

Bakke, Elisabeth & Ingo Peters (red.) (2011): 20 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Transitions, State Break-Up and Democratic Politics in Central Europe and Germany. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, kap. 4, 7, 12–14 (103 s). Kan bestilles som e-bok p? Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, her:

  • Merkel, Wolfgang. Plausible Theory, Unexpected Result: The Rapid Democratic Consolidation in Central and Eastern Europe (Kap. 4).
  • Rychlík, Jan. The 'Velvet Divorce' of Czechoslovakia, 1989–1992 (Kap. 7).
  • Bakke, Elisabeth (2011a). The Czech Party System 20 Years after the Velvet Revolution (Kap. 12).
  • Sitter, Nick (2011). Absolute power? Hungary Twenty Years after the Fall of Communism (Kap. 13).
  • Holm-Hansen, J?rn (2011). Continuity and Change in Polish Party Politics since 1989 (Kap. 14).

Cole, Alistair (2017). French Politics and Society. Third edition. London og New York: Routledge, kap. 2, 4–5, 8–9 (108 s.)

  • Kap. 2. France since 1958
  • Kap. 4. Presidents and prime ministers
  • Kap. 5. Checks and balances
  • Kap. 8. The French party system: change and understanding change
  • Kap. 9. French parties today


Tilgjengelig i kompendium som kj?pes hos Kopiutsalget, Akademika.

Bukow, Sebastian (2016): ?The Green Party in Germany?, kap. 5 i Emile van Haute (red): Green Parties in Europe. London og New York: Routledge   (28 s).

Daniels, Philip (1999). 'Italy. Rapture and regeneration?', kap. 5 i David Broughton & Mark Donovan (red.): Changing party systems in Western Europe. London: Pinter (25 s.) 

Ekman, Joakim, Jonas Linde & Thomas Sedelius (2014). Vad ?r demokratisering? Kap. 2 i Ekman et al. Demokratiseringsprosesser. Nya perspektiv och utmaningar. Studentlitteratur.  (29 s).

Hanley, David (1999). 'France: Living with instability', kap. 4 i David Broughton & Mark Donovan (red.): Changing party systems in Western Europe. London: Pinter (23 s.)

Jeffery, Charlie (1999). 'Germany: From hyperstability to change?', kap. 6 i David Broughton & Mark Donovan (red.): Changing party systems in Western Europe. London: Pinter. (22 s.).

Kope?ek, Lubomír (2017). Czech political institutions and the problems of parliamentary democracy, kap. 6 in Stanislav Balík et al. Czech Politics: From West to East and Back Again. Opladen: Barbara Budrich Publishers. (31 s).

Sitter, Nick (2012). H?yreekstremisme i Ungarn - demokrati i krise? i ?ystein S?rensen et al: H?yreekstremisme - ideer og bevegelser i Europa. Oslo: Dreyers forlag.  (24 s).


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Bakke, Elisabeth (2011b). Why are there so few female MPs in Slovak parliaments? i Harald Baldersheim og Jozef Bátora: The governance of small states in turbulent times. The exemplary cases of Norway and Slovakia. Opladen: Barbara Budrich Publishers. (19 s). Last ned her

Bakke, Elisabeth (2016). Tsjekkia: Business as usual?  i Raino Malnes (red.). Velkommen til statsvitenskap. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. (20 s). Last ned her

Bakke, Elisabeth (kommer). Institutions, Parties and Party System Development in Slovakia, 1990–2016. Bokkapittel. (25 s). [Fronter]

Bakke, Elisabeth & Nick Sitter (2013). Why do parties fail? Cleavages, government fatigue and electoral failure in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary 1992–2012, East European Politics, 29:2, 208-225 (17 s).

Bakke, Elisabeth & Nick Sitter (2015). Where do parties go when they die? The fate of failed parties in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary 1992–2013, East European Politics, 31:1, 1–22. (22 s).

Batory, Agnes (2016). Populists in government? Hungary's “system of national cooperation”, Democratization, 23:2, 283–303. (20 s).

