

Skrede, Joar (2017) Kritisk diskursanalyse. Oslo: Cappelen Damm. Kap. 2, 3, 5. (98s)

Tilgjengelig i kompendium som kj?pes hos Kopiutsalget, Akademika

de Beauvoir, Simone (1953) The Second Sex. London: Jonathan Cape. S. 13-28 (“Introduction”). (16s)

Beckman, Ludvig (2005) Grundbok i idéanalys. Stockholm: Santérus forlag. Kap. 4: ?Idékritik: att ta st?llning?. (25s).

Billig, Michael (2003) “Critical discourse analysis and the rhetoric of critique”, s. 35-46 i Gilbert Weiss og Ruth Wodak (red.) Critical Discourse Analysis. Theory and Interdisciplinarity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (12s)

Bolton, Matt og Frederick Harry Pitts (2018) Corbynism: A Critical Approach. Kap. 2: The preconditions of Corbynism: on two-campism” Bingley: Emerald. (34s).

Coates, Ta-Nehisi (2015) Between the World and Me. New York: Spiegel & Grau. Kap. 1. (42s)

Crossman, Richard (1996 [1951]) “Towards a philosophy of socialism”, s. 1-32 i R. Crossman (red.) New Fabian Essays. London: Pickering & Chatto. (32s)

Jay, Martin (1996) The Dialectical Imagination. Berkeley: University of California Press. Kap. 2: “The genesis of critical theory”. (44s)

Kant, Immanuel (1996) “An answer to the question: What is enlightenment?”, s. 11-22 i Mary J. Gregor (red.) The Cambridge Companion to the Works of Immanuel Kant: Practical Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (12s)

Marcuse, Herbert (2002) One-Dimensional Man. Boston: Beacon Press. ?Introduction to the first edition? og kap. 6 (?From Negative to Positive Thinking?). (37s)

Marx, Karl og Friedrich Engels (1968) The German ideology. New York: Prometheus books. S. 41-44 (?The essence of the materialist conception of history? og ?Preconditions of the real liberation of man?) og 67-71 (?the ruling class and the ruling ideas?). (9s)

Palmberg, Mai (2016) “The Nordic colonial mind”, pp. 35-50 i Suvi Keskinen et al. (red.) Complying with Colonialism: Gender, Race and Ethnicity in the Nordic Region. London: Routledge. (16s)

Platon (1968) The Republic. London: Basic Books. Bok VII. (27s)

Porter, Dennis (1983) “Orientalism and its problems”, i Francis Barker et al. (red.) The Politics of Theory. Colchester: University of Essex. Gjengitt i Patrick Williams og Laura Chrisman (red.) Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader. Harlow: Pearson Education. (12s)

Reinertsen, Hilde (2018) ?Aldri nok rapporter? Om evalueringens optikk og bistandens resultater?, s. 60-87 i Kristian Bj?rkdahl (red.) Rapporten. Oslo: Pax. (27s)

Ryymin, Teemu (2017) (red.) Historie og politikk. Historiebruk i norsk politikkutforming etter 1945. ?Innledning. Historie i politikkutformingen?, s. 9-32 (Ryymin) og ?Konklusjon: De politiske historiene?, s. 277-292 (Ryymin). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (39s)

Said, Edward (1978) Orientalism. London: Routledge. Utdrag gjengitt i Patrick Williams og Laura Chrisman (red.) Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader. Harlow: Pearson Education. (18s)

Taylor, Charles (1994) ?The politics of recognition?, del I og II, s. 25-43 i Amy Gutman (red.) Multiculturalism. Princeton: Princeton University Press. (19s)

Taylor, Charles (1975) Hegel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kap. 14: “Ethical substance”. (24s)

Tvedt, Terje (2017) Det internasjonale gjennombruddet. Oslo: Dreyers forlag. Kap. 7: ?Det internasjonale gjennombruddets elite?. (36s)

?sterberg, Dag (2016) Fra Marx’ til nyere kapitalkritikk. Oslo: Pax. S. 54-70, 80-86, 176-179 (Sluttord). (26s)

Nedlastbare tidsskriftsartikler og bokkapitler 

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Chandra, Uday (2013) “The case for a postcolonial approach to the study of politics”, New Political Science 35, 3: 479-491. (13s)

Fraser, Nancy (1995) “From redistribution to recognition? Dilemmas of justice in a ‘post-socialist’ age,” New Left Review (July/August): 68-93 (26s)

Habermas, Jürgen (1968) Knowledge and Human Interests. Boston: Beacon Press. S. 308-315 (seksjon V og VI). (7s)

Holst, Cathrine (2019) “?Hva er en god NOU??, Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 4. (10s)

Hvidsten, Andreas H. (2017) “To utfordringer til venstresiden i populismens tidsalder”, R?yst 6. (6s) URL:

