

Hellevik, Ottar (2002): 澳门葡京手机版app下载smetode i sosiologi og statsvitenskap. Oslo: Universitets-forlaget. Alt unntatt s. 157-169, 308-341, 411-416

Vitenskapsteori, 292 s

Hernes, Gudmund (1977): “Modellenes maskerade.” Historisk tidsskrift 1, 80-90. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Fronter 11 s

Malnes, Raino (2008): Meningen med samfunnsvitenskap. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. Kap. 1 og 3-7. 133 s

Rokkan, Stein (1975): “Sentrum og periferi, ?konomi og kultur: modeller og data i kliometrisk sosiologi”, 澳门葡京手机版app下载 i historisk metode, 129-155. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 27 s

Rorty, Richard (1999): Philosophy and Social Hope. London: Penguin. Kap. 2 og 3. K 70 s

Seip, Jens Arup (1976): “Studiet av makt.” Historisk tidsskrift 4, 405-432. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 28 s

Seip, Jens Arup (1975): “Modellenes tyranni. Periferi og sentrum i historien”. 澳门葡京手机版app下载 i Historisk metode, 101-123. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 23 s

澳门葡京手机版app下载smetodiske prinsipper, 322 s

Adcock, Robert & Collier, David (2001): “Measurement Validity: A Shared Standard for Qualitative and Quantitative Research”, American Political Science Review 95: 529-546. 18 s Lenke

Bryman, Allan (2004): Social Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kap. 3, 13 og 19. K 70 s

Christensen, Larry B., R.Burke Johnson and Lisa A. Turner (2011): Research Methods, Design, and Analysis. Boston:Pearson,. Kap. 8 og 10. K 55 s

Gerring, John (2005): “Causation: A Unified Framework for the Social Sciences”, Journal of Theoretical Politics 17 (2): 163-198. 36 s Lenke

King, Gary, Keohane, Robert O. & Verba, Sidney (1994): Designing Social Inquiry. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Kap. 1 og 4. 66 s

Lund, Thorleif (red.) (2002): Innf?ring i forskningsmetodologi. Oslo: Unipub. Kap. 3. K 46 s

Manheim, Jarol B. m. fl. (2006): Empirical Political Analysis. New York: Pearson Longman. Kap. 1 og 2. K 31 s

Sannsynlighetsfordelinger, 95 s

Skog, Ole-J?rgen (2004): ? forklare sosiale fenomener: En regresjonsbasert tiln?rming. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal. Kap. 5-7 95 s

Multippel regresjonsanalyse, 407 s

Teori, 381 s

Fox, John (1991): Regression diagnostics. Quantitative applications in the social sciences 79. London: Notam Sage. s. 3-66, 75-78. K 85 s

Friedrich R (1982): “In Defense of Multiplicative Terms in Multiple Regression Equations”. American Journal of Political Science, 26: 797-809 og 821-827. Kopisamling 20 s Lenke

Hellevik, Ottar (1988): Introduction to Causal Analysis. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Kap. 2-6.1 og 8.5 70 s

Skog, Ole-J?rgen (2004): ? forklare sosiale fenomener: En regresjonsbasert tiln?rming. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal. Kap. 5-11.7 206 s

Anvendelse, 26 s

Arzheimer, Kai and Elisabeth Carter (2009): “Christian Religiosity and Voting for West European Radical Right Parties”, West European Politics 32 (5): 985-1011. 29 s Lenke

Casestudier, 308 s

Teori, 214 s

George, Alexander L. & Andrew Bennett (2005): Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Kap. 2-6 og 11. 88 s

Gerring, John (2007): Case Study Research. Principles and Practices. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kap. 1-4 og 7 94 s

Rueschemeyer, Dietrich (2003): “Can One of a Few Cases Yield Theoretical Gains?”, kap. 9 i Mahoney, James and Dietrich Rueschemeyer (red): Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. K 32 s

Anvendelse, 68 s

Checkel, Jeffrey T (2008): “It’s the Process Stupid! Tracing Causal Mechanisms in European and International Politics”, kap. i Audie Klotz (red.): Qualitative Methods in International Relations: A Pluralist Guide. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. K(IP) 22 s

Copsey, Nathaniel & Karolina Pomorska (2010): “Poland's power and influence in the European Union: the case of its eastern policy”, Comparative European Politics 8, 3: 304-326. (IP) 23 s Lenke

