
Students attending Master's courses will be able to participate on a library course. At the course you will learn how to do searches in both national and international databases, and you will have the opportunity to search the articles that is on your curriculum.The course is voluntary, but we strongly recommend that students attend. More information to come.


Chenoweth, Erica and Maria J. Stephan. 2011. Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict. New York: Columbia University Press. Chapters 1, 2 and 3

Gates, Scott and Simon Reich, eds. 2010. Child Soldiers in the Age of Fractured States. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. Chapters, 1, 5, 8 and 14

To be found in an article compilation which can be bought at Kopiutsalget at Akademika bookstore at Blindern campus

Blainey, Geoffrey. 1988. The Causes of War. New York: The Free Press. Chapter 1.

Gleditsch, Nils Petter, H?vard Hegre and H?vard Strand. 2009. “Democracy and Civil War.” In Handbook of War Studies III, ed. Manus Midlarsky. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press pp. 155-192.

Kimenyi, Mwangi S. and Njuguna Ndung'u. 2005. “Sporadic Ethnic violence: Why Has Kenya Not Experienced a Full-Blown Civil War?” In Understanding Civil War: Evidence and Analysis, ed. Paul Collier and Nicholas Sambanis. Washington, DC: World Bank, pp. 123-156.

Wood, Elisabeth Jean. 2003. Insurgent Collective Action and Civil War in El Salvador. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 1.

Downloadable articles, books and other texts

You can search the articles and e-books in the e-journal database available at the University of Oslo Library. This requires having access to and being logged onto the UiO system. Contact the Reference Services at the Humanities and Social Sciences Library if you have problems finding the literature.


Bakke, Kristin M., Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham and Lee J. M. Seymour. 2012. “A Plague of Initials: Fragmentation, Cohesion, and Infighting in Civil Wars.” Perspectives on Politics 10(2):265- 283.

Buhaug, Halvard and Jan K. R?d. 2006. “Local Determinants of African Civil Wars, 1970- 2001.” Political Geography 25(3):315- 335.

Cederman, Lars-Erik, Nils B. Weidmann and Kristian S. Gleditsch. 2011. “Horizontal Inequalities and Ethnonationalist Civil War: A Global Comparison.” American Political Science Review 105(3):478-495.

Cederman, Lars-Erik, Simon Hug and Andreas Wenger. 2008. “Democratization and War in Political Science.” Democratization 15(3):509-524.

Celestino, Mauricio Rivera and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch. 2013. “Fresh Carnations or All Thorn, No Rose? Nonviolent Campaigns and Transitions in Autocracies.” Journal of Peace Research 50(3):385-400.

Collier, Paul and Anke Hoeffler. 2004. “Greed and Grievance in Civil War.” Oxford Economic Papers 56(4):563-595.

Cunningham, Kathleen Gallagher. 2013. “Actor Fragmentation and Civil War Bargaining: How Internal Divisions Generate Civil Conflict.” American Journal of Political Science 57(3):659- 672.

Denny, Elaine K. and Barbara F. Walter. 2014. “Ethnicity and civil war.” Journal of Peace Research 51(2):199-212.

Eck, Kristine and Lisa Hultman. 2007. “One-Sided Violence against Civilians in War: Insights from New Fatality Data.” Journal of Peace Research 44(2):233-246.

Fearon, James D. 1995. “Rationalist Explanations for War.” International Organization 49(3):379- 379.

Fearon, James D. and David D. Laitin. 2003. “Ethnicity, Insurgency, and Civil War.” American Political Science Review 97(1):75-90.

Fjelde, Hanne and Desiree Nilsson. 2012. “Rebels Against Rebels: Explaining Violence Between Rebel Groups.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 56(4):604-628.

Gartzke, Eric. 1999. “War is in the error term.” International Organization 53(3):597-587.

Gat, Azar. 2013. “Is War Declining and Why?” Journal of Peace Research 50(2):149-157.

Gates, Scott. 2002. “Recruitment and Allegiance: The Microfoundations of Rebellion.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 46(1):111-130.

Gates, Scott and Simon Reich. 2009. “Think Again: Child Soldiers.” Foreign Policy May

Gleditsch, Kristian Skrede and Nils B. Weidmann. 2012. “Richardson in the Information Age: Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Data in International Studies.” Annual Review of Political Science 15:461-481.

Gleditsch, Nils Petter, Peter Wallensteen, Mikael Eriksson, Margareta Sollenberg and H?vardStrand. 2002. “Armed Conflict 1946- 2001: A New Dataset.” Journal of Peace Research 39(5):615-637.

Hartzell, Caroline and Matthew Hoddie. 2003. “Institutionalizing Peace: Power Sharing and Post- Civil War Conflict management.” American Journal of Political Science 47(2):318-332.

Hegre, H?vard, Tanja Ellingsen, Scott Gates and Nils Petter Gleditsch. 2001. “Toward a Democratic Civil Peace? Democracy, Political Change, and Civil War, 1816- 1992.”American Political Science Review 95(1):33-48.