Bánkuti, Miklós, Gábor Halmai og Kim Lane Scheppele (2012). Disabling the Constitution, Journal of Democracy, Volume 23, Number 3, July 2012: 138-146. (8 s).

Beblav?, Miroslav & Marcela Veselková (2014). Preferential voting and the party-electorate relationship in Slovakia. Party Politics Vol. 20 (4), 521–532. (12 s).

Ceccarini, Luigi og Fabio Bordignon (2017). “Referendum on Renzi: The 2016 Vote on the Italian Constitutional Revision”, South European Society and Politics. DOI: 10.1080/13608746.2017.1354421. (22 s).

Chiaremonte, Alessandro og Roberto D’Alimonte (2018): “The new Italian electoral system and its effects on strategic coordination and disproportionality”, Italian Political Science 13 (1): 8-18. (11 s).

Conti, Nicolò & Vincenzo Memoli (2015): “The Emergence of a New Party in the Italian Party System: Rise and Fortunes of the Five Star Movement”, West European Politics 38 (3): 516-534 (20 s).

D'Alimonte, Roberto (2019). "How the Populists Won in Italy." Journal of Democracy, no. 1: 114-27 (13 s).

Decker, Frank (2016). “The ?Alternative for Germany?. Factors behind its emergence and profile of a New Right-wing populist party”, German Politics and Society 34 (2): 1-16. (16 s).

Donovan, Mark (2015). “Berlusconi's impact and legacy: political parties and the party system”, Modern Italy 20 (1): 11-24 (14 s).

Dorey, Peter and Andrew Denham (2017). “Tales of the unexpected: The selection of British party leaders since 1963”, British Politics Online article. (24 s).

Evans, Jocelyn and Gilles Ivaldi (2017). “An atypical ‘honeymoon’ election? Contextual and strategic opportunities in the 2017 French legislative election”, French Politics 15: 322-339 (18 s).

Gougou, Florent og Simon Persico (2017). “A new party system in the making? The 2017 French presidential election”, French Politics 15: 303-321. (19 s).

Gwiazda, Anna (2015). Women's representation and gender quotas: the case of the Polish parliament. Democratization, 22:4, 679–697. (19 s).

Hanley, Seán & Milada Anna Vachudova (2018). Understanding the illiberal turn: democratic backsliding in the Czech Republic. East European Politics, Vol 34 (3): 276–296. (21 s.).

Haughton, Tim (2003). Facilitator and Impeder: The Institutional Framework of Slovak Politics during the Premiership of Vladimír Me?iar. The Slavonic and East European Review, Vol. 81, No. 2 (Apr., 2003), pp. 267-290. (24 s).

Hepburn, Eve (2008). ’The neglected nation: The CSU and the territorial cleavage in Bavarian Party Politics’, German Politics 17 (2): 184–202. (19 s.)

Ilonszki, Gabriella & Réka Várnagy (2016). Parliamentary elections in Hungary, 2014. Electoral Studies 43, 169–172 (4 s.)

Kluknavská, Alena & Josef Smolík (2016). We hate them all? Issue adaptation of extreme right parties in Slovakia 1993–2016, Communist and Post-Communist Studies 49 (4): 335–344. (10 s).

Kosa?, D., Baro?, J., & Dufek, P. (2019). The Twin Challenges to Separation of Powers in Central Europe: Technocratic Governance and Populism. European Constitutional Law Review, 15(3), 427-461 (24 s).

Krekó, Péter & Zsolt Enyedi (2018). Orbán's Laboratory of illiberalism. Journal of Democracy Vol. 29 (3): 39–51 (13 s).

Kropp, Sabine (2010). “The Ubiquity and strategic complexity of grand coalitions in the German Federal System”, German Politics 19 (3-4): 286-311 (26 s.)

Lynch, Philip (2007). ‘Party System Change in Britain: Multi-Party Politics in a Multi-Level Polity’, British Politics 2: 323-346. (24 s.) 

Marcinkiewicz, Kamil (2014). Electoral contexts that assist voter coordination: Ballot position effects in Poland, Electoral studies 33, 322–34. (13 s).