Williams, Michelle Hale (2009): “Kirchheimer's French twist: a model of the catch-all thesis applied to the French case”, Party Politics 15, 5: 592-614. (IP) 23 s Lenke

Logistisk regresjon

Teori: Binomisk logistisk regresjon, s 90

Hellevik, Ottar (2009): ‘Linear versus logistic regression when the dependent variable is a dichotomy,’ Quality & Quantity 43 (1): 59-74. 16 s Lenke

Skog, Ole-J?rgen (2004): ? forklare sosiale fenomener: En regresjonsbasert tiln?rming. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal. Kap. 13-15 74 s

Anvendelse: Binomisk logistisk regresjon 32 s

Hobolt, Sara Binzer (2007): ‘Taking Cues on Europe? Voter competence and party endorsements in referendums on European integration’, European Journal of Political Research 46:151-182. 32 s Lenke

Teori: Multinomisk og rangert logistisk regresjon

Hegre, H?vard (2011): Introduksjon til analyse av kategoriske data. Anvendelse: Multinomisk logistisk regresjon, 24 s

S?derlund, Peter (2008): ‘Retrospective Voting and Electoral Volatility: A Nordic Perspective’. Scandinavian Political Studies 31(2): 217-240. 24 s Lenke

Anvendelse: Rangert logistisk regresjon, 27 s

Carey, Sean (2002): ‘Undivided Loyalties: Is National Identity an Obstacle to European Integration?’ European Union Politics 3(4): 387-413. 27 s Lenke

Dokumentbaserte unders?kelser, 319 s

Teori, 205 s

Bergstr?m, G?ran & Boreus, Kristina (2005): Textens mening och makt, Lund: Studentlitteratur. Kap. 4 og 8. K 89 s

Kjeldstali, Knut (1999): Fortida er ikke hva den en gang var. En innf?ring i historiefaget. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Kap 12. 13 s

Krippendorf, Klaus (2004): Content Analysis. An Introduction to Its Methodology. Second Edition. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Kap. 2, 4, 5 og 7. K 81 s

McCulloch, Garry (2004): Documentary Research in Education, History and The Social Sciences. London, RoutledgeFarmer. Kap. 3. 22 s

Anvendelse, 114 s

Boreus, Kristina (2006): “Discursive Discrimination of ‘Immigrants’ in Sweden”, kap. i Linde, Claes mfl. (red.): State of Welfare. Politics, Policies and Parties in (Post-) Welfare Society. Stockholm: Department of Political Science, Stockholm University. K(OPA) 33 s

Boreus, Kristina (1991): “Nyliberalisme i massmedierna. En unders?kning av de nyliberalea ideernas gennombrott i dagstidnings- och TV-debatt”, Statsvetenskapelig Tidsskrift 221-235. (PT) 15 s

Budge, Ian (2001): “Validating Party Policy Placement”, British Journal of Political Science 31: 210-223. (KP) 14 s Lenke

Dreyzek, John S. & Jefferey Berejikian (1993): “Reconstructive Democratic Theory”, American Political Science Review 87: 48-60. (PT) 13 s Lenke

Fairclough, Norman (2005): “Blair’s contribution to elaborating a new ‘doctrine of inter?national community’ ”, Journal of Language and Politics 4 (1): 41-63. (IP) 23 s

Laver, Michael & John Garry (2000): “Estimating Policy Positions from Political Texts”, American Journal of Political Science 44: 619-634. (KP) 16 s Lenke

Faktoranalyse, 85 s

Teori, 59 s

Hair, Joseph F., Anderson, Rolph E., Tatnam, Ronald L. & Black, William C. (1998): _Multivariate Data Analysis-. London: Prentice-Hall International, Inc. s. 87-138 K 52 s

Jarvis, Cheryl, Scott B. Mackenzie & Philip M. Podsakoff (2003): “A critical review of construct indicators and measurement model specification in marketing and consumer research”, Journal of Consumer Research 30, 199-205, til ‘Review of the marketing literature’. Kopisamling 7 s Lenke

Anvendelse, 26 s

Craig, Stephen C., Richard G. Niemi & Glenn E. Silver (1990): ‘Political Efficacy and Trust: A Report on the NEW Pilot Study Items’, Political Behavior 12 (3): 289-314. 26 s Lenke

Intervjubaserte unders?kelser, 226 s

Teori, 153 s

Aberbach, Joel D. & Bert A. Rockman (2002): “Conducting and Coding Elite Interviews”, PS: Political Science and Politics 35: 4, 673-676. 4 s Lenke

