; 22; 518–552. 34 s

Hlou?ek, Vít & Pavel P?eja (2009): "Europeanization of Political Parties and the Party System in the Czech Republic", Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, Vol. 25, No. 4, December 2009, pp. 513–539 26 s

Holm-Hansen, J?rn (2008): "Polen", Kap. 18 i Knut Heidar, Einar Berntzen og Elisabeth Bakke (2008): Politikk i Europa. Partier, regjeringsmakt, styreform. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget K 15 s

Jasiewicz, Krzysztof (2008): "The (not always sweet) uses of opportunism: Post-communist political parties in Poland", Communist and Post-Communist Studies 41 (2008), pp. 421–442 21 s

Jasiewicz, Krzysztof (2009): "'The past is never dead'": Identity, Class, and Voting Behavior in Contemporary Poland", East European Politics and Societies, Vol. 23, No. 4, Fall 2009, pp. 491–508 17 s

Jurkynas, Mindaugas (2009): "The parliamentary election in Lithuania, October 2008", Electoral Studies, Vol. 28, pp. 322–345 4 s

Kope?ek, Lubomír & Pavel P?eja (2008): "Czech Social Democracy and its 'cohabitation' with the Communist Party: The story of a neglected affair", Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Vol. 41, pp. 317–338. 21 s

Lijphart, Arend (1994): "Democratization and Constitutional Choices in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland, 1989–1991." Kap 12 i Ian Budge & David McKay (red): Developing democracy. London: 1994. K 16 s.

Linde, Jonas & Joakim Ekman (2006): Demokratiseringsprosesser. Teoretiska ansatser och empiriska studier. Studentlitteratur. Kap. 2 K 37 s.

Mair, Peter (1997): "What is different about Post-Communist party systems?" Kap. 8 i P. Mair: Party system change. Approaches and interpretations. Oxford: Clarendon Press.K 23 s.

Nuti, D. Mario (2007): "Managing transition economies", i Stephen White, Judy Batt & Paul G. Lewis (eds): Developments in Central and East European Politics 4. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave K 19 s.

Raciborski, Jacek (2007): "Forming government elites in a new democracy: The case of Poland", i Communist and Post-Communist Studies 40 (2007) 17-40 24 s.

Roberts, Andrew (2008): "Hyperaccountability: Economic voting in Central and Eastern Europe", Electoral Studies, Vol. 27, pp. 533–546 13 s

Róna-Tas, ?kos, Ján Bun?ák & Valentína Harmadyová (1999): "Post-communist transformation and the new elite in Slovakia", i Slovak Sociological Review (Vol. 31), Spring 1999: 235-262. K 27 s.

Sikk, Alan (2009): "Force Mineure? The Effects of the EU on Party Politics in a Small Country", Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, Vol. 25, No. 4, December 2009, pp. 468–490 K 22 s

Sikk, Allan (2006): "From private organizations to democratic infrastructure: Political parties and the state in Estonia", Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics,22:3,341 — 361. Lenke

Sitter, Nick (kjem): "Hungary - and Polarised Populism" (f?rebels tittel) 25 s

Smith-Sivertsen, Hermann (2008): "Latvia", kap. 21 i Knut Heidar, Einar Berntzen og Elisabeth Bakke (2008): Politikk i Europa. Partier, regjeringsmakt, styreform. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget K 18 s

Smith-Sivertsen (kjem): "The dissolution of the Soviet Union: Agency, economy or legitimacy?" (f?rebels tittel) 25 s Solvak, Mihkel & Vello Pettai (2008): "The parliamentary elections in Estonia, March 2007", Electoral Studies, Volume 27, Issue 3, September 2008, Pages 574-577, 4 s.

Szcerbiak, Aleks & Monika Bil (2009): "When in Doubt, (Re-)Turn to Domestic Politics? The (Non-)Impact of the EU on Party Politics in Poland", Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, Vol. 25, no 4, December 2009, pp. 447–467. 20 s

Szelényi, Szonja, Iván Szelényi & Imre Kovách (1995): "The Making of the Hungarian Postcommunist Elite: Circulation in Politics, Reproduction in the Economy", i Theory and Society, Vol. 24, No. 5, Special Issue on Circulation vs. Reproduction of Elites during the Postcommunist Transformation of Eastern Europe. (Oct., 1995), pp. 697-722. 25 s Lenke

Tavits, Margit (2008): "On the linkage between volatility and party system instability in Central and Eastern Europe", European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 47, pp. 537–555. 18 s

Wasilewski, Jacek & Edmund Wnuk-Lipiński (1995): "Poland: Winding Road from the Communist to the Post-Solidarity Elite", i Theory and Society, Vol. 24, No. 5, Special Issue on Circulation vs. Reproduction of Elites during the Postcommunist Transformation of Eastern Europe. (Oct., 1995), pp. 669-696. 27 s Lenke

Totalt: 924 s.

