Syllabus/achievement requirements

Students attending Master's courses will be able to participate on a library course. At the course you will learn how to do searches in both national and international databases, and you will have the opportunity to search the articles that is on your curriculum.The course is voluntary, but we strongly recommend that students attend. More information to come.


Dalton, Russell J. David M. Farrell, and Ian McAllister (2011/2013): Political Parties and Democratic Linkage: How Parties Organize Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (chapter 1,2, 5-9). 185 p

Tilgjengelig i kompendium som kj?pes hos Kopiutsalget, Akademika

Duverger (1990): “Caucus, Branch, Cadre Parties and Mass Parties”, ch. 3 in Mair, Peter (red.): The West European Party System. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 9 p.

Scarrow, Susan E., David Farrell & Paul Webb (2002): “From Social Integration to Electoral Contestation: The Changing Distribution of Power within Political Parties”, ch.7. in Dalton, Russel J. and Martin P. Wattenberg: Parties without Partisans. Oxford: Oxford University Press Compendium.25 p.

Downloadable articles, books and other texts

You can search the articles and e-books in the e-journal database available at the University of Oslo Library. This requires having access to and being logged onto the UiO system. Contact the Reference Services at the Humanities and Social Sciences Library if you have problems finding the literature.


Albright, Jeremy (2010): “The Multidimensional Nature of Party Competition”, Party Politics, 16 (6): 699–719. 20 p.

Allan, James P. and Lyle Scruggs (2004): “Political Partisanship and Welfare State Reform in Advanced Industrial Societies”, American Journal of Political Science, 48 (3): 496–512. 16 p.

Allern, Elin H., Nicholas Aylott and Flemming J. Christiansen (2007): “Social Democrats and Trade Unions in Scandinavia: The Decline and Persistence of Institutional Relationships”, European Journal of Political Research 46 (5): 607–35. 29 p. 

Allern, Elin H. and Tim Bale (2012): "Political Parties and Interest Groups: Disentangling Complex Relationships", Party Politics, 18 (1): 7-25. 16 p. 

Bachrach, Peter and Morton S. Baratz (1962): “Two Faces of Power”, American Political Science Review 56 (4): 947-52. 6 p.  

Baumgartner, Frank and Beth Leech (1998): Basic Interests: The Importance of Groups and in Politics and Political Science, ch. 1-4. 82 p

Beyers, Jan, Rainer Eising and William Maloney (2009): “Researching Interest Group Politics in Europe and Elsewhere: Much We Study, Little We Know?” West European Politics, 31: 6: 1103-1128. 25 p.

van Biezen, Ingrid, Peter Mair and Thomas Poguntke (2012): “Going, going, . . . gone? The decline of party membership in contemporary Europe”, European Journal of Political Research, 51 (1): 24–56. 32 p.

Binderkrantz, Anne S. (2012): “Interest groups in the media: bias and diversity over time”, European Journal of Political Research 51: 117-139. 22 p.

Binderkrantz, Anne S., and Simon Kr?yer. 2012. “Customizing Strategy: Policy Goals and Interest Group Strategies.” Interest Groups and Advocacy, 1(1): 115-38. 34 p.

Dahl, Robert A. (1957): “The Concept of Power”, Behavioural Science 2 (3): 401-215. 14 p.

Diani, Mario (1992): “The Concept of Social Movement”, The Sociological Review 40 (1): 1-25. 24 p.

Hopmann, David N., Christian Elmelund-Pr?stek?r, Erik Alb?k,  Rens Vliegenthart, and Claes H. de Vreese (2012): “Party Media Agenda-setting: How Parties Influence Election News Coverage”. Party Politics 18 (2): 173-91. 18 p.

Katz, Richard S. and Peter Mair (1995): “Changing Models of Party Organization and Party Democracy: The Emergence of the Cartel Party”, Party Politics 1: 5-28. 24 p.

Keeman, Hans (2006): “Parties and Government: Features of Governing in Representative democracies”, ch. 14 in Katz, Richard S. og William Crotty (red.): Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage.

Klüver, Heike (2011): “The Contextual Nature of Lobbying: Explaining Lobbying Success in the European Union”, European Union Politics 12 (4): 483-506. 24 p.

Kriesi, Hanspeter, Anke Tresch and Margit Jochum (2007): “Going Public in the European Union: Action Reportoires of Western European Collective Political Actors”, Comparative Political Studies, 40 (1): 48–73. 25 p.

Mahoney, Christine (2007a): "Networking vs. Allying: The Decision of Interest Groups to Join Coalitions in the US and the EU," Journal of European Public Policy, 14 (2): 366-383. 17 p.

Mahoney, Christine (2007b): "Lobbying Success in the United States and the European Union", Journal of Public Policy 27 (2): 35-56. 21 p.

Müller, Wolfgang (2000): “Political parties in parliamentary democracies: making delegation and accountability work”, European Journal of Political Research 37: 309–333. 25 p.

Pomper, M. Gerald (1992): “Concepts of Political Parties”, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 4 (2): 143-159. 16 p.

Rasmussen, Anne and Gert-Jan Lindeboom (2013): “Interest Group-Party Linkage in the 21st Century: Evidence from Denmark, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom”. European Journal for Political Research, 52 (2): 264–89. 25 p.

Salisbury, Robert H. (1969): “An exchange Theory of Interest Groups”, Midwest Journal of Political Science, 13 (1): 1-32. 32 p.

Scarrow, Susan E. (2006): “The Nineteenth-Century Origins of Modern Political Parties: The Unwanted Emergence of Party-Based Politics”, ch. 3 in Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage. 10 s.

Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger (2007): “New Modes of Campaigning”, ch. 40 in Dalton, Russell J. and Hans-Dieter Klingemann (eds): The Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Str?m, Kaare (1990): “A Behavioral Theory of Competitive Political Parties”, American Journal of Political Science, 34 (2): 565-598. 33 p.

Vassallo, Francesca og Clyde Wilcox (2006): “Party as Carrier of Ideas”, ch. 35 in Katz, Richard S. og William Crotty (red.): Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage. 9 p.

Yoho, James (1998): “The Evolution of a Better Definition of ‘Interest Group’ and its Synonyms”. Social Science Journal, 35 (2): 231-243. 12 p.


Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd (2014): “Political Parties as Organizations: from Structural Theory to the New Institutionalisms”. Unpublished discussion paper. 15 p

Binderkrantz, Anne S. (forthcoming): “Legislatures, Lobbying and Interest Groups”, ch. in Martin, Shane, Thomas Saalfeld, and Kaare W. Str?m (eds):The Oxford Handbook of Legislative Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 17 p

Heidar, Knut (2013): “Parliamentary Party Groups: To Whom is the Midfield Accountable?”, ch. 7 in Wolfgang Müller & Hanne Marthe Narud (eds):  Party Governance and Party Democracy.  New York: Springer. 21 p

Saalfeld, Thomas and Kaare W. Str?m (forthcoming): “Political Parties and Legislators”, ch. in Martin, Shane, Thomas Saalfeld, and Kaare W. Str?m (eds): The Oxford Handbook of Legislative Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 10 p

Total required reading: 929 pages


Published Nov. 26, 2014 6:19 PM