Syllabus/achievement requirements

Archer, Clive (2010) An EU Arctic Policy? Paper, UACES Conferenc6-8 September. (14 p.) Link

Bailey, Jennifer L. (2008). “Arrested Development: The Fight to End Commercial Whaling as a Case of Failed Norm Change”. European Journal of International Relations 14(2): 289-318. (30 p)

Borgerson, Scott G. (2008). “Arctic Meltdown: The Economic and Security Implications of Global Warming”. Foreign Affairs 87(2): 63–77. (14 p) Link

Brigham, Lawson W. (2009). “Navigating the New Maritime Arctic”. Proceedings of the US Naval Institute 135(5): 42-47. (5 p)

Barnett, Michael and Martha Finnemore (2005). “The power of liberal international organizations”. In Michael Barnett and Raymond Duvall (eds.), Power in Global Governance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (24 p) Comp

Claes, Dag Harald and ?istein Harsem 2010. “Arctic Energy Resources – Curse or Blessing for European Energy Security?” Working Paper under the Geopolitics in the High North research program, Institute for Defense Studies / Department of Political Science, UiO. (28 p.)

Elkins, Zachary and Beth A. Simmons (2005). “On Waves, Clusters, and Diffusion: A Conceptual Framework”. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 598: 33-51. (18 p) Link

EU, Commission (2008): The European Union and The Arctic Region. (12 p.) Link

EU, High Representative and the European Commission (2008): Climate Change and International Security. Paper to the European Council. (11 p.) Link

Goldthau, Andreas (2010). “Energy Diplomacy in Trade and Investment of Oil and Gas” in Andreas Goldthau and Jan M. Witte (eds.). Global Energy Governance – The New Rules of the Game. Berlin: Global Public Policy Institute, pp. 25-48. (23 p) Comp

Howard, Roger (2009). The Arctic Gold Rush. London: Continuum. Chapter 5: Black Gold, pp. 62-82. Comp (20 p)

Hoel, Alf H?kon (2009). “Do We Need a New Legal Regime for the Arctic Ocean?”. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 24(2): 443-456. (14 p)

Holzinger, Katharina; Christoph Knill, and Thomas Sommerer (2008). “Environmental Policy Convergence: The Impact of International Harmonization, Transnational Communication, and Regulatory Competition”. International Organization, 62(3): 553-587. (25 p) Link

Keukeleire, Stephan and Jennifer MacNaughtan (2008) The Foreign policy of the European Union. London: Palgrave Macmillan: Kap 1: The context and nature of EU foreign policy, s. 8-34 Kap 9: The foreign policy dimension of internal policies, delen of Energy: s. 240-245 Kap 12: Conclusions: Theorizing EU Foreign policy, s. 328-339

Lindholt, Lars. (2006). “Arctic Natural Resources in a Global Perspective.” S. Glomsr?d and Iulie Aslaksen (eds.), The Economy of the North, pp. 27-39. Oslo: Statistics Norway. (13 p)

Lindholt, Lars and Solveig Glomsr?d (2008). “Future production of petroleum in the Arctic under alternative oil prices.” In Solveig Glomsr?d and Iulie Aslaksen (eds.), The Economy of the North, pp. 69-74. Oslo: Statistics Norway. (5 p)

Lipponen, Pavo (1997) “The European Union Needs a Policy for the Northern Dimension”, Speech at the Barents Region Today conference, Rovaniemi, 15 Sept. 1997; Appendix in: L. Heinninen, J. K?k?nen, (eds.), The New North of Europe. Perspectives on the Northern Dimension, Tampere Peace Research Institute, Research Report, 1998, 80, pp.125-132. (8 p.)

Moe, Arild & ?ystein Jensen (2010). “Opening of New Arctic Shipping Routes”. Standard Briefing. Brussels: Directorate-General for External Policies of the Union, European Parliament. Link

Molenaar, Erik J. (2009). “Arctic Marine Shipping: Overview of the International Legal Framework, Gaps and Options”. Journal of Transnational Law & Policy 18(2): 289-332. Link (43 p)

Offerdal, Kristine (2010) ”Arctic Energy in EU Policy: Arbitrary Interest in the Norwegian High North”, Arctic 63(1): 30-42. (13 p.) Link

Pedersen, Torbj?rn (2008). “The Dynamics of Svalbard Diplomacy”. Diplomacy & Statecraft 19(2): 236-262 (27 p) Link

Stein, Arthur A. (1982). ”Coordination and collaboration: regimes in an anarchic world”. International Organization, 36(2): 299-324. (25 p) Link

Stokke, Olav Schram (2010). A Disaggregate Approach to International Regime Effectiveness: The Case of Barents Sea Fisheries. Oslo: University of Oslo, Department of Political Science, Dr. Philos. Dissertation. Chapter 1. (37 p)

Stokke, Olav Schram (2009a). “Trade Measures and the Combat of IUU Fishing: Institutional Interplay and Effective Governance in the Northeast Atlantic”. Marine Policy 33(2): 339-349. (11 p)

Stokke, Olav Schram (2009b). “Protecting the Arctic Environment: The Interplay of Global and Regional Regimes”. Yearbook of Polar Law 1: 349–370. (22 p) Comp

Underdal, Arild (2010). Meeting Common Challenges in the High North. The Co-Evolution of Policies and Practices. Working paper, (31 p) Link

Wegge, Njord (2010) “Small state, maritime great power? Norway’s strategies for influencing the maritime policy of the European Union,” Marine Policy 35(3): 335-342 (8 p.)

Young, Oran R. (2010). Institutional Dynamics: Emergent Patterns in International Environmental Governance. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Chapter 1. (22 p) Comp

Young, Oran R. (2009). “Whither the Arctic? Conflict and cooperation in the circumpolar north”. Polar Record, 45(232): 73-82. (9 p) Link


Airoldi, Adele (2008): The European Union and the Arctic. Policies and actions. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen.

Bailes, Alyson (2009) ”How the EU could help cool tempers over the Arctic” Commentary article. Link

EU Commission (2006) Green Paper: A European strategy for sustainable, competitive and secure energy. COM(2006) 105 final. Link

M. Mayer, "Geopolitics and ideology in US grand stategy", chapter 2 in Mayer, US grand strategy and Central Asia, Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies, 2008, pp. 15-31 Comp

Simon Dalby, "Calling 911: geopolitics, security and America`s new war", Geopolitics, 8:3, pp. 61-86

Philippe Le Billion, "The geopolitical economy of `resource wars`", Geopolitics, 9:1, pp.1-28

"Towards a Wider High North?", Strategic Survey 2008, IISS, pp. 58-71

L. Heininen & H.N. Nicol, "The Importance of Northern Dimension Foreign Policies in the Geopolitics of the Circumpolar North", Geopolitics, 12:1, pp. 133-165

C.K. Ebinger & E. Zambetakis, "The Geopolitics of Arctic Melt", International Affairs, 85:6 (2009), pp. 1215-1232

J. Strandsbjerg, "Cartography and Geopolitics in the Arctic Region", DIIS Working Paper 2010:20 Comp

Published Jan. 27, 2011 4:47 PM - Last modified Dec. 7, 2011 5:09 PM