Syllabus/achievement requirements

Required Reading

Aiken, William & LaFollette, Hugh (1977): “Introduction”, in William Aiken & Hugh LaFollette (eds.), World Hunger and Moral Obligation. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. 10 p

Banik, D. (2003): “Operational Definitions of Famine and Related Terms”, in Democracy, Drought and Starvation in India: Testing Theory and Practice, Oslo: Dept. of Political Science, University of Oslo. [Chap. 3] 28 p

Banik, D. (2004): “Utvikling og demokrati,” Chapter 11 in K. Midgaard & B. E. Rasch (eds.), Demokrati - vilk?r og virkninger. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. 18 p

Chambers, R. (2004): "Ideas for Development: Reflecting Forwards", IDS Working Paper 238

Devereux, S. (1993): Theories of Famine. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf. (Chapter 13) 11 p

FAO (2004): The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2004: Monitoring Progress towards the World Food Summit and the Millennium Development Goals. Rome: FAO. p

Hardin, G. (1974): "Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor, Psychology Today, No.: Sept. 1974

Gray, C. W. & Kaufmann, D. (1998): “Corruption and Development,” Finance & Development, No. 03. 4 p

Herring, R. J. (2000): "Political Conditions for Agrarian Reform and Poverty Alleviation", IDS Discussion Papers – 375

Hossain, N. & Moore, M. (2002): "Arguing for the Poor: Elites and Poverty in Developing Countries", IDS Working Paper, No. 148

Joshi, A. & Moore, M. (2000): "The Mobilising Potential of Anti-Poverty Programmes", IDS Discussion Paper 374

Kanbur, R. & Vines, D. (2000): “The World Bank and Poverty Reduction: Past, Present and Future”, in C. L. Gilbert & D. Vines (eds.), The World Bank: Structure and Policies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 32 p

Kanbur, R. (2001): “Economic Policy, Distribution and Poverty: The Nature of Disagreements”, World Development, Vol. 29, No. 6: 1083-1094. 12 p

Khan, M. H. (2000): “Rural Poverty in Developing Countries”, Finance & Development, December 2000: 26-29 5 p

Maxwell, S. (2001): “WDR 2000: Is There a New ‘New Poverty Agenda’”? Development Policy Review, Vol. 19, No. 1: 143-149. 7 p

Moore, M. & Putzel, J. (1999): "Thinking Strategically about Politics and Poverty", IDS Working Paper 101

Narayan, D. (2000): “Poverty is Powerlessness and Voicelessness”, Finance & Development, December 2000: 18-21. 4 p

Nyamu-Musembi, C. & Cornwall, A. (2004): "What is the ‘Rights-Based Approach’ all about? Perspectives from International Development Agencies", IDS Working Paper 234

ODI (2004): Second Generation Poverty Reduction Strategies

OECD (1999): DAC Scoping Study of Donor Poverty Reduction Policies and Practices. London: Overseas Development Institute, (Chapter 1)

OHCHR (2004): Human Rights and Poverty Reduction: A Conceptual Framework. Geneva: United Nations

Osmani, S. (2000): “Human Rights to Food, Health, and Education”, Journal of Human Development, Vol. 1, No.: 2: 273-298 25 p

Pogge, T. (2005): "World Poverty and Human Rights", Ethics and International Affairs, Vol. 19, No. 1: 1-7

Rodrik, D. (2000): “Growth versus Poverty Reduction: A Hollow Debate”, Finance & Development, December 2000: 8-9. 2 p

Rose-Ackerman, S. (1996): “The Political Economy of Corruption – Causes and Consequences”, Public Policy for the Private Sector, World Bank. 4 p

Sen, A. (1990): "Public Action to Remedy Hunger", Tanco Memorial Lecture

Sen, A. (1994): “Freedom and Needs: An Argument for the Primacy of Political Rights”, The New Republic 210: 31-38. 8 p

Sen, A. (1999): "Democracy as a Universal Value", Journal of Democracy, Vol. 10, No. 9: 3-17

Sen, A. (2000): “A Decade of Human Development”, Journal of Human Development, Vol. 1, No. 1: 17-23. 7 p

Sengupta, A. (2005): "Human Rights and Extreme Poverty", Report of the Independent Expert on the Question of Human Rights and Extreme Poverty, Economic and Social Council, United Nations, E/CN.4/2005/49

Singer, P. (1972): "Famine, Affluence, and Morality", Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol. 1, No. 1: 229-243, revised edition

Townsend, P. (1993): The International Analysis of Poverty. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf. (Chapter 2) 12 p

UNDP (2000a): Human Development Report 2000, Chapter 2

UNDP (2000b): Human Development Report 2000, Chapter 3

UNDP (2004): Human Development Report 2004, Chapter 1

UN Millennium Project (2005): Investing in Development: A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals. New York: United Nations, Chapters 3, 5, 10, 11, 17 & 18

Wratten, E. (1995): “Conceptualising Urban Poverty”, Environment and Urbanization 7: 11-36. 26 p

Total reading: 825 p

All articles available for download from the Internet are also available in Classfronter. The remainder of the articles have been assembled in a compendium which can be purchased at the Blindern campus bookstore.


Published Apr. 21, 2005 5:45 PM - Last modified Nov. 7, 2014 1:54 PM