Syllabus/achievement requirements

Required Reading

Aiken, William & LaFollette, Hugh: “Introduction”,, 1977. in William Aiken & Hugh LaFollette (eds.), World Hunger and Moral Obligation. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. (10 p).

Arimah, Ben C.: “Poverty Reduction and Human Development in Africa”, 2001. Paper presented at the UNU/WIDER Development Conference on Growth and Poverty.. (35 p).

Banik, Dan: “India’s Freedom from Famine: The Case of Kalahandi”, 1998. Contemporary South Asia. 7: 265-281. (17 p).

de Waal, Alex: “Social Contract and Deterring Famine: First Thoughts”, 1996. Disasters 20: 194-205. (11 p).

Devereux, Stephen: Theories of Famine., 1993. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf. (Chapters 2, 3, 10 & 13) (52 p).

Dower, Nigel : “A World without Hunger: An Ethical Imperative”, 1998. chapter 2 in Helen O’Neill & John Toye (eds.), A World without Famine? New Approaches to Aid and Development. Basingstoke: Macmillan. (23 p).

Drèze, J. & Sen, A.: Hunger and Public Action, 1989. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 & 12) (115 p).

Drèze, Jean : “Famine Prevention in Africa: Some Experiences and Lessons”, 1995. Chapter 11 in J. Drèze, A. Sen, & A. Hussain (eds.), The Political Economy of Hunger: Selected Essays. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (50 p).

Golbert, Laura & Kessler, Gabriel: “Latin America: Poverty as a Challenge for Government and Society”, 1996. chapter 22 in Else ?yen, S. M. Miller & Syed Abdus Samad (eds.), Poverty: a Global Review ? Handbook on International Poverty Research. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. (20 p).

Gordon, David & Spicker, Paul (eds.): The International Glossary on Poverty, 1999. London: Zed Books/ CROP. (pp 7-21, 25-42, 56-63, 75-78, 150-162) (55 p).

Hardin, Garrett: “Carrying Capacity as an Ethical Concept”, 1976. in George R. Lucas, Jr. & Thomas W. Ogletree (eds.), Lifeboat Ethics: The Moral Dilemmas of World Hunger. New York: Harper & Row. (18 p).

Hossain, Naomi & Moore, Mick: “Arguing for the Poor: Elites and Poverty in Developing Countries”, 2002. IDS Working Paper, No. 148.. (39 p).

Joshi, Anuradha & Moore, Mick : The Mobilising Potential of Anti-Poverty Programmes, 2000. IDS Discussion Paper 374. (31 p).

Kanbur, Ravi & Vines, David: “The World Bank and Poverty Reduction: Past, Present and Future”, 2000. in C. L. Gilbert & D. Vines (eds.), The World Bank: Structure and Policies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (32 p).

Khan, Mahmood Hasan : “Rural Poverty in Developing Countries”, 2000. Finance & Development. December 2000: 26-29 (5 p).

Maxwell, Simon : “WDR 2000: Is There a New ‘New Poverty Agenda’”?, 2001. Development Policy Review. Vol. 19, No. 1: 143-149. (7 p).

Moore, Mick & Putzel, James: “Politics and Poverty: A Background Paper for the World Development Report 2000/1”, 1999. (30 p).

Narayan, Deepa : “Poverty is Powerlessness and Voicelessness”, 2000. Finance & Development. December 2000: 18-21. (4 p).

OECD : DAC Scoping Study of Donor Poverty Reduction Policies and Practices., 1999. London: Overseas Development Institute. (Chapter 1) (39 p).

Rodrik, Dani : “Growth versus Poverty Reduction: A Hollow Debate”, 2000. Finance & Development. December 2000: 8-9. (2 p).

Sen, Amartya: “Freedom and Needs: An Argument for the Primacy of Political Rights”, 1994. The New Republic . 210: 31-38. (8 p).

Sen, Amartya: “Democracy as a Universal Value”, 1999. Journal of Democracy. Vol. 10, No. 9: 3-17. (15 p).

Smith, Alan G.: Human Rights and Choice in Poverty: Food Insecurity, Dependency, and Human Rights-Based Development Aid for the Third World Rural Poor, 1997. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. (Chapter 3) (47 p).

Townsend, Peter : The International Analysis of Poverty, 1993. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf. (Chapters 1, 2 & 3) (62 p).

Varshney, Ashutosh: “Democracy and Poverty”, 1999. Paper for the Conference on World Development Report 2000. The World Bank. . (30 p).

Wratten, Ellen: “Conceptualising Urban Poverty”, 1995. Environment and Urbanization . 7: 11-36. (26 p).

World Bank: “Poverty”, 2000. Chapter 1 in Poverty and Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington DC: The World Bank. (15 p).

Total reading: (798 p)

All articles (except those to be downloaded from the Internet) will be made available in a compendium to be purchased at the Akademika bookstore (Blindern). In addition, you will need to purchase the following books: Drèze & Sen (1989)and Gordon & Spicker (1999)

Published Apr. 26, 2004 12:24 PM - Last modified Nov. 7, 2014 1:52 PM