Syllabus/achievement requirements

Required Reading: Matlary, J..H. Intervention for Human Rihgts in Europe, Palgrave 2002, pp. 1-28, 111-243.

Arbatov, A. : ?Military Reform in Russia: Dilemmas, Obstacles, and Progress?, International Security, 22, 4, Spring , 1998. 47 pages.

Baldwin, D.: ?Security Studies and the End of the Cold War?, World Politics, October, 1995. 24 pages.

Baylis, J. et al.: Strategy in the Contemporary World: An Introduction to Strategic Studies, Oxford University Press, Parts 1, 2 and 4 (save chs. 13 and 14). 190 pages.

Falkenrath, R. A.: Confronting Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Terrorism, 1998. Survival, 40, 3, Autumn. 22 pages.

Flynn, G, and Farrell, H.: cing Together the Democratic Peace: The CSCE, Norms, and the 'Construction' of Security in Post-Cold War Europe, 1999. International Organization, 53, 3, Summer. 30 pages.

Howorth, J.: Britain, France, and the European Defence Initiative, 2000. Survival, vol. 42, no. 2, Summer. 22 pages.

Ikenberry, G.J.: State Power and the Institutional Bargain: America?s Ambivalent Economic and Security Multilateralism, 2002. Oxford University Press . in US Hegemony and International Organizations, eds. Foot, R., Macfarlane, S.N., and Mastanduno, M., 20 pages.

Jaffe, A.M. and Manning, R.A.: The Myth of the Caspian ?Great Game?: The Real Geo-Politics of Energy, 1999. Survival, 40, 4, Winter. 17 pages.

Lapidus, G.: Contested Sovereignty. The Tragedy of Chechnya, 1998. International Security., 23,1, Summer. 44 pages.

Lodgaard, S.: Human Security: The Concept and Operationalizations, 2000. paper, Norwegian Instistute of International Affairs . 23 pages.

Katzenstein, P.: Introduction: Alternative Perspectives on National Security, 1996. Columbia U. Press, NY . In ibid. (ed.), The Culture of National Security. Norms and Identity in World Politics, 25 pages.

Rawski, F. og Miller, N.: "The US in the Security Council: A 4austian Bargain?", 2004. In Malone, D.M. (de.) The Un Security Council, Lynne Rienner, Boulder, Colorado.

Mastanudono. M..: Preserving the Unipolar Moment: Realist Theories and U.S. Grand Strategy after the Cold War, 1997. International Security, 21, 4, Spring. 39 pages.

Maull, H.: Germany and the Use of Force: Still a Civilian Power?, 2000. Survival, vol. 42, no. 2, Summer. 24 pages.

Muller, H.: The Internalization of Principles, Norms, and Rules by Governments: The Case of Security Regimes, 1993. Oxford: Clarendon Press. in Rittberger, V. And Mayer, P. (1993) Regime Theory and International Relations, 30 pages.

NATO?s Strategic Concept, 1999:

Nye, J. and Owens, W.: America's Information Edge, 1996. Foreign Affairs, March/April . 16 pages.

OSCE?s Security Pact, 1999 :

Roberts, A.: Counter-Terrorism, Armed Force and the Laws of War, 2002. Survival, vol 44, no. 1, Spring . 25 pages.

Singer, P.W.: Corporate Warriors. The Rise of the Privatized Military Industry and its Ramifications for International Security, 2001/2002. International Security, vol 26, no 3, Winter. 34 pages.

US National Security Strategy, September 2002:

Yost, D.: The New NATO and Collective Security, 1998. Survival, Summer. 25 pages.

Wallander, C.: Institutional Assetts and Adaptability: NATO after the Cold War, 2000. International Organization, 54, 4, Autumn. 30 pages.

Wallensteen, P. and Sollenberg, M.: Armed Conflicts, 1989-97, 1998. Journal of Peace Research, August 35 (4). 20 pages.

Waltz, K. N.: The Emerging Structure of International Politics, 1993. International Security, 18, 2, Autumn. 35 pages.

Sum pages approx. 900

Recommended reading:

Art, R. And Waltz, K. (eds): The Use of Force: Military Power and International Politics, 1999. Rowman and Littlefield, Oxford.

Avant, D.: From Mercenary to Citizen Army: Explaining Change in the Practise of War, 2000. International Organization, 54, 1, Winter.

Bacevich, A.: American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of American Diplomacy, 2002. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass..

Buzan, B.: People, States, and Fear: An Agenda for International Security Studies, 1991. Harvester Wheatsleaf.

Finnemore, M.: Constructing Norms of Humanitarian Intervention, in Katzenstein, op.cit. 1996.

Fox, G. H.: ew Approaches to International Human Rights: The Sovereign State Revisited, in Hasmi, S., op.cit. 1997.

Gann, L.H., and Duignan, P.: Contemporary Europe and the Atlantic Alliance, 1998. Blackwell: Oxford.

Gartner, H. Et al (eds.): Europe?s New Security Challenges, Lynne Rienner. Boulder, Colorado (appears in December 2000). 2000.

Ghebali, Victor-Yves: L?Osce dans l?Europe post-communiste, 1990-1996, 1996. Emile Bruylant: Bruxelles.

Harris, J. (ed.): The Politics of Humanitarian Intervention, 1995. Pinter: London.

Hayward, K.: The Globalisation of Defence Industries, 2000. Survival, vol. 42, no. 2, Summer.

International Crisis Group: Is Dayton Failing? Bosnia Four Years after the Peace Agreement, 1999. Brussels.

Katzenstein, P. (ed.): The Culture of National Security: Norms and Identity in Worlds Politics, 1993. Columbia University Press, New York.

Matlary, J. H.: The OSCE's Role in European Security - A Norwegian View, in OSCE Yearbook 1998.

Menon. A.: France, NATO, and the Limits of Independence: the politics of Ambivalence, 2000. Macmillan: London.

Smith, M.: Humanitarian Intervention: An Overview of the Ethical Issues, 1999. Ethics in International Affairs, Spring.

Thune, H.: Krigsdansen. Historien om Saddams fall, 2003. Cappelen, Oslo.

Vasquez, J. (ed): What do we know about War?, 2000. Rowman and Littlefield, Oxford.

Vetschera, H.: Role of the OSCE in the Military Stabilisation of Bosnia and Herczegovina, in OSCE Yearbook 1998.

Woodward, S.L.: Balkan Tragedy: Chaos and Dissolution after the Cold War, 1995. Brookings Institution: Washington, D.C..

Published Oct. 27, 2003 5:17 PM - Last modified Jan. 6, 2005 2:32 PM