
Pensumbidrag som er merket BOK, vil kunne kj?pes i Akademika

Pensumbidrag som er merket K, vil v?re tilgjengelig i kompendium som kan kj?pes hos Kopiutsalget i underetasjen til Akademika Bokhandel.

De andre bidragene vil bli lenket direkte til Universitetsbibliotekets elektroniske tidsskriftabonnementer eller vil bli gjort tilgjengelig p? Fronter.


Converse, Philip E. (1964): “The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics”, s. 206-261 I David Arter (red.): Ideology and Discontent. New York, Free Press. K   56 s.

Davidov, Eldad, Peter Schmidt og Shalom H. Schwartz (2008): “Bringing values back in. The adequacy of the European Social Survey to measure values in 20 countries”, Public Opinion Quarterly 72 (1): 420-445    26 s.

Dobewall, Henrik og Maksim Rodney (2013): “Common and unique features of Schwartz’s and Inglehart’s value theories at the country and the individual levels”, Cross-Cultural Research XX(X) 1–33   33 s.

de Vreese, Claes H. (2010): “Campaign communication and media”, s. 118-140 i Lawrence. LeDuc, Richard. Niemi and Pippa Norris (red): Comparing Democracies 3. Elections and Voting in the 21st Century. Los Angeles: Sage K    23 s.

Enjolras, Bernhard et al. (2013): Liker - liker ikke. Sosiale medier, samfunns-engasjement og offentlighet. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. BOK

Kapittel 2: Sosiale medier, samfunnsengasjement, deltakelse og offentlighet 22 s.

Kapittel 6: Ny debatt?   43 s.

Kapittel 7: Ny politisk kommunikasjon?   17 s.

 82 s.

Flanagan, Scott C. (1987): " Value Change in Industrial Societies", American Political Science Review 81: 1303-19 17 s.

Fuchs, Dieter og Hans-Dieter Klingemann (1989): “The Left-Right Schema“, kapittel 7 i M. Kent Jennings et al. Continuities in Political Action. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter K             32 s.

Inglehart, Ronald (1987): "Value Change in Industrial Societies", American Political Science Review 81, 1290-1303  14 s.

Inglehart, Ronald og Christian Welzel (2005): Modernization, Cultural Change, and Democracy. The Human Development Sequence. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. BOK

Kapittel 1: A revised theory of modernization  31 s.

Kapittel 2: Value change and the persistence of cultural traditions    29 s.

Kapittel 4: Intergenerational value change    21 s.

Kapittel 5: Value changes over time    20 s.

101 s.

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth (2005): “The vulnerable populist right parties: No economic realignment fuelling their electoral success,” European Journal of Political Research 44: 465-492     28 s.

Hernes, Gudmund (1977): "Det medievridde samfunn”, Samtiden (1): 1-14 K      14 s.

Hitlin, Steven.og Jane Allyn Piliavin (2004): “Values: Reviving a dormant concept", Annual Review of Sociology 30: 359–393.    35 s.

Kitschelt, Herbert (1994): The Transformation of European Social Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 8-37. K     30 s.

Kitschelt, Herbert (1995): The Radical Right in Western Europe – A Comparative Analysis. Ann Arbor: The University Press of Michigan, s. 13-28.    16 s.

Knutsen, Oddbj?rn (1995): "The Impact of Old Politics and New Politics Value Orientations on Party Choice – A comparative Study", Journal of Public Policy 15:1-63.                           63 s.

Knutsen, Oddbj?rn (2011): “Values”, s. 2691-2697 i Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser og Leonardo Morlino (red.): International Encyclopedia of Political Science, Volume 8. Los Angeles: Sage.    8 s.

Knutsen, Oddbj?rn (2013): “Structural determinants of party choice: The changing impact of socio-structure variables on party choice in comparative perspective”, kapittel I0 i Wolfgang . C. Müller og Hanne Marthe Narud (red.): Party Governance and Party Democracy. New York: Springer.    29 s.