Hvidsten, Andreas og ?ivind Bratberg (2018) Hva er statsvitenskap. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Kap. 6: ?Hva kan (og b?r) statsvitenskapen v?re?? (14s)

Isaac, Jeffrey C. (2015) “For a more public political science”, Perspectives on Politics 13, 2: 269-83. (15s)

Kjelstadli, Knut (2016) “Arbeiderbevegelsen og de intellektuelle”, Vard?ger 36: 166-182. (17s)

Krick, Eva m.fl. (2019) ?Between scientization and a participatory turn: tracing shifts in the governance of policy advice?, Science and Public Policy. (13s)

Laird, Heather (2015) “European postcolonial studies and Ireland: Towards a conversation among the colonized of Europe”, Postcolonial Studies 18, 4: 384-396. (15s)

Marcuse, Herbert (2002) One-Dimensional Man. Boston: Beacon Press. ?Introduction to the first edition? og kap. 6: ?From Negative to Positive Thinking?. (37s)

Marx, Karl og Friedrich Engels (1968) The German ideology. New York: Prometheus Books. S. 41-44 (?The essence of the materialist conception of history? og ?Preconditions of the real liberation of man?) og 67-71 (?The ruling class and the ruling ideas?). (9s)

PRIO (2018) “Decolonizing the academy. An overview of the Norwegian debate”. URL:

Seip, Jens Arup (1963) Fra embedsmannsstat til ettpartistat og andre essays. Kap. 1: “Fra embedsmannsstat til ettpartistat”. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1980. (36s) URL:

Skjervheim, Hans (1996) Deltakar og tilskodar og andre essays. S. 71-87: ?Deltakar og tilskodar?. Oslo: Aschehoug. (16s). URL:

T?rnquist, Olle (2019a) ?Indian Experiments in Social Democracy: The case of Kerala”. (19s)

T?rnquist, Olle (2019b) “How long is now? Of Indonesian reformasi and its belated reclaiming of the Cold War history”, Kyoto Review. (6s)

T?rnquist, Olle (2019c) “Many votes, little voice: Indonesia’s 2019 presidential and parliamentary elections”, Pacific Affairs 92, 3: 459-474. (16s)

T?rnquist, Olle (2019d) “Chantal Mouffe might be wrong: Indonesian insights on populist-reformism”. (10s)

T?rnquist, Olle (2018) ?Problems and options of renewing social democracy?, Poverty Brief 46. Bergen: CROP. (4s)

T?rnquist, Olle (2015) ?Demokratisering i de globala syd?, s. 350-377 i Raino Malnes og Dag Einar Thorsen (red.) Demokrati. Historien og ideene. Oslo: Dreyers forlag. (18s)

T?rnquist, Olle (2011) ?Statsvetenskapen og det globale Syd – kommentarer til G?ran Hydéns minnen?, Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift 113, 3: 375-378. (4s)

Vaara, Eero (2014) “Struggles over legitimacy in the Eurozone crisis: discursive legitimation strategies and their ideological underpinnings”, Discourse and Society 25, 4: 500-518. (19s)


Totalt pensum: 940 s.

Anbefalt lesning/videre fordypning

Habermas, Jürgen (1969) Vitenskap som ideologi. Oslo: Gyldendal. URL:

Hegel, Georg W. F. (2001) The Philosophy of History. Ontario: Batoche. Tilgjengelig i Fronter.

Kalleberg, Ragnvald (2014) “Kritisk samfunnsvitenskap – den gang og n?”. Innleggene fra et dagsseminar ved Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet, UiO ved fakultetets 50-?rs jubileum. Oslo: SV-fakultetet. URL:

Marcuse, Herbert (1941) “The rise of social theory”, s. 251-312 i Reason and Revolution. London: Routledge. Tilgjengelig i Fronter.

Peterson, Spike V. (2004) “Feminist theories within, invisible to, and beyond IR”, The Brown Journal of World Affairs 10, 2: 35-46. (11s)

Platon (1946) Staten, del 2. Oslo: Dreyer. URL:

Skjervheim, Hans (1964) “Sosiologien som vitskap: positiv eller kritisk disiplin?”, s. 121-36 i Vitskapen om mennesket og den filosofiske refleksjon. Oslo: Tanum. URL:

Skjervheim, Hans (1973) Ideologianalyse, dialektikk, sosiologi: Om den indre samanhangen mellom samfunnsvitskap, historie og filosofi. Oslo: Pax. Kap. 11-15 (61s) URL:

Taylor, Charles (1985) Philosophy and the human sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Winch, Peter (1958) The Idea of Social Science. London: Routledge.

Publisert 20. nov. 2019 13:31 - Sist endra 20. nov. 2019 13:31