Andersen, Svein S. (2006): “Aktiv informantintervjuing”, Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 22: 278-298. Kopisamling 21 s Lenke

Berry, Jeffrey M. (2002): “Validity and Reliability Issues in Elite Interviewing”, PS: Political Science and Politics 35: 4, 679-682. 4 s Lenke

Bryman, Allan (2004): Social Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kap. 5 og 15. K 50 s

Goldstein, Kenneth (2002): “Getting in the Door: Sampling and Completing Elite Interviews”, PS: Political Science and Politics 35: 4, 669-672. 4 s Lenke

Leech, Beth L. (2002): “Asking Questions: Techniques for Semistructured Interviews”, PS: Political Science and Politics 35: 4, 665-668. 4 s Lenke

Strauss, Anselm and Juliet Corbin (1998): Basics of Qualitative Research. London: Sage. Kap. 8-10. 60 s K

Tansey, Oisin (2007): “Process Tracing and Elite Interviewing: A Case for Non-probability Sampling”, PS: Political Science and Politics 40: 4, 765- 772. 8 s Lenke

Woliver, Laura R. (2002): “Ethical Dilemmas in Personal Interviewing”, PS: Political Science and Politics 35: 4, 677-678. 2 s Lenke

Anvendelse,73 s

Bhal, Kanika T. & Nivedita D. Leekha (2008): “Exploring Cognitive Moral Logics Using Grounded Theory: The Case of Software Piracy”, Journal of Business Ethics 81 (3) (Uspes.) 12 s Lenke

Krysinski, Patricia R. (1990): “Educational Administrative Inservice Education: An Outline of a Grounded Theory”, Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education 3 (3): 239-260. (OPA) 22 s Lenke

Rivera, Sharon W. mfl. (2002): “Interviewing Political Elites: Lessons from Russia”, PS: Political Science and Politics 35 (4): 683-688. (OPA) 6 s Lenke

Skarpenes, Ove (2007): “Den ‘legitime kulturens’ moralske forankring”, Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 48 (4): 531-563. Fronter (Uspes.) 33 s

Flerniv?analyse, 95 s

Teori, 79 s

Bickel, Robert (2007): Multilevel analysis for applied research. It is just regression! New York: Guilford Press. Kap. 4-5. 79 s K

Anvendelse, 16 s

Koster, Ferry og Jeroen Bruggeman (2008): ’The Institutional Embeddedness of Social Capital: A Multi-Level Investigation Across 24 European Countries’, Policy and Politics 36 (3): 397-412. 16 s Lenke

Surveyunders?kelser, 232 s

Teori, 154 s

Harkness, Janet A., Fons J.R., Van de Vijver & Peter Ph. Mohler (red.) (2003): Cross-Cultural Survey Methods. Hoboken, N.Y.: John Wily & Sons. Kap. 2-3, 8-11 og 14. Kopisamling 123 s

Kittelson, Maki Caul (2007): “Research Resources in Comparative Political Behaviour”, kap. 47 i Russel J. Dalton & Hans-Dieter Klingemann (red.): The Oxford Handbook of Political Behaviour. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 31 s K

Anvendelse, 78 s

Anderson, Christopher J. & Christine A. Guillory (1997): “Political Institutions and Satisfaction with Democracy: A Cross-National Analysis of Consensus and Majoritarian Systems”, American Political Science Review 91: 66-81. (KP) 16 s Lenke

Flanagan, Scott C. & Aie-Rie Lee (2003): “The New Politics, Culture Wars, and The Authoritarian-Libertarian Value Change in Advanced Industrial Democracies”, Comparative Political Studies 36: 235-270. (KP) 36 s Lenke

Reeskens, Tim & Marc Hooghe (2008): “Cross-cultural measurement equivalence of generalized trust. Evidence from the European Social Survey (2002 and 2004).” Social Indicators Research 85:515-532. (KP) 26 s Lenke

Komparative unders?kelser, 320 s

Teori, 235 s

Ancar, Carsetn (2008): “On the Application of the Most Similar System design and the Most Different System design in Comparative research”, International Journal of Social Research Methodology 11 (5): 389-401. 13 s Lenke

Frendreis, John P. (1983): “Explanation of Variation and Detection of Covariation: The Pur?pose and Logic of Comparative Analysis”, Comparative Political Studies 16: 255-272. 18 s Lenke