Knutsen, Oddbj?rn & Elinor Scarbrough (1995): “Cleavage Politics”, kapittel18 i Jan van Deth & Elinor Scarbrough (red.): The Impact of Values. "Beliefs in Government", bind 4. European Science Foundation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. K      32 s.

Kriesi, Hanspeter m.fl. (2006): "Globalization and the transformation of the national political space: Six European countries compared", European Journal of Political Research 45: 921-956.    36 s.

Meuleman, Bart m. fl. (2013): “Social location and value priorities. A European-wide comparison of the relationship between socio-structural variables and human values”, kapittel 2 i Silke I. Keil og Oscar Gabriel (red.): Society and democracy in Europe. London: Routledge K    23 s.

Norris, Pippa (2000): A Virtuous Circle. Political Communications in Postindustrial Societies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. K

Kapittel 1: The News Media and Democracy   19 s.

Kapittel 14: A Virtuous Circle?    11 s.

 30 s.

Oesch, Daniel (2013): “The class basis of the cleavage between the New Left and the radical right. An analysis for Austria, Denmark, Norway and Switzerland”, kapittel 2 i Jens Rydgren (red.): Class Politics and the Radical Right. London. Routledge. K    21 s.

Oskamp, Stewart and P. Wesley Schultz (2005): Attitudes and Opinions. Third Edition. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. K

 Kapittel 1: Background: History and Concepts      16 s.

 Kapittel 3: Explicit measures of attitudes        23 s.

 Kapittel 11: Attitude change: cognitive theories and research         32 s.

71 s.

Stubager, Rune (2013): “The Changing Basis of Party Competition: Education, Authoritarian–Libertarian Values and Voting”, Government and Opposition 48 (3): 372-397.   26 s.

Van Deth, Jan og Elinor Scarbrough (1995): “The concept of values”, kapittel 2 i Jan van Deth & Elinor Scarbrough (red.): The Impact of Values. "Beliefs in Government", bind 4. European Science Foundation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. K   27 s.

Waldahl, Ragnar (2007): Opinion og demokrati. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget. BOK

Kapittel 6: Modeller for opinionsdannelse   18 s.

Kapittel 7: Introduksjonsfasen: Opinionen blir til     16 s.

Kapittel 8: Etableringsfasen: Opinionen utvikler seg  20 s.

Kapittel 9: Konsolideringsfasen: Opinionen fester grepet  20 s.

Kapittel 10: Beslutningsfasen: Opinionens politiske rolle   18 s.

92 s.

Wlezien, Christopher (2010): Election Campaigns, s. 98-117 i Lawrence LeDuc, Richard G. Niemi and Pippa Norris (red.): Comparing Democracies 3. Elections and Voting in the 21st Century. Los Angeles: Sage. K   20 s.

Zaller, John (1992): The Nature and Origin of Mass Opinion. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press K

 Kapittel 1: The fragmented state of opinion research     5 s.

 Kapittel 2: Information, predispositions and opinion       34 s.

 Kapittel 3: How citizens acquire information and convert it into public opinion      13 s.

52 s.                                                        

Aalberg, Torill og Anders Todal Jenssen (2007): Den medialiserte politikken. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget BOK

Kapittel 1: Den medialiserte politikken     16 s.

Kapittel 3: Politisk reklame, visuelt stemmefiske     28 s.

Kapittel 11: Den politiske almenningens tragedie?  19 s.

63 s.         

Aardal, Bernt, Anne Krogstad et al. (red.) (2004): I valgkampens hete. Strategisk kommunikasjon og politisk usikkerhet. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. K

Kapittel 1: Strategisk kommunikasjon og politisk usikkerhet                       17 s.

Kapittel 16: Valgkamp p? norsk                                                                   16 s.

33 s.


Sum antall sider  1133 s.


Publisert 25. nov. 2013 15:11 - Sist endret 24. apr. 2014 14:52