Utdrag merket med "K" er samlet i et kompendium som kan kj?pes i Kopiutsalget.
Aakre, S., L. Helland & J. Hovi (2013) “What Types of Enforcement Work?” Upublisert manuskript (25s.)
Barrett, S (2003) Environment & Statecraft. The Strategy of Environmental Treaty-Making, Oxford: Oxford UP. (425 s.)
Cherry, T.L., S. Kallbekken, S. Kroll & D.M. McEvoy (2013) “Cooperation in and out of markets: An experimental comparison of public good games and markets with externalities” Economics Letters 120 (1): 93–96. (4s.)
Dawes, R.M. & R.H. Thaler (1988) “Anomalies: Cooperation”, Journal of Economic Perspectives 2:187-197. (11 s.) Lenke
Elster, J. (1989) Solomonic Judgements. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. Kap. 1 (35 s.) K
Frank, R.H., T. Gilovich & D.T. Regan (1993) “Does Studying Economics Inhibit Cooperation?”, Journal of Economic Perspectives 7:159-171 (15 s.) Lenke
Grieco, J., R. Powell & D. Snidal (1993) “The Relative Gains Problem for International Cooperation”, American Political Science Review 87:729-743 (15 s.) Lenke
Grundig, F. 2006. "Patterns of International Cooperation and the Explanatory Power of Relative Gains: An Analysis of Cooperation on Global Climate Change, Ozone Depletion, and International Trade", International Studies Quarterly 50 (4): 781-801. Lenke
Holtsmark, B. (2007) “Internasjonalt klima澳门葡京手机版app下载: Hvorfor skjer det s? lite?”, ?konomisk forum nr. 5/2007 (10 s.)
Grundig, F., J. Hovi, A. Underdal & Stine Aakre (2012). “Self-enforcing Peace and Environmental Agreements. Toward Scholarly Cross-fertilization? ”, International Studies Review 14 (4): 522-540. (19s.)
Hovi, J. (1986) “Binary Games as Models of Public Goods Provision”, Scandinavian Political Studies 9:337-360. (24 s.) Lenke
Hovi, J (1998) Games, Threats and Treaties. Understanding Commitments in International Relations. London: Pinter. Kap. 1,2, 5-9 (100 s.) K
Hovi, J. (2008) Spillteori. Kap. 7 (20 s.) K
Hovi, J. & I. Areklett: “Enforcing the Climate Regime: Game Theory and the Marrakesh Accords”, 2004. International Environmental Agreements 4:1-26 (26 s.) Lenke
Kanbur, Ravi (2006) “The economics of international aid”, Handbook of the Economics of Giving, Altruism and Reciprocity: 1559-1588 tilgjengelig fra: http://www.arts.cornell.edu/poverty/kanbur/handbookaid.pdf .
Knutsen, C. H. (2011) “I’ll mind my own business if you mind yours: The OAU and the African Peace”, E-International Relations. Available from: http://www.e-ir.info/2011/08/02/i%E2%80%99ll-mind-my-own-business-if-you-mind-yours-the-oau-and-the-african-peace/
Powell, R. (1991) “Absolute and Relative Gains in International Relations Theory”, American Political Science Review 85:1303-1320 (18 s.) Lenke
Snidal, D. (1991) “Relative Gains and the Pattern of International Cooperation”, American Political Science Review 85:701-726 (26 s.) Lenke
Steunenberg, B. & A. Dimitrova (2007) “Compliance in the EU Enlargement Process: Institutional Reform and the Limits of Conditionality”, in A. Marciano & J-M. Josselin: Democracy, Freedom and Coercion. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (30 s.) K
Tallberg, J. (2002) “Paths to compliance: Enforcement, management, and the European Union”, International Organization 56(3): 609-643. (34s.)
Taylor, M. (1996) "When Rationality Fails", s. 223-234 i J. Friedman (red.), The Rational Choice Controversy. New Haven: Yale University Press. (12 s.) K
Urpelainen, J. (2010). “Enforcement and capacity building in international cooperation”, International Theory 2 (1): 32-49 (18s.)
Yarbrough, B.V & R.M. Yarbrough (1986) “Reciprocity, Bilateralism and Economic 'Hostages': Self-enforcing Agreements in International Trade”, International Studies Quarterly 30:7-21 (15 s.) Lenke