Lijphart, Arend (1975): “The Comparable-Cases Strategy in Comparative Research”, Comparative Political Studies 8 (2): 158-177. Kopisamling 20 s Lenke

Mahoney, James (2003): “Strategies of Causal Assessment in Comparative Historical Analysis”, kap. 10 i James Mahoney og Dietrich Rueschemeyer (red.): Comparative historical analysis on the social sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 36 s K

Mahoney, James & Gary Goertz (2004): “The Possibility Principle: Choosing Negative Cases in Comparative Research”, American Political Science Review 98 (4): 653-669. 17 s Lenke

Ragin, Charles C. (1987): The Comparative method. Moving Beyound Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies. Berkeley: University of California Press. Kap. 3-7. 101 s

Tarrow, Sidney (2010) “The Strategy of Paired Comparison: Towards a Theory of Practice", Comparative Political Studies 43 (2): 230-259. 30 s Lenke

Anvendelse, 121 s

Chan, Steve (2003): “Explaining War Termination: A Boolean Analysis of Causes?”, Journal of Peace Research 40 (1): 49-66. (IP) 18 s Lenke

Delhey, Jan & Kenneth Newton (2005): “Predicting Cross-National Levels of Social Trust: Global Patterns or Nordic Exceptionalism?”, European Sociological Review 21 (4): 311-327. (KP) 17 s Lenke

Howard, Marc M. (2002): “The weakness of Post-Communist in Civil Society”, Journal of Democracy 13: 157-169. (KP) 13 s Lenke

Kangas, Olli (1994): “The politics of social security: on regressions, qualitative comparisons, and cluster analysis” kap. 14 i Thomas Janoski & Alexander M Hicks (red.): The Comparative Political Economy of the Welfare State. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (OPA) 19 s K

Posner, Daniel (2004): “The Political Salience of Cultural Differences: Why Chewas and Tumbukas are Allies in Zambia and Adversaries in Malawi”, American Political Science Review 98 (4): 529-546. (KP) 18 s Lenke

Skocpol, Theda (1976): “France, Russia, China: A Structural Analysis of Social Revolutions”, Comparative Studies in Society and History 18 (2): 175-210. (KP) 36 s Lenke

Tidsserieanalyse, 44 s

Teori, 31 s

Pennings, Paul, Hans Keman og Jan Kleinnijenhuis (2006): “Time series analysis: The autocorre-lation problem”, kap 6.7.5 i Doing Research in Political Science. London: Sage. 8 s

Skog, Ole-J?rgen (2004): ? forklare sosiale fenomener: En regresjonsbasert tiln?rming. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal. Kap. 12. 25 s

Anvendelse, 13 s

Anderton, Charles H. & John R. Carter (2001): “The Impact of War on Trade: An Interrupted Times-Series Study”, Journal of Peace Research 38 (4): 445-457. 13 s Lenke

Panelanalyse, 86 s

Teori, 40 s

Stock, James H. og Mark W. Watson (2007): “Regression with panel data”, kap. 10 i Introduction to econometrics, Boston: Pearson/Addison-Wesley. 34 s

Pennings, Paul, Hans Keman og Jan Kleinnijenhuis (2006): “Pooled time series analysis: Autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity”, kap 6.7.6 i Doing Research in Political Science. London: Sage. 6 s

Anvendelse, 46 s

Green, Donald P.: Soo Yeon H. Kim and David Yoon (2001): ‘Dirty Pool’, International Organization 55 (2): 441-468. 28 s Lenke

Martin, Cathie Jo & Duane Swank (2008): ‘The Political Origins of Coordinated Capitalism: Business Organizations, Party Systems, and State Structure in the Age of Innocence’, American Political Science Review 102 (2): 181–198. 18 s Lenke

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Christophersen, Knut-Andreas (2009): Databehandling og statistisk analyse med SPSS. Oslo: Unipub Prosjektplanlegging

Furseth, Inger & Everett, Euris Lawrence (2004): Masteroppgaven: Hvordan begynne – og fullf?re. Oslo: Tano. Vitenskapelig forfatterskap

Ringdal, Kristen (2001). Enhet og mangfold: Samfunnsvitenskapelig forskning og kvantitativ metode. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Kap. 20.

“Retningslinjer for masteroppgaven".

Publisert 5. apr. 2011 10:29 - Sist endret 23. aug. 2011 15:30