
Bernard, Andrew B., J. Bradford Jensen and Peter K. Schott (2007) "Importers, Exporters and Multinationals: A Portrait of Firms in the US that Trade Goods". Paper (to be published in Journal of Economic Literature). 35 pp

Claes, Dag Harald 2003. “Globalization and State Oil Companies: The Case of Statoil” in The Journal of Energy and Development. 29(1): 43-64. 21p.

Dicken, Peter (2007) Global Shift. Mapping the Changing Countours of the World Economy. London, SAGE. Chapt. 1, 4 , 6 and 8 138 pp

Falkner, Robert (2007) "A Neo-Pluralist Perspective on Business Power in Global Environmental Governance." London, LSE: Paper, 35 pp Fulltekst

Feenstra, Robert C. (1998) “Integration and Trade and Disintegration of Production in the Global Economy”, Journal of Economic Perspectives 12 (4), pp. 31-50 20 ppLink

Gritsch, Maria (2005) ”The nation-state and economic globalization: soft geo-politics and increased state autonomy?” Review of International Political Economy, 12:1, February: 1-25 25 ppLink

Hummels, David, Jun Ishii, and Kei-Mu Yi (2001) “The nature and growth of vertical specialization in world trade”, Journal of International Economics, no. 54, pp. 75-96 22 pp

Hveem, Helge, Carl Henrik Knutsen and Asmund Rygh (2007) "The Newcomer Investor. Patterns of Norwegian Foreign Direct Investments". Paper. 30 pp

Hveem, H. C.H. Knutsen and A. Rygh (forthcoming 2008) "Foreign Direct Investments and the Political Systems of Host Countries. The Case of Norwegian FDI in Developing Countries". Paper. 20 pp

Hymer, Stephen (1971) "The Multinational Corporation and the Law of Uneven Development", in Jaqdish W. Bhagwati (ed.) Economics and World Order. New York, World Law Fund

Keohane, Robert O. and Joseph N. Nye (2000) “Introduction”, in J.N. Nye and J.D. Donahue (eds.) Governance in a Globalizing World. Washington, DC.: Brookings Institution Press, pp. 1 - 39 39 pp

Lall, Sanjay (2005) “Rethinking Industrial Strategy: The Role of the State in the Face of Globalization”, in Kevin P. Callagher (ed.) Putting Development First. London: Zed Books, pp. 33 - 68 35 pp

Lawton, Thomas C. and Kevin P. Michaels (2000) “The Evolving Global Production Structure: Implications for International Political Economy”, in T. C. Lawton, J. N. Rosenau, and A. C. Verdun (eds.) Strange Power. Shaping the parameters of international relations and international political economy. Aldershot: Ashgate. 16 pp

Mommer, Bernard 2002. Chapter 3: “Public Governance of Mineral Resources: Fundamentals” in Global Oil and the Nation State. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 28 pp.

Narula, Rajneesh (2003) Globalization and Technology. Interdependence, Innovation Systems and Industrial Policy. Cambridge: Polity Press, ch. 7, pp. 184 - 210 25 pp

Rogowski, Ronald (1989) Commerce and Coalitions. How Trade Affects Domestic Political Alignments. Princeton, Princeton University Press, chapters 1 and 7. 21 pp

Ruggie, John G. (2004) “Reconstituting the Global Public Domain: Issues, Actors and Practices", European Journal of International Relations Vol. 10, nr. 4

Schwartz, Herman (1994) States versus Markets. History, Geography, and the Development of the International Political Economy. New York, St. Martin’s Press. Chapt. 2, Section Intro 199-204, chapt. 13 and 14. 65 pp.

Sell, Susan K. (2003) Private Power, Public Law. The Globalization of Intellectual Property Rights. Cambr.: Cambridge University Press, ch. 7 26 pp

Strange, Susan (1988) States and Markets. London: Pinter, ch. 2 20 pp

van Tulder, Rob with Alex van der Zwart (2007) International Business-Society Management. London, Routledge. Chapt. 1 - 10. 198 pp.

UNCTAD (2007) World Investment Report. Geneva: UN; chapt VI 30 pp Link

Vernon, Raymond (1966) “International Investments and International Trade in the Product Cycle”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 80 (2): 190-207 17 pp Link

Support sources

Part III in van Tulder 2007, rest of chapters 11 - 13, case studies chs. 14-18 and final chapters 19 and 20

UNCTAD World Investment Report 2005

UNCTAD World Investment Report 2007 (rest of report) The report has a special section on mineral and resource industries

UNCTAD Trade and Development Report 2007 Contains a special issue on regional cooperation; all UNCTAD reports can be accessed at and/or downloaded from

Information on relevant books and articles other than those on the obligatory reading list will be given in the respective thematic sessions.

Websites: - the World Trade Organization’s homepage - the Special Trade Representative of the US President - the site of the Ministry of Economic and Trade - an informative source of short scientific and press articles

Published Dec. 7, 2007 3:31 PM - Last modified Jan. 22, 2008 3:12 PM