STV4158 - Democratic Citizenship autumn 2007






                                                    Thursday 1 March 2007 -- 3 hours




The exam has two parts. The first part consists of one longer essay that will count for 60 % of the exam grade, whereas the second part consists of a shorter essay question which will count for 40% of the grade.


NB: Indicate clearly the question you are answering in each case by using the labels which are underlined in connection with each question.



                                                                       I  (60 %)


All candidates are to answer the following question:  



I:        Liberalism vs. communitarianism:


          An important theoretical debate has taken place in the academic literature between those who argue for what has been called a “liberal” democratic theory on the one side and a “communitarian” democratic theory on the other. What characterizes these two alternative perspectives? In your answer, be sure to indicate among other things what these two perspectives say about the individual as a citizen and what expectations they imply with respect to the individual’s role in a democratic society.


          Det har foregått en viktig teoretisk debatt i faglitteraturen mellom de som argumenterer for hva som er blitt kalt en ”liberal” demokratiteori på den ene siden og en ”kommunitær” eller fellesskap demokratiteori på den annen side. Hva er det som kjennetegner disse to perspektivene? Sørg i din besvarelse for å antyde bl.a. hva disse perspektivene sier om individet som medborger (”citizen”) og hvilke forventninger de innebærer om den enkeltes rolle i et demokratisk samfunn.




II  (40%)


Answer one (1) of the following questions.



Either:        T.H. Marshall: In an important and influential contribution to the literature on democratic citizenship, T.H. Marshall outlined a perspective regarding the development of citizen rights. Briefly present the main elements in Marshall’s perspective and then some of the most important points in the criticism that has been directed at this perspective.


                 I et meget viktig og innflytelsesrikt bidrag til litteraturen om demokratisk medborgerskap, skisserte T.H. Marshall et perspektiv på utviklingen i medborgerens rettigheter. Redegjør kort for hovedelementene i Marshalls perspektiv, og deretter for noen av de viktigste momentene i kritikken som er rettet mot dette perspektiv.




Or:            Conventional and unconventional participation: In the literature on political participation one frequently finds the concepts of “conventional” and “unconventional” participation. Briefly explain what these terms refer to. In what manner, if any, does that which is called conventional participation differ from unconventional participation? In light of empirical findings, does unconventional participation appear to be a substitute for or a supplement to conventional participation?


                 Litteraturen om medborgernes politiske deltakelse benytter ofte begrepene konvensjonell (“conventional”) og ukonvensjonell (“unconventional”) deltakelse. Gjør kort rede for hva disse begrep refererer til. På hvilke måter, om noen, er det som kalles konvensjonell atferd forskjellig fra det som kalles ukonvensjonell atferd? I følge empiriske funn, synes ukonvensjonell atferd å være en erstatning for eller et supplement til konvensjonelle atferd?


Published July 27, 2015 1:53 PM - Last modified July 27, 2015 1:53 PM