Bratberg, ?ivind (2014) Tekstanalyse for samfunnsvitere. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kap. 1, 3, 7. (58s)
Dunn, Kevin C. & Iver B. Neumann (2016) Undertaking Discourse Analysis for Social Research. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Kap. 1-6. (130s)
Jackson, Patrick T. (2016) The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations. London: Routledge. 2. utgave. Kap. 1 ,2, 7. (86s)
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APSA (2004): Qualitative Methods - Symposium: discourse and content analysis, Qualitative Methods 2, 1: 15-40. (26s)
Augoustinos, Martha, Amanda Lecouteur & John Soyland (2002) “Self-sufficient arguments in political rhetoric: constructing reconciliation and apologizing to the stolen generations”, Discourse & Society 13, 1: 105-42. (38s)
Austin, John L. (2014) “Performing speech”, s. 54-59 i Johannes Angermuller, Dominique Maingueneau & Ruth Wodak (red.) The Discourse Studies Reader. Main Currents in Theory and Analysis. Amsterdam/Philadephia: John Benjamins Publishing. (6s)
Banta, Benjamin (2013) “Analyzing discourse as a causal mechanism”, European Journal of International Relations 19, 2: 379-402. (24s)
Berge, Kjell Lars (2014) “Hva er politisk retorikk?” Rhetorica Scandinavica 66/67: 11-34. (24s)
Carstensen, Martin B. (2011) “Ideas are not as stable as political scientists would want them to be: a theory of incremental ideational change”, Political Studies 59: 596-615. (20s)
Finlayson, Alan (2007) “From beliefs to arguments: interpretive methodology and rhetorical political analysis”, British Journal of Politics and International Relations 9, 4: 545-63. (19s)
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Gaskarth, Jamie (2006) “Discourses and ethics: the social construction of British foreign policy”, Foreign Policy Analysis 2: 325-41. (17s)
Hansen, Lene (2006) Security as Practice: Discourse Analysis and the Bosnian War. London: Routledge. Kap. 4-5. (42s)
Krebbs, Ronald R. & Patrick T. Jackson (2007) “Twisting tongues and twisting arms: the power of political rhetoric”, European Journal of International Relations 13, 1: 35-66. (32s)
Krogstad, Anne (2014) “Kunsten ? gj?re ingenting, men v?re alt”, Rhetorica Scandinavica 66/67: 35–56. (22s)
Lakoff, George (2004) Don’t Think of an Elephant! Know Your Values and Frame the Debate. Chelsea Green Publishing. Kap. 1. (32s)
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Mehta, Jal (2011) “The varied role of ideas in politics: from ‘whether’ to ‘how’”, s. 23-46 i Daniel Beland & Robert Henry Cox (red.) Ideas and Politics in Social Science Research, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (24s)
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Payne, R.A. (2001) “Persuasion, frames and norm construction”, European Journal of International Relations 7, 1: 37-61. (25s)
Rauh, Christian (2015) “Communicating supranational governance? The salience of EU affairs in the German Bundestag, 1991-2013”, European Union Politics 16, 116-38. (23s)
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Saussure, Ferdinand de (2014) “The value of the sign”, s. 21-27 i Johannes Angermuller, Dominique Maingueneau & Ruth Wodak (red.) The Discourse Studies Reader. Main Currents in Theory and Analysis. Amsterdam/Philadephia: John Benjamins Publishing. (7s)
Searle, John R. (1991) “What is a speech act”, s. 254-64 i Steven Davis (red.) Pragmatics: A Reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (11s)
Szulecka, Julia & Kacper Szulecki (2013) “Analysing the Rospuda River controversy in Poland: rhetoric, environmental activism, and the influence of the European Union”, East European Politics 29, 4: 397–419. (23s)
Toulmin, Stephen E. (2003) The Uses of Argument. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kap. 3. (48s)
Volkens, Andrea, Judith Bara & Ian Budge (2009) “Data quality in content analysis. The case of the comparative manifestos project”, Historical Social Research 34, 1: 234-51. (18s)
Wittgenstein, Ludwig (2014) “Communication as a language game”, s. 48-53 i Johannes Angermuller, Dominique Maingueneau and Ruth Wodak (red.) The Discourse Studies Reader. Main Currents in Theory and Analysis. Amsterdam/Philadephia: John Benjamins Publishing. (6s)
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