
Utdrag merket "K" er samlet i et kompendium som kan kj?pes p? Kopiutsalget.

Budge, Ian (2001): 'Theory and measurement of party policy positions', kap. 3 i Ian Budge m. fl. (red.): Mapping policy preferences. Estimates for parties, electors, and governments 1945-1998. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 16 s. K

Bugde, Ian & Dennis J. Farlie (1978): ‘The potentiality of dimensional analyses for explaining voting and party competition’, European Journal of Political Research 6: 203-231. 29 s. Lenke

Budge, Ian & Judith Bara (2001): 'Manifesto-based research: A critical review', kap. 2 i Ian Budge m. fl. (red.): Mapping policy preferences. Estimates for parties, electors, and governments 1945-1998. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 23 s. K

Caramani, Daniele (2005): 'The formation of national party systems in Europe: A comparative-historical analysis', Scandinavian Political Studies 28: 295-322. 28 s. Lenke

Dalton, Russell J., Paul Allen Beck & Scott C. Flanagan (1984): 'Electoral change i advanced industrial democracies', kap. 1 i Russell J. Dalton, Scott C. Flanagan & Paul Allen Beck (red.): Electoral change in advanced industrial democracies. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. 20 s. K

Dalton, Russell J., Scott C. Flanagan & Paul Allen Beck (1984a): 'Political forces and partisan change', kap. 15 i Russell J. Dalton, Scott C. Flanagan & Paul Allen Beck (red): Electoral change in advanced industrial democracies. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. 26 s. K

Franklin, Mark N.; Thomas T. Mackie, Henry Valen m. fl. (red.) (1992): Electoral Change: Responses to Evolving Social and Attitudinal Structures in Western Countries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, kap. 1, 2, 19. 78 s. K

Inglehart, Ronald & Pippa Norris (2000): 'The development theory of the gender gap: Women's and men's voting behavior in global perspective', International Political Science Review 21: 441-463. 23 s. Lenke

Kitschelt, Herbert (1994): The Transformation of European Social Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 8-37. 30 s. K

Kitschelt, Herbert (1995): The Radical Right in Western Europe – A Comparative Analysis. Ann Arbor: The University Press of Michigan, s. 13-28. 16 s. K

Klingemann, Hans-Dieter, Richard Hofferbert & Ian Budge (1994): Parties, policies and democracy, Boulder: Westview Press, kap. 2. 16 s. K

Knutsen, Oddbj?rn (1989): ‘Cleavage dimensions in ten West European countries: A comparative empirical analysis’, Comparative Political Studies 21: 495-534. 39 s. Lenke

Knutsen, Oddbj?rn (1995a): ‘Party Choice’, kap.17 i Jan van Deth & Elinor Scarbrough (red.): The Impact of Values. "Beliefs in Government", bind 4. European Science Foundation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 31 s K

Knutsen, Oddbj?rn & Elinor Scarbrough (1995): ‘Cleavage Politics’, kap.18 i Jan van Deth & Elinor Scarbrough (red.): The Impact of Values. "Beliefs in Government", bind 4. European Science Foundation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 32 s. K

Knutsen, Oddbj?rn (2001): ‘Social Class, Sector Employment and Gender as Political Cleavages in the Scandinavian Countries. A Comparative Longitudinal Study, 1970-95’, Scandinavian Political Studies 24: 311-350. 40 s. Lenke

Knutsen, Oddbj?rn (2004): Social structure and party choice in Western Europe. A comparative longitudinal study. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, kap. 1-3, 5-7 236 s.

Knutsen, Oddbj?rn (2005): 'The impact of sector employment on party choice: a comparative study of eight West European countries'. European Journal of Political Research 44: 593-621 29 s. Lenke

Knutsen, Oddbj?rn (2006): Class Voting in Western Europe. A Comparative Longitudinal Study. Lanham: Lexington Books, kap. 1-2, 5-8 120 s.

Kriesi, Hanspeter et al. (2006): "Globalization and the transformation of the national political space: Six European countries compared", European Journal of Political Research 45: 921-956. Lenke

Listhaug, Ola, Stuart Elaine Macdonald & George Rabinowitz (1990): ’A comparative spatial analysis of European party systems,’ Scandinavian Political Studies 13: 227-254. 28 s. Lenke

Listhaug, Ola, Stuart Elaine Macdonald & George Rabinowitz (1994): ‘Ideology and party support in comparative perspective’, European Journal of Political Research 25: 111-149. 39 s. Lenke

Mair, Peter (2001): 'The freezing hypothesis. An evaluation', kap. 3 i Lauri Karvonen & Stein Kuhnle (red.): Party systems and voter alignments revisited. London: Routledge. 18 s. K

Rabinowitz, George & Stuart Elaine MacDonald (1989): ‘A directional theory of issue voting, American Political Science Review 83: 93-121. 29 s. Lenke

Rose, Richard & Derek Urwin (1969): ‘Social cohesion, political parties and strains in regimes’, Comparative Political Studies 2: 7-31. 25 s. Lenke

Stubager, Rune (2009): The education cleavage: The socio-structural foundation of culture wars, Paper prepared for presentation at IPSA’s 21st World Congress of Political Science, Santiago, July 12-16 2009. Fronter

Sum pensum: ca. 990 s.

Publisert 2. apr. 2009 15:28 - Sist endret 17. sep. 2009 14:31