Hegre, H?vard and H?vard Mokleiv Nygaard. 2014. “Governance and Conflict Relapse.” Journal of Conflict Resolution.

Hegre, H?vard, Gudrun ?stby and Clionadh Raleigh. 2009. "Poverty and Civil War Events: A Disaggregated Study of Liberia." Journal of Conflict Resolution 53(4): 598-623.

Holtermann, Helge. 2014. “Relative Capacity and the Spread of Rebellion: Insights from Nepal.” Journal of Conflict Resolution

Hultman, Lisa, Jacob Kathman and Megan Shannon. 2013. "United Nations Peacekeeping and Civilian Protection in Civil War." American Journal of Political Science 57(4): 875-891.

Humphreys, Macartan and Jeremy M. Weinstein. 2006. "Handling and Manhandling Civilians in Civil War." American Political Science Review 100(3):429-447.

Humphreys, Macarthan and Jeremy M. Weinstein. 2008. “Who Fights? The Determinants of Participation in Civil War.” American Journal of Political Science 52(2):436-455.

Kahl, Colin H. 1998. “Population Growth, Environmental Degradation, and State-Sponsored Violence: The Case of Kenya, 1991- 93.” International Security 23(2):80-119.

Kalyvas, Stathis N. and Matthew A. Kocher. 2007. “How ‘Free’ is Free Riding in Civil Wars? Violence, Insurgency, and the Collective Action Problem.” World Politics 59(2):177- 216.

Kalyvas, Stathis N. and Matthew A. Kocher. 2009. "The Dynamics of Violence in Vietnam: An Analysis of the Hamlet Evaluation System (HES)." Journal of Peace Research 46(3):335-355.

Kuran, Timur. 1989. “Sparks and Prairie Fires: A Theory of Unanticipated Political Revolution.” Public Choice 61(1):41- 74.

Lacina, Bethany, Bruce Russett and Nils Petter Gleditsch. 2006. “The Declining Risk of Death in Battle.” International Studies Quarterly 50(3):673-680.

Lujala, Paivi. 2010. “The Spoils of Nature: Armed Conflict and Rebel Access to Natural Resources.” Journal of Peace Research 47(1):15-29.

Lyall, Jason. 2009. “Does Indiscriminate Violence Incite Insurgent Attacks? Evidence from Chechnya.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 53(3):331–362.

Miguel, Edward, Shanker Satyanath and Ernest Sergenti. 2004. “Economic Shocks and Civil Conflict: An Instrumental Variables Approach.” Journal of Political Economy 112(4):725-753.

Nygaard, H?vard Mokleiv and Michael Weintraub. 2014. “Bargaining Between Rebel Groups and the Outside Option of Violence.” Terrorism and Political Violence.

Posen, Barry R. 1993. "The Security Dilemma and Ethnic Conflict." Survival 35(1):27-47.

Posner, Daniel N. 2004. “The Political Salience of Cultural Difference: Why Chewas and Tumbukas are Allies in Zambia and Adversaries in Malawi.” American Political Science Review 98(4):529-545.

Raleigh, Clionadh and H?vard Hegre. 2009. “Population, Size, and Civil War: A Geographically Disaggregated Analysis.” Political Geography 28(4):224-238.

Roessler, Philip. 2011. "The Enemy Within: Personal Rule, Coups, and Civil War in Africa." World Politics 63(2):300-346.

Salehyan, Idean, David Siroky and Reed M.Wood. 2014. “External Rebel Sponsorship and Civilian Abuse: A Principal-Agent Analysis of Wartime Atrocities.” International Organization 68(3):633-661.

Sambanis, Nicholas. 2004. "Using Case Studies to Expand Economic Models of Civil War." Perspectives on Politics 2(2): 259-279.

Sambanis, Nicholas. 2004. “What Is Civil War? Conceptual and Empirical Complexities of an Operational Definition.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 48(6):814-858.

Schock, Kurt. 2013. “The Practice and Study of Civil Resistance.” Journal of Peace Research 50(3): 277-290.

Staniland, Paul. 2012. "Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Insurgent Fratricide, Ethnic Defection, and the Rise of Pro-State Paramilitaries." Journal of Conflict Resolution 56(1):16-40.

Theisen, Ole Magnus, Helge Holtermann and Halvard Buhaug. 2011/12. “Climate Wars? Assessing the Claim that Drought Breeds Conflict.” International Security 36(3):79-106.

Themnér, Lotta and Peter Wallensteen. 2013. “Armed Conflict, 1946- 2012.” Journal of Peace Research 50:519-521.

Vreeland, James Raymond. 2008. “The Effect of Political Regime on Civil War: Unpacking Anocracy.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 52(3):401-425.

Weidmann, Nils B. 2011. “Violence ‘From Above’ or ‘From Below’? The Role of Ethnicity in Bosnia's Civil War.” Journal of Politics 73(4):1178-1190.

Wood, Elisabeth Jean. 2009. "Armed Groups and Sexual Violence: When is Wartime Rape Rare?" Politics & Society 37(1):131-161.


Published Nov. 25, 2014 4:20 PM - Last modified Jan. 18, 2015 4:57 PM