
Cappelen C. (In progress a), Responsibility and Unemployment Benefit Differentiation, (Will be available on Fronter) (25 p)

Cappelen C. (In progress b), Dworkin, Option Luck, and Social Insurance (Will be available on Fronter) (25 p)

Carens J. (1986), “Rights and Duties in an Egalitarian Society” Political Theory Vol. 14, 31-49 Link (18 p)

Casal P. (2007), ‘Why Sufficiency Is Not Enough’, Ethics Vol. 117, 296–326 Link (30 p)

Casal P (Forthcoming) “Mill, Cohen, Rawls and the Egalitarian Trilemma”

Cohen G. A. (1989), “On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice” Ethics, Vol. 99, 906-944 Link (38 p)

Cohen J. (1989): "Deliberation and Democratic Legitimacy," in Alan Hamlin and Phillip Petit, eds., The Good Polity, Blackwell (17-34) K (18 p)

Cohen G. A. (2004), “Expensive Taste Rides Again” in Burley J (ed) Dworkin and his Critics (Oxford), 3-29 (Kompendium) (26 p)

Cohen G. A. (2008) Rescuing Justice and Equality Mass. Harvard University Press, Chapter 5 181-125 (Kompendium) (44 p)

Cohen G. A. (2011), “How to do political philosophy”, in Otsuka M (ed) On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice 225-235 (Kompendium) (11 p)

Daniels D. (1979), "Wide Reflective Equilibrium and Theory Acceptance in Ethics", Journal of Philosophy 76:5, 256-282 Link (26 p)

Dworkin R. (1981a), “What is Equality? Part 1: Equality of Welfare” Philosophy & Public Affairs Vol. 10, No. 3, 185-246 Link (61 p)

Dworkin R. (1981b), “What is Equality? Part 2: Equality of Resources”, Philosophy & Public Affairs Vol. 10, No. 4 , pp. 283-345 Link (62 p)

Dworkin R. (2000) Sovereign Virtue (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press), Chapter 7 and 9: 285-306, 320-350) (Kompendium) (51 p)

Dworkin R. (2004) “Ronald Dworkin Replies to Critqics” in Burley J. (ed) Dworkin and his Critics (Oxford) p 339-350 (Kompendium) (11 p)

Elster J. (1986) “The Market and the Forum: Three Varieties of Political Theory” in Contemporary Political Philosophy – An Anthology (Blackwell) 128-155 (Kompendium) (27 p)

Huseby “Sufficiency – Restated and Defended”, The Journal of Political Philosophy, 18 (2) (2010): 178-197 (19) Link

Mill, John Stuart (1982). On Liberty. Hacket Publishing Company Classics series Link (100 p)

Moon, D. (1983) "Review of Equality, Moral Incentives, and the Market", by Joseph Carens. Ethics 95 (1983), 146-150 Link (5 p)

Nozick R. (1974), Anarchy, State, and Utopia (Oxford: Blackwell) ix-xiv, 149-182, 297-334 (Kompendium) (80 p)

Otterholt T. (2010): "The Taste Approach. Governance beyond Libertarian Paternalism". Revue de Philosophie Economique. Vol. 11 No 1: 57-80. (23 p.) Link

Parfit D. (1997): "Equality or priority", Ratio Volume 10, Issue 3, (202-221) Link (19 p)

Richardson H. (2000) "The Stupidity of the Cost-Benefit Standard." Cost-Benefit Analysis: Legal, Economic, and Philosophical Perspectives, 971-1003 Link (33 p)

Salvat C (2008) “Is libertarian paternalism an oxymoron? A comment on Sunstein and Thaler”. (1-18) Link.

Sandberg et al (forthcoming): “Ethics and intuitions: A reply to Singer” Journal of Ethics Link (19)

Singer P. (2005) “Ethics and intuitions” The Journal of Ethics Vol 9 No 3-4, 331-352, Link (21 p)

Sunstein C. R. (1991) “Preferences and politics”Philosophy & Public Affairs Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 3-34 Link (31 p)

Sunstein C. R. and Thaler R. H. (2003), ‘Libertarian Paternalism Is Not an Oxymoron’, The University of Chicago Law Review, Vol. 70, No. 4, 1159-1202. Link (43 p)

Thaler, R. H., and Sunstein C. R. (2003) “Libertarian Paternalism” Economic American Review Vol. 93, No 2: 175-179 Link (4 p)

Recommended reading

Cohen G. A. (2009) Why Not Socialism? (Princeton), (83 p)

Fuchs A. (2001) “Autonomy, Slavery and Mill’s Critique of Paternalism”, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice Vol. 4, 231-251 Link (20 p)

Kymlicka W (2002) Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Introduction. Second Edition. Oxford University Press (Chapter 1, 2, 3 and 4 are particularly relevant) (465 p)

Lippert-Rasmussen, K. (2001). "Equality, Option Luck, and Responsibility". Ethics 111 (3): 548-579 (31 p)

Sen A. (1979) “Equality of What” in Goodin et al Contemporary Political Philosohy – An Antology (Blackwell) 476-486) (Kompendium) (10 p) Link

Swift A. (2001) Political Philosophy: A Beginners’ guide for Students and Politicians (Polity) (185 p)

Arneson R. (2002) Egalitarianism Link

Publisert 5. apr. 2011 10:29 - Sist endret 22. sep. 2011 16:33