Mare?, Miroslav & Vratislav Havlík (2016). Jobbik's successes. An analysis of its success in the comparative context of the V4 countries. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 49: 323–333. (11 s.)

Markowski, Radoslaw (2016). The Polish parliamentary election of 2015: a free and fair election that results in unfair political consequences, West European Politics, 39:6, 1311–1322. (12 s.)

Matthes, Claudia-Y (2016). Poland, i Anna Fruhstorfer & Michael Hein (red.). Constitutional Politics in Central and Eastern Europe. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. [Tilgjengelig som e-bok via biblioteket]. (26 s).

Matthews, Felicity and Matthew Flinders (2017). “Patterns of democracy. Coalition governance and majoritarian modification in the United Kingdom, 2010-2015”, British Politics 12: 157-182 (26 s).

Mushaben, Joyce Marie (2016). “The best of times, the worst of times. Angela Merkel, the Grand coalition, and the ?Majority Rule? in Germany”, German Politics and Society 34 (1): 1-25 (25 s).

Paparo, Aldo (2018). “Challenger’s delight: the success of M5S and Lega in the 2018 Italian general election, Italian Political Science 13 (1): 63-81. (19 s).

Patton, David F. (2013). ?The left party at six: The PDS-WASG merger in comparative perspective?, German Politics 22 (3): 219-234 (16 s.)

Pehe, Ji?í (2018). Czech Democracy under Pressure. Journal of Democracy Vol. 29 (3): 65–77. (13 s).

Prosser, Christopher (2018). “The strange death of multi-party Britain: the UK General Election of 2017”, West European Politics 41: 1226-1236. (11 s).

Przybylski, Wojciech (2018). Can Poland’s backsliding be stopped? Journal of Democracy Vol. 29 (3): 52–64. (13 s.).

Rosset, Jan (2011). The 2010 presidential election in Poland. Electoral studies 30, 241–44. (4 s).

Rybá?, Marek & Peter Spá? (2015). The March 2014 presidential elections in Slovakia: The victory of a political Novice. Electoral Studies 38, 88–90. (3 s).

Rybá?, Marek & Peter Spá? (2017). The March 2016 parliamentary elections in Slovakia: A political earthquake, Electoral Studies 45: 153–156. (4 s.)

Rybá?, Marek (2014). The Czech presidential elections, January 2013: Towards a more powerful head of state? Electoral Studies 35 (2014) 378–81. (4 s).

Sch?n-Quanlivan, Emanuelle (2017). “’The elephant in the room’ no more: Europe as a structuring line of political cleavage in the 2017 presidential election”, French Politics 15: 290-302. (13 s).

Stegmaier, Mary & Luká? Linek (2014). The parliamentary election in the Czech Republic, October 2013. Electoral Studies 35, 385–88. (4 s).

Tworzecki, Hubert (2012). "The Polish parliamentary elections of October 2011", Electoral Studies Volume 31, Issue 3, September 2012, Pages 617–621. (4 s).

Wasilewski, Jacek & Edmund Wnuk-Lipiński (1995). Poland: Winding Road from the Communist to the Post-Solidarity Elite i Theory and Society, Vol. 24, No. 5, Special Issue on Circulation vs. Reproduction of Elites during the Postcommunist Transformation of Eastern Europe. (Oct., 1995), pp. 669-696. (27 s).

Wincott, Daniel (2017). “Brexit dilemmas: New opportunities and tough choices in unsettled times”, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 19(4): 680-95. (16s).

The state of the parties (after the 2017 election). German Politics 27: 113-145 (33 s.)

  • Wiliarty, Sarah Elise: “The State of the CDU”.
  • Turner, Ed: “The SPD at the Bundestagswahl 2017: Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt?”.
  • Lees, Charles: “The German Greens and the 2017 Federal Election: Between Strategic Calculation and Real-World Politics”.
  • Olsen, Jonathan: “The Left Party in the 2017 German Federal Election”.
  • Patton, David F.: “The Free Democrats’ Second Chance”.
  • Siri, Jasmin: “The Alternative for Germany after the 2017 Election”.



Publisert 19. nov. 2019 14:04 - Sist endret 19. nov. 2019 14:23