Syllabus/achievement requirements

Availability note: The book edited by Stokke and H?nneland 2010 is on sale at Akademika bookstore; whereas Chen 2012, Humpert 2013 and Zhang 2012 are downloadable from Fronter. All other items are downloadable from the links given here, provided one has access to and is logged onto the UiO library system. If a link does not work for you, simply search the article in the e-journal database available at the University of Oslo Library (logon required also here).


Andresen, Steinar. 1993. The Effectiveness of the International Whaling Commission. Arctic 46:2, 108–115.

Baev, Pavel K. 2013. Sovereignty is the Key to Russia's Arctic Policy. Strategic Analysis 37:4, 489–493.

Bailey, Jennifer L. 2008. Arrested Development: The Fight to End Commercial Whaling as a Case of Failed Norm ChangeEuropean Journal of International Relations 14:2, 289–318.

Borgerson, Scott G. 2008. Arctic Meltdown: The Economic and Security Implications of Global WarmingForeign Affairs, 87:2, 63–77.

Brosnan, Ian G., Thomas M. Leschine and Edward L. Miles. 2011. Cooperation or Conflict in a Changing Arctic? Ocean Development and International Law, 42:1–2, 73–210.

Buzan, Barry. 2010. China in International Society: Is “Peaceful Rise” Possible? Chinese Journal of International Politics, 3, 5–36.

Caron, David D. 1995. The International Whaling Commission and the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission: The Institutional Risks of Coercion in Consensual Structures. American Journal of International Law, 89:1, 154–174.

Chen, Gang. 2011. China’s Emerging Arctic Strategy. Polar Journal 2, 358?–371. Fronter

Dittmer, Jason, Sami Moisio, Alan Ingram and Klaus Dodds. 2011. Have you Heard the one about the Disappearing Ice? Recasting Arctic Geopolitics. Political Geography, 30:4, 202–214.

Gerhardt, Hannes, Philip E. Steinberg, Jeremy Tasch, Sandra J. Fabiano and Rob Shields. 2010. Contested Sovereignty in a Changing Arctic. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100:4, 992–102.

Graczyk, Piotr and Timo Koivurova. 2013. A New Era in the Arctic Council’s External Relations? Broader Consequences of the Nuuk Observer Rules for Arctic Governance. Polar Record, online edition, (12 p).

Harriss, Robert. 2012. The Arctic: Past or Prologue? Environment, 54:5, 3–14.

Heininen, Lassi and Heather N. Nicol. 2007. The Importance of Northern Dimension Foreign Policies in the Geopolitics of the Circumpolar North. Geopolitics, 12:1, 133–165.

Haftendorn, Helga. 2011. NATO and the Arctic: Is the Atlantic Alliance a Cold War Relic in a Peaceful Region now Faced with Non-Military Challenges? European Security, 20:3, 337–361.

Harsem, ?ystein and Dag Harald Claes. 2013. The Interdependence of European–Russian Energy Relation. Energy Policy, 59, 784–791.

Hoel, Alf H?kon. 2009. Do We Need a New Legal Regime for the Arctic Ocean? International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 24:2, 443–456.

Humpert, Malte. 2013. The Future of Arctic Shipping: A New Silk Road for China? Washington DC: The Arctic Institute. Downloadable from Fronter.

Jakobson, Linda. 2010. China Prepares for an Ice-Free Arctic. SIPRI Insighs on Peace and Security, 2/2010.

Jensen, Leif Christian. 2007. Petroleum Discourse in the European Arctic: the Norwegian Case. Polar Record, 43:3, 247–254.

Jensen, ?ystein. 2010. Arctic Shipping Guidelines: Towards a Legal Regime for Navigation Safety and Environmental Protection? Polar Record, 44:229, 107–114.

Johnston, Peter F. 2012. Arctic Energy Resources: Security and Environmental Implications. Journal of Strategic Security, 5:3, 13–32.

Lasserre, Frédéric and Sébastien Pelletier. 2011. Polar super seaways? Maritime Transport in the Arctic: An analysis of Shipowners’ Intentions. Journal of Transport Geography, 19:6, 1465–1473.

Lindroth, Marjo and Heidi Sinevaara-Niskanen. 2013. At the Crossroads of Autonomy and Essentialism: Indigenous Peoples in International Environmental Politics. International Political Sociology, 7:3, 275–293.

Mackinder, H. J. 1904. The Geographical Pivot of History. Geographical Journal, 23:4, 421–444.

Moe, Arild, Daniel Fj?rtoft and Indra ?verland. 2011. Space and Timing: Why was the Barents Sea Delimitation Dispute Resolved in 2010? Polar Geography, 34:3, 145 –162.