K = kompendium i sal p? Akademika. Bakke (2006) kan kj?past p? Akademika eller l?nast p? biblioteket. Resten av pensum vil bli lagt ut i Fronter.

Eit utval tilleggslitteratur

Bale, Tim & Aleks Szczerbiak (2008): "Why Is There No Christian Democracy in Poland – and Why Should We Care?" Party Politics Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 479–500.

Bakke, Elisabeth & Nick Sitter (2005): "Patterns of Stability. Party Competition and Strategy in Central Europe since 1989." Party Politics, Vol 11. no. 2 (2005): 243–265.

Baylis, Thomas A. (2007): "Embattled executives: Prime ministerial weakness in East Central Europe", Communist and Post-Communist Studies 40 (2007) 81–106.

Bozóki, András (2008): "Consolidation or Second Revolution? The Emergence of the New Right in Hungary", Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 24:2,191 — 231.

Carey, John M. and Hix, Simon (2009): "The electoral sweet spot: low-magnitude proportional electoral systems." PSPE working papers, 01-2009. Department of Government, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

Dawisha, Karen & Stephen Deets (2006): "Political Learning in Post-Communist Elections", i East European Politics and Societies, 2006 (20) pp. 691–728.

Evans, Geoffrey (2006): "The Social Basis of Political Divisions in Post-Communist Eastern Europe", Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 32, 2006: 245–270.

Fowler, Brigid (2004): "Concentrated orange: Fidesz and the remaking of the Hungarian centre-right, 1994-2002", Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics,20:3,80—114.

Haughton, Tim (2002): "Vladimír Meciar and His Role in the 1994-1998 Slovak Coalition Government", i Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 54, No. 8. (Dec., 2002), pp. 1319-1338.

Haughton, Tim and Rybá?, Marek(2004): "All right now? Explaining the successes and failures of the Slovak centreright", Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 20:3,115—132.

Kreuzer, Marcus & Vello Pettai (2003): "Patterns of Political Instability: Affiliation Patterns of Politicians and Voters in Post-Communist Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania", Studies in Comparative International Development, Summer 2003, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 76-98.

Letki, Natalia (2004): "Socialization for Participation? Trust, Membership, and Democratization in East-Central Europe", i Political Research Quarterly, Vol. 57, No. 4. (Dec., 2004), pp. 665-679.

Linek, Luká? and Pechá?ek, ?těpán (2007): "Low Membership in Czech Political Parties: Party Strategy or Structural Determinants?", Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 23:2,259—275.

Linz, Juan & Alfred Stepan (1996): Problems of democratic transition and consolidation. Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe. Baltimore & London: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Mair, Peter & Ingrid van Biezen (2001): "Party Membership in Twenty European Democracies", Party Politics (7) No. 1, pp 5-21.

Markowski, Radoslaw (2008): "The 2007 Polish Parliamentary Election: Some Structuring, Still a Lot of Chaos", West European Politics, 31: 5, 1055—1068.

Merkel, Wolfgang (2010): "Are dictatorships returning? Revisiting the 'democratic rollback' hypothesis", Contemporary Politics, 16: 1, 17—31.

Schimmelfennig, Frank (2006): "The process of enlargement. Problems, interests, and norms", i Jeremy Richardson (red.): European Union. Power and policy-making. New York: Routledge.

Smith-Sivertsen, Hermann (2005): What kind(s) of political parties emerged and why? Comparing the parties of Latvia and Lithuania of the late 1990s by their organizations, policies and surroundings. Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo. No. 8.

Tavits, Margit (2005): "The Development of Stable Party Support: Electoral Dynamics in Post-Communist Europe", i American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 49, No. 2. (Apr., 2005), pp. 283-298.

Toole, James (2003): "Straddling the East-West Divide: Party Organisation and Communist Legacies in East Central Europ"e, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 55, No. 1 (Jan. 2003): 101–118.

Tucker, Joshua A. (2006): Regional Economic Voting. Russia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic 1990–1999. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wolchik, Sharon (1999): "Czechoslovakia on the eve of 1989", i Communist and Post-Communist Studies 32 (1999): 437–51.

Publisert 9. apr. 2010 10:13 - Sist endra 29. juli 2010 16:53