Syllabus/achievement requirements

Books and compendiums can be bought in Akademika bookstore at Blindern campus. You will need a valid semester card to buy compendiums.


Bennett, Andrew and Checkel, Jeffrey T. (eds.) "Process Tracing. From Metaphor to Analytic Tool", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Paperback - ISBN-13: 9781107686373. Chs. 1, 2, 4, 9. (119pp)

Guzzini, Stefano (ed.) "The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crises", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Paperback - ISBN-13: 9781107676503. Chs. 1, 2, 3, 11. (94pp)

Jackson, Patrick T. "The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations: Philosophy of Science and Its Implications for the Study of World Politics", 2nd Edition, London: Routledge. Paperback - ISBN-13: 978-1138842670 (1. edition (2010) is also ok). Chs. 1-7. (194pp)

Online articles

Bhaskar, Roy (2009) Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation. London: Routledge. Ch. 3: The positivist illusion: sketch of a philosophical ideology at work (59 pp.)

Fairclough, Norman (2003) Analysing Discourse. Textual Analysis for Social Research. London: Routledge. Ch. 1: Introduction (18p) 2: Texts, social events and social practices (18p) 7: Discourses (11p) 8 Representation of social events (22p) (69pp)

Guzzini, Stefano (ed.) (2013) The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crises. Cambridge: CUP. Ch. 1 Which puzzle? An expected return of geopolitical thought in Europe? (9p) 2: Which geopolitics? (24p) 3: The framework for analysis (29p) 11: Social mechanisms as micro-dynamics in constructivist analysis (26p) (94pp)

Hay, Colin (2011) ‘The new hermeneutics of public administration’, Public Administration 89(1): 167-82. (16pp)

Isaac, Jeffrey C. (2015) “For a more public political science”, Perspectives on Politics 13(2): 269-83. (15pp)

J?rgensen, Marianne Winther & Louise Phillips (2002) Discourse Analysis as Theory and Method. London: Sage. Ch. 2 Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory (26p) 5: Across the approaches (37p) (63pp)

Kelle, Udo (2001) ‘Sociological explanations between micro and macro and the integration of qualitative and quantitative methods’, Historical Social Research 30(1): 95-117. (22pp)

Maynard, Jonathan Leader (2013) ‘A map of the field of ideological analysis’, Journal of Political Ideologies 18(3): 299-327. (29pp)

Moravcsik, Andrew (1999) ‘Is something rotten in the state of Denmark? Constructivism and European integration’, Journal of European Public Policy 6, 4: 669-81. (13pp)

Moravcsik, Andrew (2014) ‘Trust, but verify: the transparency revolution and qualitative international relations’, Security Studies 23: 663-88. (26pp)

Neumann, Iver B. (2005) “To be a diplomat”, International Studies Perspectives 6(1): 72-93. (22pp)

Panizza, Francisco & Romina Miorelli (2013) ‘Taking discourse seriously: discursive institutionalism and post-structuralist discourse theory’, Political Studies 61: 301-18. (18pp)

Rhodes, R.A.W. (2014) “Genre blurring in Public administration”, Australian Journal of Public Administration 73(4): 317-30. (14pp)

Schmidt, Vivien (2013) ‘Speaking to the markets or to the people? A discursive institutionalist analysis of the EU's sovereign debt crisis’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations 16(1): 188-209. (22pp)

Walsh, Katherine C. (2009): “Scholars as citizens: studying public opinion through ethnography”, ch. 7 in Edward Schatz (ed.) (2009) Political Ethnography. What Immersion Contributes to the Study of Power. Chicago: Chicago University Press. (17pp)

Wedeen, Lisa (2010) “Reflections on ethnographic fieldwork in political science”, Annual Review of Political Science 13: 255-72. (18pp)

Total: 830 pages

Online articles:

Published Nov. 23, 2016 9:34 PM - Last modified Mar. 31, 2017 1:04 PM