Moe, Arild and ?ystein Jensen. 2010. Opening of New Arctic Shipping Routes. Directorate-General for External Policies of the Union: Standard Briefing. Brussels: EU Commission.

Molenaar, Erik J. 2014. Status and Reform of International Arctic Shipping Law. Eds. E. Tedsen, S. Cavalieri and R. A. Kraemer, Arctic Marine Governance: Opportunities for Transatlantic Cooperation, 127–158. Berlin: Springer.

Nicol, Heather N. 2010. Reframing Sovereignty: Indigenous Peoples and Arctic States. Political Geography, 29:2, 78–80.

Offerdal, Kristine. 2011. The EU in the Arctic: In Pursuit of Influence and Legitimacy. International Journal 66:4, 861–877.

Pedersen, Torbj?rn. 2008. The Dynamics of Svalbard Diplomacy. Diplomacy & Statecraft, 19:2, 236–262.

Powell, Richard C. 2008. Configuring an ‘Arctic Commons’? Political Geography,27:8, 827–832.

Roi, Michael L. 2010. Russia: The Greatest Arctic Power? Journal of Slavic Military Studies 23:4, 551–573.

Rottem, Svein Vigeland. 2013. The Arctic Council and the Search and Rescue Agreement: The Case of Norway. Polar Record, online edition (9 p.).

Stokke, Olav Schram and Geir H?nneland. Eds. 2010 (paperback; hardback published in 2007). International Cooperation and Arctic Governance: Regime Effectiveness and Northern Region Building. London: Routledge. All chapters except 4 is on the syllabus. On sale at Akademika.

Stokke, Olav Schram. 2009. Trade Measures and the Combat of IUU Fishing: Institutional Interplay and Effective Governance in the Northeast AtlanticMarine Policy, 33:2, 339–349. 

Stokke, Olav Schram. 2011. Environmental Security in the Arctic: The Case for Multi-Level Governance. International Journal, 66:4, 835–848. 

Stokke, Olav Schram. 2013a. The Promise of Involvement: Asia in the Arctic. Strategic Analysis, 37:4, 474–479.

Stokke, Olav Schram. 2013b. Regime Interplay in Arctic Shipping Governance: Explaining Regional Niche Selection. International Environmental Agreements, 13:1, 65–85.

Strandsbjerg, Jeppe. 2012. Cartopolitics, Geopolitics and Boundaries in the Arctic. Geopolitics, 17:4, 818–842.

Tonani, Aki and Stewart Watters. 2012. Japan’s Arctic Policy: The Sum of Many Parts. Arctic Yearbook 2012, 93–103.  Akureyri: Northern Research Forum.

Tunander, Ola. 2008. Geopolitics of the North: Geopolitik of the Weak. A Post-Cold War Return to Rudolf Kjellén. Cooperation and Conflict, 43:2, 164–184.

Underdal, Arild. 2013. Meeting Common Environmental Challenges: The Co-evolution of Policies and Practices. International Environmental Agreements, 13:1, 15–30.

Wegge, Njord. 2011. The Political Order in the Arctic: Power Structures, Regimes, and Influence. Polar Record 47:(241), 165–176.

Xing, Li and Rasmus Gjedss? Bertelsen. 2013. The Drivers of Chinese Arctic Interests: Political Stability and Energy and Transportation Security. L. Heininen (ed.), Arctic Yearbook 2013: The Arctic Regions vs. the Globalized Arctic, 53–68. Akureyri: Northern Research Forum.

Young, Oran R. 2009. The Arctic in Play. Governance in a Time of Rapid Change. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 24:2, 423–442.

Young, Oran R. 2011. The Future of the Arctic: Cauldron of Conflict or Zone of Peace? (Review article) International Affairs, 87:1, 85–93.

Zhang, Feng. 2012. Rethinking China’s Grand Strategy: Beijing’s Evolving National Interests and Strategic Ideas in the Reform Era. International Politics, 49:3, 318–345. Available on Fronter.

?verland, Indra. 2010. Russia’s Arctic Energy Policy. International Journal, 65, 865–878.

?tland, Kristian. 2011. Russia's Armed Forces and the Arctic: All Quiet on the Northern Front? Contemporary Security Policy, 32:2, 267–285.

?tland, Kristian and Kristin Ven Brusgaard. 2009. When Speech Acts Misfire: Russia and the Elektron Incident. Security Dialogue, 40:3, 333–354.


Total: 941 p.




Published Nov. 25, 2013 4:14 PM - Last modified Nov. 26, 2013 4:11 PM